
ARC Review: Crave Me by M. Robinson

Crave Me is the fourth standalone story in the Good Ol' Boys series by M. Robinson. These can be read out of order, but for full enjoyment I would recommend reading in order if possible. I knew that Austin's story was going to be a tough one to get through from glimpses we have seen as this series has continued and it definitely was at times. But I also loved him and couldn't put this book down because I had to know what would happen. Crave Me was emotionally intense and I was invested right away.

Austin always felt like he was on the outside looking in. Though he was surrounded by friends and family, he never felt as though he fit with any of them. Until he met Briggs. She was everything that he had been looking for and more, and she became his high. But as they grew closer, Briggs and Austin found themselves going down a road that they never could expected, and soon they were both facing the fact that though they cared about each other, their relationship could also be their demise. 

I was so invested in these characters right away. Though I couldn't personally relate to what they were going through, I felt like I was so emotionally involved. My heart broke for these two for so many reasons. Briggs had a childhood that I couldn't even imagine and it changed the person she became. Austin was surrounded by people who should have supported him unconditionally, yet they had a hand in becoming the person he was. These two understood one another and connected right away. As much as they wanted to be there for one another though, they were each struggling with things that they had never dealt with. The love and chemistry between them was something that I never questioned, that was obvious right away. But these two went through so much and I just kept hoping that they would be able to find a way to be together. 

Overall, this was a really great book and I couldn't stop reading it. I devoured it and went through so many emotions here. I will be honest, this book isn't an easy one to get through. There is heartbreak and pain, and some topics that might be tough for some to handle. But to me, going through all of that is what made this one worth it in the end. To see the growth and healing that all these characters went through to get to where they were at the end was something that made the pain and suffering they did a little more bearable. After reading Crave Me, I can't wait for the spin-off for Alejandro Martinez. I won't go into detail here so as not to spoil anything, but after this book I am so curious about him and can't wait to see what is in store after the ending here! If you haven't read anything by M. Robinson before, you are seriously missing out. Her stories are emotional and intense, and I really love that they are each unique and different. They aren't for the faint of heart, but I think that is what makes them work the read every time.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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