
ARC Review: Unloved by Katy Regnery

I have to admit that I was intrigued by this one the minute I read the blurb! I love Katy Regnery, but this book sounded so different. While Unloved wasn't entirely what I was expecting, I still really enjoyed it and couldn't put it down. Besides reading the blurb, I went into this one knowing nothing and I am so glad I did. Trust me this is one to just experience, don't go looking for spoilers. Because I think this one needs to just be read without much knowledge ahead of time, this review will be somewhat vague so as not to give anything away. 

Cassidy Porter is the son of a serial killer. Because he is the son of someone with such darkness, he believes that he carries that as well and chooses to remove himself from humanity. He lives an isolated life and believes that he is not worthy of love. But when Brynn enters his life, everything changes. 

I loved Brynn and Cassidy. Cass was so good. He was sweet and caring, and I just really felt like he was one of those heroes that was impossible not to fall for. He broke my heart at times though, and I just wanted to hug him and tell him that he wasn't his father and deserved so much more than he thought. Brynn was another character that I really felt for. She had been through a lot, and I can't even imagine going through what she did. But for me, it felt like they were meant to meet and that they were exactly what the other needed. 

Overall, I couldn't put this book down and it was one that I enjoyed reading. Yes it was different than I thought it would be, I was expecting it to be darker based on the blurb and it wasn't. It was sweet and emotional, while having plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. If you are a fan of Katy Regnery you will definitely want to read this one, and if you aren't already a fan this is a great place to start. Katy Regnery continues to impress me with her original and addictive stories, and Unloved is another winner from her.

**ARC Provided by L. Woods PR**

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