
ARC Review: Fool Me Once by Katee Robert

I really like Katee Robert. I can count on her for sexy, interesting stories with strong heroines and alpha men. I might just have really high expectations for this author because I liked this book but it was like like, not love like. I can boil down all of my issues in one swoop: I did not like Aubry. I don't think you were really supposed to like Aubry. Being unlikable is kind of Aubry's thing. I get that but ughhhhh, I just couldn't get with it. It made the book less enjoyable for me. 

The Hero in the book I completely love. Quinn is wild cowboy who needs a date to his sister's wedding. I also love the "need a date" books. Quinn's high society family has not found it in their silver spoon hearts to accept the fact that Quinn has no interest in the family business. (I also love the "family maverick" heroes who are determined to do their own thing). Quinn's family is high falooten and hard of hearing because he has been trying to convince them for TWELVE years that he is a rancher in his heart and in real life. Quinn, however, is a great guy who loves his sister, so of course he will deal with his family's shenanigans and attend the wedding. In order to head off matchmaking efforts, he brings the very spicy and also disagreeable, Aubry, with him to the wedding. I like that even though Quinn is into serial casual dating, he was not willing to hook up with someone he didn't even like. So, not a total manwhore. 

Aubry..... I really tried to put all my enthusiasm and optimism towards Quinn. Aubry is just a bit mean...or a lot mean. I get it I really do. She came from a hellish background. She became a gamer to protect herself from the crap going on around her. Anyway, Aubry just happens to need to make a cross country trip and does not want to do so by herself. The wedding date situation with Quinn is the perfect opportunity for her. 

I like enemy- romance. I like the tension and build up to two people going from arguing to loving. We absolutely get that in this book because Aubry and Quinn were like oil and water at first. Things move along pretty quickly in this fast paced, short read. There is a lot of emotional punch packed into a small space. Despite Aubry's prickliness, I found myself really enjoying her interactions with Quinn. I was even happy for the HEA at the end.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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