
ARC Review: Ink & Lies by S.L. Jennings

I have to admit that when I read the blurb for Ink & Lies by S.L. Jennings, I knew I had to read this book. It just instantly drew me in, and I knew the story would be unlike anything I have ever read before. I definitely wasn't disappointed, and this book was truly unique. It almost felt like two separate stories, as the first half had a completely different feel than the second half did. While the first half was light and funny and had me laughing out loud, the second half was emotional and angsty and brought out all the feels. 

August and Fiona have been best friends for years. They have been each other's everything, yet they have never crossed the friendship line. August is an author, and he writes under the pen name Hope Hughes. He sells romance though he doesn't believe in it. But when he is forced to face some truths about his life, he quickly begins to realize that maybe he hasn't just been lying to everyone else all his life, but also to himself. 

I really struggled at times with both Fiona and August. Don't get me wrong, these two were absolutely perfect for one another. I loved their friendship, and it was clear that it went much deeper even if neither of them acknowledged it. But I really wanted to shake these two at times. I couldn't figure out how they couldn't get their acts together, and sometimes they were so hurtful to one another. I hated seeing them go through everything that they were, and it really broke my heart at times. But I also never gave up hope that these two could figure it all out, even if it wasn't happening as fast as I would have liked. 

Overall, this book was such an emotional read. It was definitely a roller coaster, and I couldn't put it down. I think that there was so much happening for these two and while they didn't always handle things the best, it did feel real and believable. While I didn't absolutely love what was happening, it did bring all the feels and was the kind of book that had me invested right from the start. I loved that this was told from the male POV though, and I think that just added to the unique experience here. I think that fans of Jennings will really enjoy this story, and those unfamiliar with her work will enjoy it as well. I am a huge fan of friends to lovers books, and this was unlike any that I have ever read before. This book is worth the read, and I look forward to more from Jennings in the future.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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