
Blind Date with a Book Event with Hayson Manning

I live in the sparkly beach side suburb of Redondo Beach in California with my infuriating shoe-dropping husband and my two boys who speak in mystifying grunts. I am an expert at finding new ways to avoid exercise.

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Hi everyone,

It is such an honor to be here today with Dani (who I adore) celebrating her bloggerversary. I don’t go on blind dates anymore, but I do date night with The Fake Gordon Ramsay every week. We try a new restaurant every week in little old Redondo Beach.

I do have a blind date book for you though. It’s the first in a series. With a hot Italian releasing in August 2018.

Now for me, any date is about great banter. Here’s a coffee making scene from my book boyfriend.

He put her hand on a knob on the side of the machine. “Twist it lightly,” he said. “That knob is temperamental, you’ve got to stroke it just right.”

With his hand covering hers, he turned the knob, until a stream of coffee poured into the ceramic cup.

“A temperamental knob. Duly noted.”

“When you get steam, turn it off like this.” He gently pushed her hand, so the lever set to neutral. “You want to get all the water out before you dip your wand.”

She moved back a fraction. “Everyone should know how to dip their wand just the way they like it.”

“Manufacturer recommendation.” He edged back, so the morning evidence of this conversation didn’t announce itself. He could blame morning biology, but he wasn’t a liar by nature.

The atmosphere in the room thickened to clotted cream.

“I always follow the manufacturer’s recommendation. I wouldn’t want the wand to get damaged.”

He shook his head. “Terrible thing a damaged wand.”

With the wand dipped into the silver jug, he swirled the milk until the right consistency of froth appeared. Balancing the cup and the jug he drew a heart into the coffee.

“Last thing.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

“You must always clean the wand, thoroughly. No one wants a dirty wand.”

“Wands should be kept clean at all times. Never know when you’re going to need it.” The husk in her voice vibrating through his body.

Go-getter Georgia Paxton has ten days to acquire a quaint hotel in the Scottish Highlands for her travel accommodation company before she’s off on her next grand adventure. Too bad the sexy, broody Scot who owns the place is dead against the idea…and that she’s in very real danger of losing their little bet to see who can convince whom first.

There’s no way Callum MacGregor is going to let the gorgeous American turn his tiny hometown over to bored tourists looking to satisfy their Outlander fantasies. He only has ten days to convince her to slow down and see the magic of the town and its people. If he succeeds, he won’t have to run her out of the county. But if he fails, Georgia might run off with his heart.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of Ten Days with the Highlander + $10 Amazon Gift Card

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Hayson Manning for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Carol L. said...

Hayson is a new Author for me. I"m looking forward to reading 10 Days With The Highlander. Love stories that have a Highlander. Thanks for excerpt and giveaway chance.
Carol Luciano
Lucky4750 at aol dot com

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