
ARC Review: Protege by Lydia Michaels

It took me a long time to decide on my rating for this book. I was going between a 4 and a 5 but finally went with a 4 because of some of the reasons discussed in this review.

Collette need a new start in life. She signs up to interview at an agency that matches couples, Fernweh. Collette was living a fairly mundane life and she just wanted more. I respected her for being willing to take a chance even if her methods were somewhat unconventional. Jude is a part owner of Fernweh. The company has developed a mathematical formula that has an almost 100% couple match rate. From what I gather, the couples who are a part of Fernweh have unique sexual desires and enlist with the company to ensure that their pool of candidates includes people who can satisfy those desires.

Collette does not seem to realize exactly what she is getting herself into in terms of the sexual elements of Fernweh but Jude educates her pretty quickly. Collette decides she has nothing to lose and that she is game for whatever kink is available. Jude understands that Collette is a novice and decides to sponsor her in the club and take her in as his personal protege.

You can probably guess, that the line between mentor and mentee quickly blurs. This is due in large part to the utter mind blowing sex Collette and Jude begin having. Jude discovers that Collette is submissive which is a match for him and more and more he wants to keep Collette beyond their agreed training period. Collette admits pretty quickly that she wants more from Jude than training. The problem is that Jude had some terrible experience with his ex-wife who eventually left him. There were things his ex wife wanted that were too far for Jude and he would not give her. He is worried about the same thing happening with Collette since she has indicated she is up for any and every experience.

What I like about this book is the chemistry between the main couple. I'm also a fan of sex club BDSM(ish) books. The erotic content of this book is absolute A-1. Under all the freaky going ons, I thought a really sweet romance developed between Collette and Jude. What ticked me off is that it took Jude way too damn long to see past his past. And while Jude is being blind, he hurts Collette and makes a decision that hurts both of them. This is all because he won't just admit that he wants Collette for more than training. Basically, the only reason this book lost a star for me is that it took Jude too long to pull his head from his posterior and by the end of the book he had pissed me off. Other than that, great book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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