
ARC Review: Hero of Mine by Codi Gary

Hero of Mine is the third book in the Men in Uniform series from Codi Gary. I have enjoyed this series so far, and I really like Codi Gary's writing style. If you are a contemporary romance fan and haven't read Codi Gary yet, she is definitely one worth looking into. If you are already a fan, I think that this book is a cute story that most readers will enjoy. 

Dani Hill was a bit of a wild child, until she found herself pregnant and facing parenthood alone. With the help of her parents, Dani made Noah her top priority and devoted her life to being the best mom she could be. So when she meets Tyler Best, she immediately sees him for the player he has been and assumes that is all he is interested in. But when Dani and Tyler keep running into each other, they both begin to wonder if there is a reason they keep meeting. Noah has never wanted a girlfriend and doesn't do anything serious, so he knows that he needs to steer clear of single mom Dani and her son Noah. But when the attraction becomes too much for him to fight, he soon realizes that Dani and Noah are different and with them might just be where he belongs.

I liked Dani and Noah. I thought that they were good together and they had some really sweet moments together. For all of Noah's protests about not being good with kids and not wanting that in his life, he was fantastic with Noah. They were super cute together and I loved the fact that he was so caring. He had a big heart, and after everything that he had been through he deserved some happiness. I also loved that he was so good with the boys and dogs in the program, he was just a genuinely good guy despite what he might have said about himself. Dani was a good mom, and I loved that she put her son first always. I do think that she was too much of a pushover when it came to her mom, and I wish that she would have stood up to her more than she did here. But besides that, she was likable. Dani and Noah had good chemistry and I think that they made a great couple. 

Overall, this one was good and had some cute moments. It was on the predictable side though, and it didn't really break any new ground. I could pretty much see how everything was going to go, and while I liked it, it isn't anything that will really stand out or be super memorable in the long run. There were times that the characters did frustrate me a bit with their actions, but this was a good story. I think fans of contemporary romance will enjoy this one, especially for those that have read previous books in this series. This is a standalone story, so there is no problem with understanding anything for those that haven't read previous books in the series. I have liked those that I have read in this series, and will continue to look for books from Codi Gary in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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