
Surf, Sand & Books Event with Nina Crespo

Nina Crespo lives in Florida where she indulges in her favorite passions—the beach, kickboxing, a good glass of wine, and dancing with her own real-life hero. Her lifelong addiction to romance began in her teens while on a “borrowing spree” in her older sister’s bedroom where she discovered her first romance novel. Curiosity about people and places, including what’s beyond the stars, fuels her writer’s imagination. Indulge in her sensual contemporary stories and steamy paranormal tales to feed your own addiction for love, romance, and happily ever after. Her Birthday Dare series novellas, TAKE ME IF YOU DARE and NAUGHTY LITTLE WISHES, are available from Entangled Publishing. Her debut romance, fantasy novella, THANE’S REDEMPTION, is available through Kensington Publishing-Lyrical Press.

Visit Nina Crespo online and to join her “Happy One Year Anniversary” celebration in June to mark the release date of her title, TAKE ME IF YOU DARE.

Surf, sand, and books equal one thing for me: Summer fun. As a sun baby, I could come up with a zillion things that make me wild about it. I’ve narrowed it to five.

Sun all day. Or at least that’s what it feels like with the time change. I spend hours on my porch, aka the writing cave. I start the day with a cup of coffee in my hand, my tablet/laptop in front of me, and Smurfy the cat by my side. I add to my work in progress and daydream about new stories and the margaritas I’ll make with the fruit on my lime tree. Time passes slowly. I thrive in the heat. The day is even better if I can convince my hubby to grill up something wonderful for dinner. The sun has to set, but it’s all good. Tomorrow’s another day.

Hat day, all day. A baseball cap for my trek to the gym. The fedora I love because it goes with almost everything. Snoozing at the beach under a sunhat large enough to cast a cool shadow on my face. Nothing beats a fabulous hat.

Special days. Birthdays, long holiday weekends, anniversaries—all are special and worth celebrating, but my all time favorite is Goof-off day. For some, it’s known as a mental health day. You know what I’m talking about. If you don’t take it, road rage, multiple doses of aspirin, and suppressing the urge to stir ink into that annoying person’s coffee is in your future. Personally, it’s the unplanned day where I give myself permission to call in, hit the snooze button more than once, and live in my PJs. No rush. No worries. I find that it’s also the greatest time to binge-watch past TV episodes, re-read every book in my favorite series (or discover a new one), and cuddle up with a glass of something that makes me feel good.

Fierce fashionista day. The day when it all comes together—hair style, a killer outfit, cute shoes, and attitude. I want to embrace the world. I smile wider, and people smile back. One fashionista day, I just couldn’t lose. Everything I wanted was on sale or I was due to receive a member discount. My bills were less than expected. I even won money on a scratch ticket. It was one of my all-time lucky days. But, don’t get me wrong. The day isn’t about vanity or material things, but is a time that reminds me to celebrate my uniqueness, not compete with others, and love myself.

Book day, every day. Books are my shameless addiction. I experienced a giggly-happy dance feeling when I found my sister’s book stash back in the day. That same rush comes over me when I buy and write new books. My escape to a new world. A chance to release cathartic tears. A reason to shout in outrage or disbelief. A moment for a much needed laugh or to smile over the next happily-ever-after. I’ve found those things in a good story. Maybe you have, too.

Well, that’s the end of my favorites list. Hit me back. I’d love to hear about your latest surf, sand, and book escapades, as well as what favorite things will make your summer complete.

Opposites attract. Enemies ignite…

There’s nothing personal stylist Tabitha Drake loves more than pissing off Andrew Bode. He’s uptight, he refuses to agree with her on anything, and she loathes the hideous brown suits and red power ties he wears. The man even hates ice cream. How can her best friend work for a man who hates ice cream? But the absolute worst thing about Drew? He’s sexy as hell, and she’s totally and ridiculously attracted to him.

Military contractor Andrew Bode is convinced he and Tab will never get along. Unfortunately, the infuriating—and sinfully tempting—stylist is his ticket to a major account. The only way to get what he wants is to agree to Tab’s terms: a style makeover. However, Drew has a few terms of his own, most of which involve her naked in his bed. But neither of them is prepared when their lust-fueled hostility turns into something altogether unexpected…

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Check out the Birthday Dare series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $15 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • I’d love to hear about your latest surf, sand, and book escapades, as well as what favorite things will make your summer complete.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Nina Crespo for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jo's Daughter said...

