
ARC Review: Seducing The Boss by Mari Carr

The first thing you need to know is that the name of this book is a total misnomer. Kellan is Sara's boss and also one of her oldest friends. When Kellan finds Sara sad and lonely after being stood up one night, he starts to see his friend in a new light. Sara is having a moment where she is wondering what is wrong with her. She does not have a good history with relationships and while men are finding women to hook up with all around her, no one seems interested in her. Even though Kellen knows he shouldn't, he can't help but to tell his friend and work subordinate that she is beautiful and desirable, you know, to comfort her. When Sara does not seem convinced, Kellen takes it one step further and offers to prove to her how desirable she is during one weekend in which he will rock her world repeatedly. Sara really wants to say no but she wants to say yes even more than that. And what kind of book with this be if she did the smart thing?

So Sara and Kellen embark on their one weekend. It's one weekend because Kellen does not do long term ever. It turns out that Kellen has some really complicated reasons for being a confirmed bachelor that travel back to his youth. This is one of the things I really liked about this book.We are always reading about manwhores who have no excuse for their lack of self control or commitment phobia. I liked that Kellen was really a good guy and that the author offered us a plausible reason why he chose to keep out of long term relationships.

I also really liked Sara's character. For as anti-relationship as Kellen is, Sara is positive that she wants the long term love with picket fences and diaper bags. Sara knows going in that there is no way that she can get those things from Kellen. Because of that, when the weekend is up, it is Sara who ends things. Kellen doesn't want to let go but he also doesn't want to "DTR"- define the relationship as the kids say. And this is why I love Sara, she was having none of the wishy washy BS.

The chemistry between Sara and Kellen is off the charts. They are clearly the perfect match for one another and most people have known this since they were kids. The scenes between Sara and Kellen make you love their developing love. But even with all that, Sara would not back down. And by not backing down from what she wanted, Sara forced Kellen to rethink what was important to him and to finally face some issues from his past.

This is a real love story. So for all of you out there who like the books that are more focused on the romance, this is one of those. And oh yeah, you still get some smoking hot sex and dirty talk to go with it. I highly recommend this read.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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