
ARC Review: Worked Up by Tessa Bailey

I know I say this every time I read a Tessa Bailey book, but Bailey is my happy place. I can almost always rely on her for strong characters, great plots and a fun story. This book was no exception to my usual Bailey bounce. If you are already a Tessa Bailey fan, you will enjoy this. If you have not read Bailey before, this is a great place to start.

Worked Up is the story of Sam and Duke. In typical Bailey style, you are sure to get a little worked up here and there. I have three sisters so I could totally sympathize with Duke who is looking for an escape from his divorced sisters who live with him. Duke was trying to escape estrogen and find some peace when he meets Sam and that plan goes DIRECTLY out the window. Sam is exactly how I like my heroines- spicy! And Duke is the exact brand of brooding that I love in my alpha men.

Neither Sam nor Duke are looking for a relationship. In fact it's fair to say Duke is specifically NOT looking for a relationship. Sam sets up shop in Duke's hometown but it is supposed to be a temporary thing until she can work out some family issues. There is a story behind those issues that involves Sam's prior engagement and her brother's business. It is a hot mess but it adds layers to the plot and isn't too distracting.

I absolutely love that from the moment Duke lays eyes on Samantha, he is all in despite himself. I also love that Sam is a little awkward. Everyone doesn't need to have a sparkling personality and an instant connection. I was here for the awkward. When Sam was cracking corny jokes compulsively and wacking her head on the bar, I thought it was hilarious. Perfect girls are great and all but good to see some flaws.

Duke and Sam were really sweet together. For readers who are tired of the angsty billionaires and the sweet girls they subdue, this book will be perfect for you. I was super happy to read about a male character who was not vagina hopping and didn't have commitment issues. Also, if you read my reviews, you know I love heroes who have vulnerabilities. Well in this book, Duke actually didn't quite know how to approach Sam. He wasn't all smooth and practiced and I really really liked that. Now don't get me wrong, don't get it twisted. Bailey definitely delivers the dirty talk that we have grown to love. These two may have some things to work out but it all comes together in the BED!!

My only criticism of this book is that there were some parts that were a little slow. This is a minor critique but I'm generally used to more fast paced books from Bailey. Pace aside, I still recommend that you put this book on your read list.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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