
A Naughty New Year...Brazen Style with Nina Croft and Giveaway

Nina Croft grew up in the north of England. After training as an accountant, she spent four years working as a volunteer in Zambia, which left her with a love of the sun and a dislike of 9-5 work. She then spent a number of years mixing travel (whenever possible) with work (whenever necessary) but has now settled down to a life of writing and picking almonds on a remote farm in the mountains of southern Spain.

Nina writes all sorts of romance often mixing in elements of the paranormal and science fiction.

Hi everyone! I’m Nina and I’d like to wish you all a happy and brazen New Year and give a huge thank you to Danielle for inviting me to participate. Today, we’re going to pay a visit to Logan and Abby from my latest Brazen book, His Fantasy Girl, and see how they spend their first New Year together.


A Fantasy for New Year...

It’s ten minutes to midnight, the lights are low, and we’re dancing really close, so close I can feel the length of Logan’s erection pressing against me. I’m dying to hear what he plans to do with that erection.

“Okay, out with it,” I mutter when I can’t stand the suspense any longer.

Logan raises his head from where he’s nuzzling my neck and stares down into my face. He’s so gorgeous my breath catches in my throat. Six months on and he still has that effect. His fingers tighten on my ass, pressing me even closer. “Out with it, Mrs. McCabe? Right here on the dance floor?”

I smile. “You know what I mean. What’s tonight’s fantasy? Tell me.”

Logan had spent a year in prison a long time ago, and apparently he’d spent most of that year fantasizing about me. He has a fantasy for every occasion. This is our first New Year together and I’m sure he has one for tonight.

He leans in closer, so his warm breath feathers against my ear, sending shivers across my skin. “You really want to know?”

I lick my lips and his gaze follows the movement. “I really, really want to know.”

“And if I tell you, will you be my fantasy girl?”


His hands wander over my ass, sending tingles shooting along my nerves. “So, New Year’s Eve and I’m all alone in my cell—”

“I thought you shared a cell?”

“I do...usually. But we do not want an audience for what’s about to happen. My cell mate is...sick and in the medical center—too much Christmas pudding.”

“Okay, I’ll buy that.’re alone in your cell.”

“Yeah, and it’s dark, and I’m hard as hell, which is sad because I’m all alone, and I’m just about to jerk myself off when...”

He pauses, kisses my neck, his teeth nipping my skin. Then he soothes the little bite with his tongue and my knees literally go weak. “When...?” I sound breathless. I am breathless. I’m also hot and wet and I wriggle my hips against him, trying to get some relief.

“...when I hear the door being unlocked. And I go really still and make like I’m asleep. I have no clue what’s happening—a spot search maybe.”

“Looking for illegal erections?”

“Yeah. Then someone steps into the room. And I can smell perfume. I know it’s a woman. It’s the new prison officer. I spotted her yesterday, and I’ve been hard ever since.”

I stop wriggling. “I’m a prison officer? I thought I was the governor’s secretary?” Previously, I’d always been the governor’s secretary in Logan’s fantasies.

He frowns down at me. “That was before. You were fired for fraternizing with the inmates—well, one inmate. But you couldn’t bear to be apart from me so you got a new job as a prison officer.”

I open my mouth to tell him that really wouldn’t happen—not in real life—then close it again. This is fantasy, after all. “Ah, now the uniform makes sense.” I say instead.

I’d been working tonight and had just finished my shift. Logan had called earlier and asked me to keep my uniform on—for someone who claims to hate cops he really loves my uniform. I’d felt a little out of place walking into Logan’s night club dressed like this, but he’d dragged me straight into his arms and onto the dance floor, and the roomful of people might as well have vanished.

“Yeah. You make a super-hot prison guard. You have this torch and you shine it all around the cell, until it comes to land on my dick and stops right there.”

“I can see your dick? Even under the blankets?”

He smirks. “Well, it’s hard to hide something this big.” He emphasizes his point by pressing the dick in question into my belly and he’s not lying—it’s huge. “Anyway, you obviously want to get a better look so you order me out of bed.”

I hadn’t even noticed but he’s been backing me through the room while we danced. Now I’m up against the door leading into his office. He pulls a key out of his pocket and fumbles with the door, keeping hold of me with his other arm.

