
Feature: Sleeping with the Opposition by J.K. Coi

Leo Markham has everything a man could want. Money. Power. Respect. But there's only one thing he needs—Bria. The trouble is, she's determined to move on, despite the breathtaking passion still between them. Sure, he's made mistakes, but he'll make her forgive him. He has to.

Shocked to find herself facing her devastatingly gorgeous ex as opposing counsel in the courtroom, Bria knows she can't let Leo hurt her again. He's the only man she'll ever love, but he wasn’t there when she needed him most. She's just going to have to learn to resist the pull of his lethal magnetism.

Leo is determined to win Bria back no matter what it takes. He isn’t about to lose the only woman who’s ever had his heart.

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Check out the Bad Boy Bosses series:

She gritted her teeth and tried to ignore him. But ignoring Leo was not easy. It had never been easy. Ignoring Leo was like ignoring the thundering of your own heartbeat with your hand pressed right up to your chest. It was like ignoring the heavy panting of your own breaths while running a marathon. He was almost always cocky and aggressive. He was brash and confident. He was unavoidable, all-consuming, undeniable. Especially when his focus was fixed on her, which it was now. He seemed to be waiting for her to start eating, and he nodded when she put a forkful of pasta in her mouth.

“Why are you watching me like you’re a step away from forcing this food down my throat?” she asked.

He shook his head. “I’m not.” Liar. He thought she’d lost too much weight but didn’t dare say anything about it. Annoyance got the better of her. “Lucky for you, it’s not your job to worry about me anymore,” she snapped. Beside her, he practically crackled with irk, and his gaze flared.

His hand slipped into her hair, and he tilted her face up to his. “You’re the strongest person I know, Bria. I don’t worry about you,” he murmured. His gaze dropped to her mouth. “I worry about what you’re doing to us.”

J.K. Coi is a multi-published, award winning author of contemporary and paranormal romance and urban fantasy. She makes her home in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and son and a feisty black cat who is the uncontested head of the household. While she spends her days immersed in the litigious world of insurance law, she is very happy to spend her nights writing dark and sexy characters who leap off the page and into readers’ hearts.


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