
ARC Review: Crush by Kim Karr

Crush is the continuation of Logan and Elle's story from Blow by Kim Karr. With Crush being the second book in the Tainted Love Duet, these have to be read in order. So if you haven't read Blow yet, you might want to stop reading and start with Blow first. I really enjoyed Blow, and I couldn't wait to get more of these characters. Kim Karr is a great writer and I knew that while Logan and Elle's story was far from over, that she would do it justice here in Crush. 

Crush picks up right where Blow left off with Logan and Elle in the middle of danger and looking for answers. Though unusual circumstances brought Logan and Elle together, their connection continues to strengthen. But when the past and present collide, Elle and Logan are forced into a situation where it looks like no one will win. While Logan tries to take down the enemy and figure out who is behind everything, he knows that he needs to keep Elle safe...even if that means walking away from her. But Elle can't put her life on hold and refuses to just sit by while Logan figures out when it is safe for them to finally be with one another. As they dig deeper, more obstacles threaten everything that they have found in each other. Can Logan and Elle figure out a way to not only take down the enemy, but to also finally escape all that threatens their relationship?

I was frustrated at times with Logan and Elle here, but the one thing that was clear was how much these two cared about each other. Their relationship came about very quickly, but it never felt like it was unbelievable to me. These two had been through so much together in such a short amount of time that it was no wonder how strong their connection grew in that amount of time. Part of my frustration here was because Logan would do anything to protect Elle, and he believed that they shouldn't be together because of her safety being at risk. I really hate when heroes do that since it really doesn't make sense to me, and we all know that they are better at protecting their women than anyone else. But I was really glad to see that Elle didn't let him just walk all over her, and she refused to let him get away that. She believed that they were better together, and she had no problems telling Logan what was on her mind. The chemistry and connection between these two just continued to intensify as their story continued, and I really felt like Logan and Elle were meant to be together. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this duet and I liked seeing something a bit different from Kim Karr with these books. While they still had every bit of emotional connection and steamy romance, there was also suspense and intrigue that kept me turning the pages. I couldn't wait to figure out exactly what was going on and finally learn who was behind everything and Kim Karr didn't disappoint. I will definitely be going back and reading these again to pick up all the little details from the very beginning and I am really glad that I read these. I highly recommend this duet if you are looking for something sexy and dangerous, with a great balance of suspense and romance. Kim Karr is one of go-to authors, and I am already looking forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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