
Follow Friday #3

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts: Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.

Q. Name 3 authors that you would love to sit down and spend an hour or a meal with just talking about either their books or get advice on writing from?

Wow, this is a difficult question. How to only pick just three when there are so many different authors that I admire and respect. There is no question that J.R. Ward would be my first choice. I am completely obsessed with her Black Dagger Brotherhood series and I would love to know every little tidbit that she would be willing to tell me. Also, I just find her method of writing interesting. I want to know all about her Rice Krispies. Sherrilyn Kenyon is another author whose books I adore. When I first began reading adult books, hers were some of the first that I picked up. My third author I would love to meet is Lisa Kleypas. There isn't a book that I don't like that she has written. I've fallen in love with quite a few of her heroes. She just has a way with writing. Well there you have my three. I hope if you haven't read their books that you take the time to pick one up. You won't be disappointed.

  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read } and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- We Fancy Books & A Novella's Tale
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Parajunkee's blog.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point  is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)


Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I'd like to meet JR Ward too. I've only read one BDB book, but I really liked it.
My Hop

RFTC Blog said...

@Alison Can Read-Thanks for stopping by. You definitely have to read the BDB series. It is so good. I can't even count how many times I've read it.

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

Whooo... I would love to meet Lisa Kleypas. I love her!

Kristy said...

Hi, just following back.

I haven't read anything by Sherrilyn Kenyon since she has such a huge backlist. I'm a little intimidated by how much I will have to read to catch up on any of her series. I've read a few books by the other two authors and enjoyed them.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a great weekend.


melannie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! following back ;)

Only know 1 of this authors though, I've only read a book by Lisa but I liked it, and I've seen the other names around!

RFTC Blog said...

@Alexis-Thanks for stopping by. Isn't Lisa Kleypas fabulous? =)

@Kristy-A huge backlist can absolutely be daunting. There are quite a few authors that are I am dying to read but the backlist is so massive that I just keep putting it off. I do highly recommend her if you ever find the time.

@Melannie-If you are a fan of paranormal romances than I definitely recommend both of the authors. If not it's understandable. If you liked the book by Lisa, I definitely suggest picking up some others. She creates the best heroes.

@Pedantic Phooka-Thanks for stopping by. =)

Anonymous said...

I've always heard such great things about BDB, one day I need to pick them up.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Have a great weekend. :)

Lan said...

J.R Ward has come up heaps this week! I haven't read any of her books though :(

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Am following you in return!

Imo said...

New Follower! (check my list of Blogs i follow if you're not sure...)
Love the blog name, by the way, so 21st century :D
SNAP with Sherrilyn Kenyon, the first Adult PNR i read was one of hers, and i've been hooked ever since (seriously, her books are like drugs...)
I've heard great things about J.R. Ward but have yet to pursue her books, maybe i will now..

Anyways, if you stop by my blog (you don't have to if you don't want to) thanks! And leave a comment to say hi :P
Imo :D

Sophie said...

Hey Danielle, thanks for visiting my blog! I'm now following you back. :D

JR Ward is seriously a popular choice! Definitely is making me want to read her books. Gonna have to see if the library has any later!

Have a great Friday!

C.J Duggan said...

LOVIN your blog!! New follower! and brand new to the FF fun!

Love J.R Ward and Kenyon!! Great choices.

Here's mine!

Have a great weekend!

Bonnie said...

I have seen J.R. Ward on a lot of lists today! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me at Hands and Home, I am now following you back and looking forwrad to reading more from you in the future!

Bonnie @ HandsAndHome

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog.
I am a new follower and I can't wait to read future posts!


Anne said...

I am obsessed with The Black Dagger Brotherhood books too- they are so much fun to read!

Kristina said...

I was going to pick JR Ward! I just started reading the black dagger brotherhood series a few weeks ago and I am obsessed! They are amazing!

New follower!


Unknown said...

Great choices! I've just added some Sherrilyn Kenyon to my TBR list! I'm a new follower! If you'd like to see what authors I chose today, you can hop on over to Fuzzy.Coffee.Books!
Have a great weekend!

Dianne Duvall said...

