
ARC Review: Stand by A.L. Jackson

A.L. Jackson has one of the most beautiful writing styles that I have ever read. She is a truly gifted author, weaving words in a way that no one else does. I always look forward to reading something new from her, and if you haven't read anything by her you definitely need to. Stand was a book I had both been looking forward to and yet I was also kind of sad since this is the last Bleeding Stars book. This is a standalone story, but I definitely recommend the entire series. A.L. Jackson hit it out of the park again with this book, and I loved it! 

This is Zee Kennedy's story, a character I have been anxious to get to know better. When Zee's brother died, Zee stepped up to take his brother's place in his band. Besides that though, Zee remained mostly a mystery, never letting anyone in. No one knew his secrets or what kept him so focused. But when Alexis Kensington entered his life, everything changed. While she needed someone to save her, she ended up saving Zee too. But can he let go of his past in order to truly move forward? 

I loved these two. They really did need each other, and saved each other in every way. My heart broke for Zee at times, seeing all that he had kept a secret and been hiding from everyone around him. He had so much pain and hurt that he had shouldered alone, and he truly deserved so much more. Alexis brought him back to life in a way that he hadn't been for a long time. He had been surviving before her, but she helped him to actually live again. Zee and Alexis had such a strong connection and chemistry, and it felt as though they were always meant for one another.

Overall, this story was such a beautiful one. A.L. Jackson brought all the emotions here, and I loved it. This series has been fantastic from the start and I am really sad that this is the end. I thought that this one was such a great ending to the series though and I know I will read these books again. I have loved everything I have read from Jackson, but there is just something special about the Bleeding Stars series and Stand is one I think readers are going to love.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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