
ARC Review: Crazy for Him by Sofia Tate

Crazy for Him is a short novella from Sofia Tate featuring characters first introduced in her Davison and Allegra series. Though this is a standalone and you do not need to read those books first, I would definitely recommend it. Because this novella is so short and there are a few things that aren't gone into in depth, I think that knowing them ahead of time really helped me to appreciate this story more. 

This novella centers around Allegra's friend Luciana (Lucy) Gibbons and Tomas Novotny. The two are now married and have their two little girls, Mimi and Marika. While they are traveling they decide to re-live their love story together. Their memories explain how they met, fell in love and started their lives together.

Though I did really enjoy seeing more of Tomas and Lucy's story, I will admit that this was a little short for me. I wanted more depth and I was really hoping to dig more into each of their pasts, but especially when it came to Tomas. I felt like that was a bit of a missed opportunity here, and that could have been elaborated on. I also wouldn't have minded seeing more of their life together in the present. I really think that these two could have easily had a full length novel, and I would have loved to have seen more of them. This was very short though and if you are looking for a quick romance that you can finish in around an hour, this is one worth checking out. Sofia Tate is a great writer, and I really recommend this story and the Davison and Allegra series. I can't wait to see what she writes in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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