
ARC Review: Everything for Her by Alexa Riley

Everything for Her is the first full length novel from the writing duo of Alexa Riley. I was excited to see what they would do with this one since it was so much longer than what they typically write. It has everything that fans have come to love and expect when picking up an Alexa Riley story, yet it also had more depth than what their stories usually allow for. While I had mixed feelings about this one overall, there was a lot to like here and I did enjoy it like everything I have read from Alexa Riley. 

Mallory Sullivan has worked hard to put her life on the right track, and she is about ready to take the next step. Having just graduated at the top of her class, she has landed one of the most coveted internships in the country. But little does she know that there has been someone behind the scenes pulling the strings to make sure she ended up on the path he wanted her to...the path though would put her right where he wanted her. But what will happen when Mallory finds out that Oz has been behind everything and that her life wasn't fate after all, but his carefully constructed plan?

I liked these two. Fans of Alexa Riley know that they are experts at writing super sexy insta-love stories with over the top alphas, and this book had all that and more. Oz was definitely an alpha, but I will admit that at times he was a bit controlling and obsessive (bordering on creepy at times if I am honest!) even for an Alexa Riley hero. But I did like him and felt like the chemistry was really strong here, with these two being super hot together. 

I did feel like there was more depth here than a typical Alexa Riley story, but I found the plot a bit lacking. There were some things that didn't work for me, and seemed to be out there even for Alexa Riley. I still love their stories though, and when I am looking for something with a ton of steam that I can just lose myself in, I always pick up one of their stories. This definitely won't be the last I read from them, but it wasn't my favorite either.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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