
Feature and Giveaway: Without Words by Delancey Stewart

Sometimes love speaks for itself…

After an accident in the line of duty, firefighter Roberto DeRosa’s life is turned upside down. His career fighting fires is over, and he’s left with an uncertain future and an injury that makes communicating difficult for him. The only time words flow easily is when they’re lyrics and he has a guitar in his hands. Talking to women is definitely out, especially if they have bright blue eyes that seem to see right into his soul.

Dani Hodge is on the brink of realizing her dream of opening a small combination wine and book store in San Diego’s funky Ocean Beach neighborhood. But before she can open the doors, there’s work to be done, more work than she can do herself.

When the tattooed guy who completely ignored her at a bar walks by and offers her a hand wrangling a tile saw, Dani can’t afford to say no—and why would she say no to Mr. Strong and Silent when his stare conveys more than words could?

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“I wasn’t sure it was right for me to come,” I admitted, still not earning eye contact back. My nerves bubbled in my stomach and my mouth began to take off. “It felt wrong, the way the day ended, and I wanted to apologize. I shouldn’t have…”

Rob looked up then, and the hand that wasn’t holding on to his drink like a lifeline moved, landing on my forearm.

I stared at his dark skin against my arm, shivered as warmth radiated from his touch. And blessedly, my mouth stopped moving.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Rob said, his slow speech forcing me to hang on every syllable. “And I’m glad you’re here.”

I held his gaze, though it was so charged I had a crazy thought I might lose control of myself completely and leap into his arms, or lick him, or something. It was the same way

I’d felt standing on the top of the cliffs at La Jolla or driving over the Coronado Bridge. I knew I wasn’t going to fall, but it didn’t change the very real possibility that I could—that people probably had.

Delancey Stewart writes contemporary romance from her home outside Washington D.C. In a house populated by two tiny pirates and one full-sized Marine aviator, inspiration for her heroes is never hard to find—though quiet time to write often is!

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  • 1 $20 Amazon Gift Card
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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Delancey Stewart & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting today!
Tasty Book Tours

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