
ARC Review: The Church by Celia Aaron

The Church is the third book in The Cloister series by Celia Aaron, and should only be read after The Maiden and The Prophet. This book is the conclusion of the series and I couldn’t wait for it after the end of The Prophet. I had to know what would happen and how things would end and I can honestly say that Celia Aaron did this series and the characters justice and I am so glad that I took a chance on her with these books. I am now a huge fan of hers and can’t wait to read more of her stories. 

The Church picks up after the events of The Prophet, with Adam having destroyed himself for his feelings for Delilah. His life hangs in the balance and Delilah doesn’t know how to go on. Though Delilah is determined to get vengeance, the prophet is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that his life continues as it has been by whatever means necessary. 

I have really enjoyed getting to know both Delilah and Adam from the beginning of this series through this last book. This book is full of things that could be triggers for some readers and that should be taken seriously. But as much darkness and tough subjects as there are here, this series is also filled with hope and love as well. Adam and Delilah had a unique and undeniable connection right from the start, and with everything that they went through that only strengthened. These two were put through hell, but I never lost hope that they would get to where they were meant to be or find their own HEA. 

This series is one that sucked me in from the very start, and with each book I found myself unable to put them down, devouring every last word. I honestly couldn’t get enough and I wasn’t ready for the series to be over. I would love to see more of Adam’s brother and how his future progresses after everything happened. While I do think that this series is fantastic, I urge you to take the warnings serious. But if it sounds like something you can handle, these books are definitely worth reading! Adam and Delilah are characters I won’t forget and I look forward to reading more from Celia Aaron in the future.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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