
Review: Dirty Deeds by Karina Halle

Dirty Deeds is the second book in the Dirty Angels Trilogy by Karina Halle. Though this is the second book in the series, it can easily be read as a standalone. Dirty Deeds features Derek Conway and Javier's sister Alana. For fans of Karina Halle, The Artists Trilogy, and Dirty Angels, you do get to see some familiar faces. But those new to the series can start here with no problems. However, I would recommend starting at the beginning as I really think that it is great to have a little backstory on the life that Alana comes from and what it means to be Javier's sister. Not to mention the fact that I absolutely love Dirty Angels, Javier, and all things Karina Halle! 

Alana Bernal has had more than her share of family dysfunction and tragedy. As the sister of a drug lord, she knows just how bad things can get in Mexico. Though she has had plenty of hook-ups and sex, she has never had love. So when ex-soldier Derek Conway enters her life, she wants to believe that he could be it for her. But Alana has no idea who Derek really is or the reason they met in the first place. The more time that Alana and Derek spend together, the more their feelings for one another grow. With someone after Alana though she has no idea who she can trust, including Derek. But Derek is determined to protect Alana at all costs, even if that means putting her life above his own. 

I was very excited to get to know Alana and Derek more after hearing about these two in previous books from Karina Halle. Derek was sexy and protective, and I really liked seeing more about what had happened in his life. I always find it interesting to see how just a normal person can wind up in the most unexpected of places, and for me that was Derek. Here is a guy who grew up in Minnesota and loved hockey that went into the armed forces and wound up becoming a mercenary for hire in Mexico. It was fascinating to me, and the more that was revealed about his character the more I felt for him. He didn't have things easy, and he had been through so much. Alana was sort of the opposite of Derek, growing up in that life because of her brother and family yet always looking for something normal and as simple as someone to really love for her whole life. She was strong and sassy, yet she also had an almost fragile side to her. She had been through so much pain, and she wasn't close to the remaining family she had left. She only had her few friends to lean on, and while they were great they weren't everything. But Alana and Derek were great together, and I really liked how they completed each other. They had chemistry right from the start, and the more they got to know one another, the stronger their bond grew. 

Overall, I really loved seeing how things would play out here for both Alana and Derek. It was very clear that Alana was being targeted and that no matter what Derek did, that those after her would never stop. I never knew what would happen next, though I did know exactly who was behind it all right from the start. I am very curious to see what happens next though, after the way things were left her. Karina did a great job of setting up the next book in the series, and I can't wait to see just what lengths some of these characters will go to in order to get what they want. The battle seems to have just begun, and in this world we know that it will be dirty and brutal before it is all over. While I really enjoyed this book, it did have a different feel from Dirty Angels and it wasn't as dark as that one was. It definitely felt a bit like the calm before the storm. There was plenty of suspense to hold my interest, and I did really enjoy Derek and Alana together. As much as I liked them though, I will admit that Javier is still my number one even if he didn't make me super happy here. I am both excited and a bit scared to read Dirty Promises. I highly recommend this series though, and if you haven't already I would definitely suggest reading The Artists Trilogy and Dirty Angels. Karina Halle is one of my absolute favorite authors, and her stories are always well written and captivating. Dirty Deeds was a great addition to this series, and I am already looking forward to the next one.

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