
Surf, Sand & Books Event with Tessa Bailey

Tessa lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and young daughter. When she isn't writing or reading romance, Tessa enjoys a good argument and thirty-minute recipes.

Five things that make me think of summer!

1. Dirty Dancing. The ultimate summer movie. When I think of Dirty Dancing, my mind specifically zeroes in on Baby carrying the watermelon. You would think it would jump straight to Swayze’s butt in those dancing pants, but no. Watermelon. Every time I hear the soundtrack to this movie, I think of warm weather and those awkward, too-long family vacations that define summer. Nothing quite like what happened to Baby (spoiler: her name is really Francis) ever happened to me, but the movie definitely inspired hope when I was a teenager.

2. Cool Water cologne. My very first sort-of boyfriend wore this scent and every once in a while, I’ll catch a whiff of it somewhere, usually left behind by a pack of passing high school kids. It reminds me of summer vacation after freshman year of high school. Rolling up my jean shorts and tying my T-shirts into a knot so my stomach would show. (shaking my head)

3. The Real World: Seattle. When I was fifteen, I went to stay with my grandmother for two weeks during summer vacation. My parents didn’t allow MTV in our house, so I took this opportunity to devour the channel. That was when everyone still watched The Real World and I just remember thinking I would DIE when I couldn’t see the finale back at home. That was also the season one of the female cast members got slapped by one of the guys. So, I was just outraged all over the place.

4. Sub Sandwiches. I worked at Subway AND Submarina when I was in high school, so I have a lot of bitter memories of being stuck behind sneeze guards while it was eighty degrees and beautiful outside. I’m still highly critical of subway sandwiches, the way all former sandwich artists are… ;)

5. Snappers. There’s this toy that’s probably not on the market anymore, but it was like gunpowder (or something like it) twisted inside white, plastic material. And when you threw them down on the sidewalk, they made a loud SNAP noise. My friends and I used to put huge piles of them in the street, so when cars went by, there would be deafening crackles and snaps. I have no idea why we thought that was so hysterical, but those are some good summer memories. Rolling on the grass thinking we got one over one those motorists.

Never start a fire you can’t control…

Connor Bannon is supposed to be dead. Dishonorably discharged from the Navy SEALs, he's spent the last two years working as a street enforcer in Brooklyn for his cousin's crime ring. Through a twist of fate, he's now in Chicago, working undercover to bust criminals. But when a cute little arsonist joins the team—all combat boots, tiny jean shorts, and hot-pink hair—Connor’s notorious iron control slips.

Erin "she's getting away" O'Dea knows two things. She hates authority. And… Nope, that's it. When she's forced to operate on the “right” side of the law, her fear of being confined and controlled blazes to the surface. The last thing she expects is a control freak like Connor to soothe her when she needs it most. Worse, something behind the sexy ex-soldier's eyes ignites a dangerous inferno of desire. One that invites Erin to play with fire. And one that could get them both killed…

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 ARC copy of Up In Smoke

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Tessa Bailey for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


dstoutholcomb said...

Mid-Atlantic girl--Subway subs aren't real subs. ;)

Loved those SNAPS.


Theresa said...

Your book sounds great! I love the movie Dirty Dancing too!!

Marcy Meyer said...

Very interesting list of summer reminders. It's funny how random things can send our minds back to those memories of summertime.

Sophia Rose said...

Certain movies scream summer to me, but seeing them at the drive-in was my big summer Saturday night treat. I used to really love how summer felt endless as a child and then it felt endless when I was working two jobs to save for college. LOL.

The new stories sounds intriguing.

Sue G. said...

They still make those snappers. I think Target sells them in a box of fireworks stuff around the 4th of July!

AmandaStar said...

Ahh, love Dirty Dancing! "I carried a watermelon." I could watch that movie over and over. I'm so looking forward to Up in Smoke!! I need me some Connor :)

Anonymous said...

I loved snaps. ;) But we also enjoyed those things that turned into a black snake-like tube of solid ash when lit. LOL

Marcy Shuler

Mary Preston said...

A fun list. DIRTY DANCING is a great favorite of mine.

Sapir said...

Thank you for the giveaway.

I am always amazed at the heroes Tessa writes. I want to know how she pairs her H/H. They always work so well together. I cant see her heroines with anyone else but the heroes she chooses for them.

erin said...

congrats to Tessa on her new release! This looks and sounds fantastic :)

Anonymous said...

This will be my first read by Tessa and I can't aitto read it. Really liked the excerpt. Oh God, snaps. lol my 7 kids loved them and when you've had all 7 kids snapping them on the sidewalk at the same time it sounded like a machine gun . lol Dirty Dancing will always be a favorite. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Bube said...

Tessa Bailey your rock!Can't wait to read Up in Smoke,Risking it All was super great! :)

Kim said...

Before they became almost extinct, drive-in movies heralded the start of summer.

JenM said...

I always love watching Dirty Dancing. I live on the West Coast now, and I so miss summer vacation and those warm, sultry nights on the East Coast.

bn100 said...

interesting list

krg said...

What great memories! I just saw the Dirty Dancing Play and it was fabulous! Thanks for the fun post and the chance to win!

Brooke Showalter said...

What is your favorite part of being an author?

Sapir said...

Thanks for the giveaway

Vanessa N. said...

Definitely adding it to my wishlist.

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