
Guest Post with Authors Cathryn Fox, Alison Bliss and Clare James and Giveaway

Please welcome authors Cathryn FoxAlison Bliss and Clare James.

Meet Cathryn Fox author of Wild Ride.

New York Times and USA today best selling author, Cathryn is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. Cathryn can never find balance in her life, is always trying to find time to go to the gym, can never keep up with emails, Facebook or Twitter and tries to write page-turning books that her readers will love.

Here’s what Cathryn Fox has to say about her hot cowboys: There’s just something about a denim clad, hard working, cowboy that fires a woman’s blood and sets her heart racing. Perhaps it’s their manners, sexy swagger, or the raw maleness they ooze as they tend to their cattle? Then again it could be their protective nature, and how they’ll face off against any man, no matter the size, to protect the woman they love. I’m not sure what it is, but I do know there’s just something about a cowboy…

“I’ll let you touch. Anywhere, anytime, and anything you want, for as long as you want. As long as I get to do the same to you.”

“I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this mouth. If it’s still as soft, still tastes as sweet.”

Good girl, meet bad cowboy…

Marketing Tycoon Tyler Mackenzie, a.k.a. Wildman Mac, has a knack for knowing what people want and, more importantly, what they need…so when he decides to show sweet and sexy yoga instructor Jess Gray that she’s the one for him, he puts a seductive campaign into motion.

When Mac defines the terms for the week and insists she do everything he says, Jess can’t help but be intrigued. Since this good girl wants to break free and do something naughty, she agrees to his terms and soon finds herself embarking on a sexual journey that knows no limits. For Jess this is one week of living out her fantasies, but Mac is determined to make this wild ride last forever.

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Meet Alison Bliss author of Playing With Fire.

Alison Bliss grew up in Small Town, Texas, but currently resides in the Midwest with her husband and two sons. With so much testosterone in her home, it's no wonder she writes "girl books." She believes the best way to know if someone is your soul mate is by canoeing with them because if you both make it back alive, it's obviously meant to be. Alison pens the type of books she loves to read most: fun, steamy love stories with heart, heat, laughter, and usually a cowboy or two. As she calls it, "Romance...with a sense of humor."

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For Alison Bliss when it comes to cowboys: Raw maleness is right, Cathryn. There’s nothing sexier than a man wearing a low-slung pair of tight Wranglers and scarred boots, who spends the day rustling cattle in the searing heat, only to have his woman screaming his name by morning. And if he tips his hat and calls us darlin’, oh hell…he’s just branded his name on our tongues. Because we all know most cowboys do their best riding after dark.

“If you don’t know by now that you’re my woman,” he whispered in a rough voice, “then I am obviously doing something very wrong.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I can be a very patient man when I need to be.”

Nothing ignites a fire like the perfect match…

Anna Weber is every inch the proper librarian—old-fashioned, conservatively dressed right down to her tightly clipped flaming red hair. She's just moved to a small Texas town, and is determined to spend time with her friend before she has to disappear. Relationships aren’t easy for her. She knows too well what it means to be burned. And the last thing she ever wants to do is fall in love…

Especially not with a fireman who's hot enough to set the entire state of Texas on fire.

Cowboy can't resist the fiery little librarian, and he's determined to make her his. Beneath that prim-and-proper exterior is a woman he very much wants to know—if she'd let him. She'll test his patience. His control. Hell, his very sanity. And for the first time, Cowboy wonders if he's found the one fire he can't control...

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Check out the Tangled in Texas series:

Meet Clare James author of Played.

Clare James writes contemporary romance and new adult novels with spunky heroines and sexier-than-sin heroes. Her books have made several best-selling lists including the tender love stories in the Impossible Love series; the steamy romantic comedy Dirty Little Lies; and the touching family drama Wednesday. She’s also the author of a new series with Entangled’s Brazen line about the women of Elite PR and their very naughty clients. The first two books in the series are out now!

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For Clare James cowboys are a delicious novelty. Living in Minnesota, we don’t get many coming through and it is a damn shame. The rugged denim, the tousled hair, the scruff that covers his chiseled jaw … that you just know would feel incredible brushed up against your skin. Pair it all with a deep southern accent that you can feel in your bones whenever he calls your name … pure bliss!

“I’m going to get you off so fast and hard, you’ll be thinking about it on your wedding day.”

“I may have been good tonight. But I have a bad side. When it comes out, you’ll need more than a flimsy door to hold me back.”

Play. Or be played.

The music should be enough. End of story. But Aaron Major is finding out it’s not, and now his agent has hired a firm of suits to help launch his debut album, turning his life into a goddamn circus. Smile here. Play there. Be nice. Well, screw that. If Aaron wanted to spend his time shaking hands and kissing babies, he would’ve gone into politics.

Helping launch the career of country singer Aaron Major should be a cakewalk for PR pro Melody Sharp. Aaron is charming, sexy, and oh-so-appealing when he’s on stage. Off stage, though, he’s her worst nightmare. A stubborn, ornery, reclusive nightmare without a lick of business-or fashion-sense. The only way he’s going to make it in music is with a serious makeover-and quite possibly a personality transplant.

Soon, they’re engaged in a game of give and take, and though it’s Melody calling the shots, it’s Aaron who holds all control…

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Check out the Elite PR series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Kindle copy of Wild Ride
  • 1 Kindle copy of Playing With Fire
  • 1 Kindle copy of Played

To Enter:
  • What do you think about Cowboy heroes?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Entangled Books for sponsoring giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

I enjoy the cowboy heroes.

Unknown said...

I love cowboy themes, my kindle is probably 50% of cowboys

Laney4 said...

Cowboy heroes, sheikh heroes, carpenter heroes, CEO heroes, etc. I love them all! Variety is the spice of life!

erin said...

I enjoy cowboys :) so sexy and manly! Thanks for sharing!

Jess1 said...

I like the rugged and independent qualities in a cowboy hero.

Unknown said...

I LOVE cowboy hero's!! I love the strength, honesty, and loyalty to family that seems to come with these heroes. A cute butt hepls too! Hahaha!!

Unknown said...

I LOVE cowboy hero's!! I love the strength, honesty, and loyalty to family that seems to come with these heroes. A cute butt hepls too! Hahaha!!

Joanne B said...

There's nothing better than a cowboy!

Mary Preston said...

I do love a cowboy.

Ada said...

Cowboy heroes are some of my favorite!

Anita H. said...

Cowboy heroes are awesome, I love reading about those rugged men!

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