Homemade lemonade, pretty sunglasses and a nice strawhat to have shade in style, make my summer reading days complete :-D

dstoutholcomb said...

I love going to the beach, but we haven't been for a while--too many sports tournaments for the kids.

Give me a glass of iced tea and a book and I'm happy

Marcy Meyer said...

I am a summer baby, so I love everything about summer. Flip-flops, shorts & tanks, swimming pools and laying out, fireworks and reading at the beach.

Anonymous said...

The sun, love the brightnness, ice cold sweet tea, dozens of my fav Author's reads, a hammock to go with books and warm balmy breezes. Love the excerpt and havve to read it.
Carol L
Lucky4750 ( at) all (dot) com

Anne said...

Plenty of sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat, good sandals, lots of ice cold water and a pile of good books.

Sue G. said...

I love the sun! Being in Cleveland, OH we don't see much of that during the winter....and getting a tan. I look better with a slight tan. Plus, it is my time to relax!

erin said...

time off from work!!! LOL... ideally, a shady spot by the pool, my kindle and a cool drink :) thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Just be glad the semester is over, and I don't have to worry about any of that until September. Just read and cheer on the Mets and whomever is playing the Yankees. :)

skyline1210 said...

Three words: Ice-cream. Beach. Laziness. :D

Rita Wray said...

Love to spend time outdoors with my grandkids.

Kim said...

I haven't spent much time at the beach, but I like ice cream in summer.

Alina P said...

Reading great books and drinking lemonade or cocktails would make my summer PERFECT!

Cheryl Hastings said...

We're going to the beach later this summer with family, so it'll be filled with books, cocktails, laughs and food! Can't wait :)

Beautiful Disaster said...

I'm not a surfer but I enjoy the beach. I don't have time to read there though because we usually have children with us and we spend time with them :)

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of sun, reading, and relaxing. And I hate sunburns and mosquitoes, but it seems my summer is not complete until I get a bad burn and have a ton of bug bites. For some reason, they seem to flock to me.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I'd love to win, so fingers crossed. :-)

Anonymous said...

Reading, slushy drinks and a mini family reunion/picnic with my hubby's family. I don't handle heat well and stay out of the sun because I sunburn within five minutes, but I do enjoy A/C. LOL

Marcy Shuler

Glenda said...

My summer would be perfect if I could spend a lot of time on the beach reading. Unfortunately, no way that's gonna happen this year.

Catherine said...

I haven't been to the beach in almost 15 years, so I'd really like to go this summer.

Mary Preston said...

I love the beach. The sun, surf and sand.

JenM said...

I live in the foggy San Francisco Bay Area so I miss the sun and warm summer nights. It makes it that much sweeter when I do get away to someplace really warm.

Unknown said...

My house is near to a beac, so it is pretty sunny in here. And in my summer i bought lots of books to read 😁

Ada said...

I'm not much of a beach goer but I do love to find a nice spot in the shade with a good book in hand!

bn100 said...

like the beach

Laney4 said...

Only go to the beach when others invite me. Too afraid of skin cancer. Enjoy my air-conditioned home, especially when hot flashes kick in regularly.

Brooke Showalter said...

I haven't been to the beach since I was a teenager. Reading and visiting an amusement park or local pool make my summer complete. :)

JanD said...

Ice cream makes summer perfect for me.

Sapir said...

I only need good weather and books for a perfect summer

Nina Crespo said...

Hello Everyone! Thanks for stopping by to share your summer plans. I hope your days bring smiles, fun, and lots of great books your way. See you at the beach:)

Jess1 said...

I love the longer hours to do things, but I avoid the hot sun and sand.

heatherzilla said...

I love going for a walk on the beach.

Vanessa N. said...

Love going to the beach and getting time to read books.

Anita H. said...

I love to take walks on the beach or at the park. I wish I had a pool so I could lounge around with a book too!

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