
ARC Review: From The Wreckage by Melissa Collins

I am a huge fan of Melissa Collins, and I really love her books. She always delivers such a beautiful and heartfelt story that I can't help but feel emotionally invested in. From the Wreckage was no different, and I was immediately drawn into it. I actually read her short prequel Before the Wreckage before starting, so I already had a little bit of an introduction to the characters here. It isn't necessary to read this book, but I do think that it adds to the experience. 

When David and Grace were kids, David saved Grace's life after her home caught on fire. But after the fire her family moved away and her and David didn't see or talk to each other for eighteen years. When a night out at a bar with friends brings them together again, they know that they want to get to know one another again. The more time that Grace and David spend together the more their feelings grow. But when a tragedy changes everything for them, Grace and David realize that love sometimes isn't enough. Can they overcome the obstacles place in their way, or will there be too many things standing between them and forever? 

I really liked Grace and David. These two didn't always have it easy, and they had so much that I felt like was thrown at them. The connection and love they shared was clear though, and I really felt like they were meant to be together. David reacted badly to some things that happened and I wasn't overly happy about it, but Grace did as well. The great thing about these two though was the fact that they were able to move forward fairly quickly. They both realized that they were jumping to conclusions and that they needed to trust each other. I was glad to see that they were able to learn how to trust and forgive each other, and find the strength they needed in the connection they shared. 

I will say that there was a twist here that I didn't see coming at all. David and Grace had already found each other against all odds, and to see them have yet another thing to come back from was heartbreaking. I felt so badly for both of them, and it was hard to watch them each struggling. While I was glad that these two were able to see that the love between them would never die, I have to admit that I wasn't fully satisfied with the ending. I can't really say much as it would spoil a lot, but I felt like the ending was more bittersweet than I would have liked for these two. As much as I tried to accept it, I just didn't feel like it was enough for these two. Some of what I had loved so much about their relationship throughout this story felt lost and diminished because of how things played out. I still love Melissa Collins and her writing style, but I really wanted more from the ending here. I think that this book is a very emotional read though, and it is beautifully written. This book really was about true love always finding a way no matter what is thrown at it, and I was really glad that I got to read David and Grace's story.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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