
Feature: Blade by Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright

Sexy Suit, Blade was held captive and abused for decades. Benson Enterprises was desperate to use his superior blood to create super soldiers. But when he’s finally rescued, he can’t return to the Wildlands with the other prisoners. Not without the female he was forced to watch being impregnated. The female who has gone missing.

Beautiful and broken, Valli just wants to run away and never look back. But with the shocking news of her pregnancy fresh in her mind, she wonders if that’s even possible. Told by her captors that one of the caged animals assaulted her, she knows she must do everything in her power to keep her unborn child safe. But when a glorious male tracks her down and claims her and her baby as his own, will she have the strength to walk away?

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Blade didn’t miss her shudder of relief, the quick glimmer of tears in her eyes. Warmth filled his heart, and a rush of gratitude. Whatever her confused and angry feelings toward him, it was obvious she cared deeply about their child.

“Then why am I here?” she demanded, trying to sit up.

The Healer placed another pillow under her head so she could be slightly upright. “Blade was concerned when you fainted.”

“Blade?” She whirled back to study Blade with a skittish gaze. “That’s your name?”

His lips twisted into a humorless smile. “A little late for introductions, I know, but yes.” He nodded toward the male across the bed. “And that’s Jean-Baptiste. A Pantera healer. One of our best.”

She frowned. “I don’t get this. I thought there was nothing wrong with me. Why would I need a healer?”

“I said nothing was physically wrong,” Jean-Baptiste clarified.

Her stunningly beautiful face tightened, as if she was offended by the words, her hand reaching up to brush away Jean-Baptiste’s hand.

“I’m not crazy,” she ground out.

“No one said you were,” Blade said, reaching to grasp her hand, which lay on top of the light blanket covering her body. Thankfully she made no effort to pull away from his grasp this time.

He hated it, but he needed to touch her.

To feel the heat of her skin and hear the steady beat of her heart.

“Then what are you saying?” she demanded, once again turning her attention to the Healer.

Jean-Baptiste chose his words with care. “I suspect that the doctors at the clinic used hypnosis to distort your memories.”

Valli flinched, her fear scenting the air. Blade’s cat pressed beneath his skin, wanting out. It didn’t understand human deceit or betrayal. It only knew that this female was afraid and in need of comfort.

“No,” she breathed. “You’re just trying to protect your friend after what he...” She didn’t finish.

This time it was Blade who pulled his hand from hers.

With a growl.

Alexandra Ivy graduated from Truman University with a degree in theatre before deciding she preferred to bring her characters to life on paper rather than stage. She currently lives in Missouri with her extraordinarily patient husband and teenage sons. To stay updated on Alexandra’s Guardian series or to chat with other readers, please visit her website at

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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of The Cavanaugh Brothers Series, Mark of the Vampire, Bayou Heat, and Wicked Ink Chronicles.

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Thank you so much! ~Jessica, InkSlinger PR

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