The door opens and we almost tumble into the room and then we’re alone. Outside I hear them start the countdown to New Year.

I straighten, take a step back, make my expression stern, and Logan’s lips twitch.

“Is something amusing you, Prisoner McCabe?” I ask in my best prison officer voice.

“No, ma’am.” Though he’s grinning by now.

“Hmm.” I unhook the cuffs from my belt and dangle them from one finger. “Are we going to have to restrain you, McCabe?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Outside a cheer rises from the partygoers; it’s a brand new year. I can’t imagine it being better than the last one, but I’m going to have a real good go at making all Logan’s fantasies come true.

“Happy New Year, McCabe. Now strip.”

When fantasy and reality collide...

There's nothing like a near death experience to make a guy reassess his life. And that's exactly what nightclub owner Logan McCabe decides to do, starting with looking up the girl he spent one wild night with eleven years ago, right before his life turned to crap. He spent a year fantasizing about her. Now he's ready to see how reality matches up.

Abigail Parker is a perfectionist. She's only strayed from the straight and narrow once in her life, on her eighteenth birthday. It was supposed to be one wild night with a totally unsuitable man before she settled into her sensible future. Instead it changed her life forever.

Logan might still be the sexiest man Abigail has ever seen, but a dirty-talking, tattooed, ex-con is the last thing she needs in her perfect life. He claims she's his fantasy girl, but what he doesn't know is she's also the mother of his ten-year old daughter...

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of His Fantasy and Taking Control

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Nina Croft for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

I like Logan's fantasies...

Thanks for the giveaway

Sue G. said... fantasy! Thanks!

erin said...

what an awesome story :) Definitely going to have to check out the beginning of their story! Thanks for sharing!

Rita said...

His Fantasy Girl sound wonderful

Nina Croft said...

Thanks Rita!

Nina Croft said...

Thanks Erin - Logan was great fun to write!

Nina Croft said...

My pleasure, Deb - good luck!

Nina Croft said...

Sue - Logan's fantasies were a lot of fun - good luck with the giveaway!

Vanessa N. said...

I already love Logan and his fantasies.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Cute--and hot. :)
Happy New Year!

Megan1520 said...

Sounds delightfully awesome! I'd love to read it!

Joanne B said...

Great fantasy. Thanks for sharing the excerpt.

Nina Croft said...

Thanks Jennifer!

Nina Croft said...

Aw glad you love Logan - he was one of those characters who turned up in another book (taking Control) and I knew I just had to write his story.

Nancy Jones said...

Thanks for the chance to win

kim hansen said...

New author for me exciting.

Michelle said...

I love this scene! Really hope we'll get a few more "special occasion" check-ins throughout the year!

Lori Sizemore said...

That sounds like a delicious story. Can't wait to read more!

Marie Dry said...

Loved the excerpt. I lived in Zambia from 1994 until 1998 and loved it. I always enjoy your books.

Nina Croft said...

Marie - you were just coming in when I was going out. But it was a very special place!

Unknown said...

Yum. I want more.

Unknown said...

Yum. I want more.

JenM said...

That was yummy. I love that it was the girl using the handcuffs for once.

Landra said...

That's a great short and sexy too! Love it!

krg said...

What a great fantasy, thanks for sharing and the post! =D

Lynn Crain said...

Love these stories! Thanks for sharing, Nina!

MrsMac19 said...

Looks like a great read! Love the cover!

Gaby Pendragon said...

Thanks for the story!! Love Logan!!

Nina Croft said...

Well, Logan does have a fantasy for every occasion...

Nina Croft said...

Hi Lori and thank you!

Nina Croft said...

Thanks Gaby - Logan is one of my favorites!

Nina Croft said...

It's a great cover isn't it? I've got a fabulous one for the next book in the series, Her Fantasy Husband, as well.

Nina Croft said...

Lol - well, Logan's got plenty more fantasies!

Nina Croft said...

Yup - every girl should have a pair of handcuffs!

Unknown said...

Cannot wait to read more.

Rebecca James said...

Great excerpt! Looking forward to reading more about these two! :)

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