Great choices, Danielle! I only recently discovered BDB, but am totally hooked after reading three books. I can't wait to read the rest! I first encountered Sherrilyn Kenyon writing as Kinley MacGregor and think she's great! And Lisa Kleypas is just one of the best historical romance authors out there.

Have a great weekend!

The Immortal Realm

Anonymous said...

The three authors you listed keep popping up on most blogs I've been visiting. I definitely need to check them out!

Thanks for stopping by our blog and we are now following you. :)

Happy follow Friday!

Sniffly Kitty said...

Jr Ward is definitely one that pops up a lot.

Thanks for stopping by!

New Follower!

Sniffly Kitty
Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

Christy @ TheReaderBee said...

Great picks! Especially J.R. Ward. I've heard so many good things about her books, I really need to read some of them!

Thanks for hopping by! I'm now following you in return!

Unknown said...

New follower! Found on Follow Friday! :) I've never heard of those authors, unfortunately, but I will keep them on my radar now!

If you'd like to visit my own FF post, it is here:

RFTC Blog said...

@Amanda-You definitely should pick up the BDB books. They are hands down my absolute favorite. They are just so good.

@Lan-I love J.R. Ward's books. She definitely knows how to write about sexy warriors.

@Sharon-Thanks for stopping by. =)

@Imo-Thanks for liking the blog. Sherrilyn books are definitely very addictive. Once I started her books, I had to have them all. Love her.

@Sophie Gonzales-I hope you have luck with finding J.R. Wards book at your library. I definitely recommend them.

@CJ Duggan-Thanks for stopping by. =)

@Bonnie-Thanks for stopping by. I really liked your blog too.

@Grace-Thank you for stopping by. I hope you continue to visit.

@Anne-I am obsessed with the BDB. What's your favorite book? Mine is Lover Awakened. I am so in love with Zsadist.

@Kristina-I'm so glad you are liking the BDB books. I can't even count how many times I've read them. They are definitely my favorites.

@BookJunkie-Thanks for stopping by. I hope you like Sherrilyn's books.

@Dianne Duvall-**Squee** Thanks for visiting. I hope you are able to pick up the rest of the BDB series. The books are just so good. I haven't read any of Sherrilyn's Kinley MacGregor books yet, but I definitely have them on my TBR pile.

@Nerd Girls-Thanks for stopping and showing your love. =)

@Sniffly Kitty-Thanks for stopping through.

@Christy@TheReaderBee-I hope you pick up some of J.R. Ward's books soon. They are really good.

@Jinny-Thanks for stopping by. =)

Jennifer @ BookShelfery said...

I've heard good things about Lisa Kleypas' books....I have yet to read one though.
Thanks for stopping by on the hop, new follower here. :)
Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog

Writer, Editor, Dreamer said...

New follower through Parajunkee's View #FF! Can I just skip to commenting on Jake Gyllenhaal ! Oh, my. Never looked sexier than with a book in his hands. *fans self* Check out my answers to #FF question at

Madigan Mirza said...

It sounds like Sherrilyn Kenyon has had such a dramatic life. Did you know that she was homeless with a new baby at one point, when she was still trying to make it as an author? Wow. I can't even imagine.

BLHmistress said...

I notice you too, when I hop around, following you back and yes Sherrilyn is top author for me. I love love her Dark Hunter series- speaking of which did you read they are making the Dark Hunters into a TV series :)

RFTC Blog said...

@Jennifer-If you like historical romance I definitely suggest you give Lisa Kleypas a try. She writes wonderful heroes.

@Andi-Thanks for stopping and thanks for checking out my Man Candy Monday pics. Yeah, I love that one of Jake. *Sigh*

@Madigan McGillicuddy-Yeah, some of the things I've read about Sherrilyn Kenyon are crazy. I would not have been able to persevere like she has.

@BLHMistress-So glad you stopped by. I am extremely happy about her books being developed into movies and a t.v. show. I just hope they do them justice.

Unknown said...

Great post hon!!! I would loooove to meet JRWARD! Love her work! THank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Ashley Suzanne, I am now returning the follow!

Katie said...

Great picks! Thanks for stopping by my blog, now following you back!

Anna said...

Great answer! Here's mine:

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