
ARC Review: Rules of Seduction by Joya Ryan

The Serve Series continues with Joya Ryan taking over where Tessa Bailey and Katee Robert left off. Rules of Seduction is the seventh Serve novel, but each can be read as standalone. I knew I wanted to read this one, but I was a little anxious since Joya had some seriously big shoes to fill with Tessa and Katee having written such great stories to begin the series with. That being said, Joya Ryan did a really great job with Nolan and Ava's story and I really enjoyed this book. 

After having her ex control her every move and decision, Ava is looking to take things into her own hands for once. Though she wants a man that will take control in the bedroom, she refuses to let anyone control her life or own her. Seeking to keep things strictly sexual, she turns to Serve, the exclusive BDSM club for her needs. There she meets with Nolan Hart, who will help her find what she is looking for. At first Nolan can't believe that his newest client's wishes could really be as open as they are, or that they would align so perfectly with his own desires. But the more he talks to her, the harder it is to deny that they are a match sexually. Since Ava is looking for complete anonymity, he figures the blindfold he plans to use on her will keep his secret. He will be the one to fulfill her needs, and she will never have to know it was him all along. But the more time these two begin to spend together outside of Serve, the more Ava and Nolan begin to fall for one another. What happens when Ava starts to catch on that her mystery man and Nolan might be one and the same? 

I really liked Nolan and Ava. These two were super hot together, and I loved the friendship they were forming. They were able to be open and honest, and it was great to see them talking about their desires with one another. Not only were they super sexy, but you could really see that they were starting to click with one another beyond just the physical. Nolan always knew what Ava needed, and he was able to provide that for her without judgement. He might have been alpha and assertive in the bedroom, but he was also thoughtful and kind and really took care of Ava. Ava needed to see that not all men would try and control every aspect of a woman's life, and Nolan could not have been more perfect for her. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this sexy story. Nolan and Ava were great, and I loved how they were with one another in and out of the bedroom. This book was a quick read, and I couldn't put it down as I had to know how things would go for these two. I highly recommend this new addition to the Serve series, and if you haven't read the others those are great as well. I am looking forward to reading more from Joya Ryan in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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