
ARC Review: Secret by Kindle Alexander

I am a huge fan of Kindle Alexander's, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on Secret! If you are a fan of the M/M genre, Kindle Alexander is a must read. If you haven't read much of the M/M genre, Kindle Alexander is definitely worth giving a shot and I cannot recommend their books enough! Kindle always brings such sweetness and sexiness to their stories, and I can't help but fall in love with each of their characters. Dylan and Tristan were no different, and I really enjoyed their story! 

Dylan Reeves is a man devoted to his family. He would do anything for his wife and three kids, including denying who he truly is in order to take care of them the best way he knows how. Though he loves his family, Dylan has been living with a secret for years. When Dylan goes to sell his social media site Secret, he never expects to feel so drawn to the owner of Wilder-Nation, Tristan Wilder. Tristan is out and doesn't do commitment, and he definitely doesn't mess around with closeted guys. But Tristan finds himself drawn to Dylan and the more time they spend together, the stronger his feelings grow. But can Tristan convince Dylan that he deserves to take a chance on what is building between them, or will the risk be too much for Dylan?

I really liked Dylan and Tristan. I loved them together, and I thought that they were the perfect match for each other. Dylan was a guy who loved his family, but he also wasn't living the life that he truly deserved. I really admired him though for putting his family first, and I loved that he never viewed what he was doing as a sacrifice. Though he was missing a big part of himself and things weren't perfect, he made the best of his situation and was happy with his choices and life. He was afraid to really take a chance on anything with Tristan, and was constantly worrying about what would happen if anyone found out the truth about him. Luckily, Tristan got Dylan to loosen up and live life more. He allowed Dylan to see that he could have more than what he had been accepting, and I was glad that Dylan was able to let himself be happy and see the possibilities between them. The attraction and chemistry was clear between these two from the start, but I really loved the connection they had and seeing that develop.

Overall, this was another fantastic Kindle Alexander story. I really loved Dylan and Tristan, as well as the secondary characters. I will say that this book started off a bit slow for me. I was interested to get into the story, so I kept reading and I am so glad that I did. After a few chapters things really started to pick up, especially once Tristan and Dylan met. That is the only criticism I had, and I loved everything else. Kindle Alexander never disappoints, and I am already anxious for another sweet and sexy story from them! Kindle Alexander has become my go-to author for the M/M genre, and I honestly love each book that I have read by them. Secret was everything I have come to know and love from Kindle, and I would highly recommend this book.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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Sophia Rose said...

I have another of their books on my TBR pile and I'm confident I'll love it. You tempt me to skip and get the new one first. Nice review, Casey!

Marcy Meyer said...

I am also a big fan of Kindle Alexander, and Secret is up next on my TBR list. I enjoyed your review, and I can't wait to read it.

Kindle Alexander said...

Thank you for your fantastic review of Secret! <3 It makes us so happy to hear you liked Tristan and Dylan's story. We'd also like to thank you for hosting us today. Don't forget to sign up for the giveaway. Good luck and have fun playing along. :)

Kindle Alexander said...

Please let us know what you think! <3

Kindle Alexander said...

Thank you! <3

Unknown said...

Nice Blog Hop-- Thanks Kindle Alexander-Loved SECRET

Wendy Stone said...

Great review. Love Secret!

L Gruver said...

LOVE Kindle's books and can't wait to read this one (It's next on my list).

Sanna Solin said...

Thanks for that great review as well as for hosting Kindle & Secret <3 I just love Secret like all things Kindle Alexander!

Sanna Solin said...
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