
ARC Review: King of Wall Street by Louise Bay

I am a huge fan of Louise Bay's! Every time I see that she has a new book, I automatically add to my TBR list. But I have to admit that I was really excited about King of Wall Street. I could not put this one down, and I think readers are going to enjoy this one just as much as I did! 

Max King is the King of Wall Street. He is always right and rules the boardroom as well as the bedroom. But at home, Max is a single dad just trying to keep his teenage daughter out of trouble and a kid as long as possible. When Harper Jayne starts working at his firm, he knows that he is in trouble. While she infuriates him like no woman before, he finds himself more drawn to her than he would like. But the more he tries to fight it, the harder it is to keep things professional. 

Max was hot! Sexy and alpha, he definitely knows how to rule those around him. But Max was also sweet and caring and I absolutely loved him. It was so refreshing to see an alpha that could be commanding but didn't turn into a controlling jerk that I couldn't stand. Harper had her moments for me though, and while I liked her for the most part I did get a bit frustrated with her at times. The chemistry between them was off the charts, but Harper had some issues that had her making some annoying decisions along the way. 

Overall, this was a great book like everything I have read from Louise Bay and I highly recommend it. Louise Bay is fantastic at writing sexy stories filled with emotion and substance to keep you turning the pages, and King of Wall Street had everything that I look for in a great romance novel. If you haven't read anything by her before, you are seriously missing out. If you are already a fan, this is one you must read! I already can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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