
Feature: Darkness Dawns by Dianne Duvall and Giveaway

Once, Sarah Bingham’s biggest challenge was making her students pay attention in class. Now, after rescuing a wounded stranger, she’s landed in the middle of a battle between corrupt vampires and powerful immortals who also need blood to survive. Roland Warbrook is the most compelling man Sarah has ever laid hands on. But his desire for her is mingled with a hunger he can barely control . . .

In his nine centuries of immortal existence, no woman has tempted Roland as much as Sarah. But asking her to love him is impossible -- when it mean forfeiting the world she’s always known, and the life he would do anything
to protect. 

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Roland awoke as the sun was setting, his body wracked with pain. It took several minutes of intense concentration before he was able to distance himself from it enough to open his eyes and take in his surroundings. 

The television was on, tuned to a news channel, the volume low. 

He was lying on his back on the futon, his left leg bent at the knee and resting against the cushioned back. His right leg was stretched out with his foot hanging off the end. What utterly astonished him and nearly made him forget the pain, however, was Sarah, who was sprawled atop him, peacefully ensconced in slumber. 

Her cheek was pillowed by his chest. Emitting a pleasant citrus scent, her hair again clung to his stubbled jaw and fell across his shoulder in curly disarray. One of her small hands loosely clutched his shoulder. The other was tucked into his side. Her full breast warmed his stomach. Her lips rested against his groin, arousing him despite his discomfort. 

Damn, but it felt good. 

Giving in to temptation, he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her silky hair. 

She stirred, her hand tightening on his shoulder as she snuggled closer, then fell still. 

He hadn't slept with a woman in the literal sense in over nine centuries, refusing to let down his guard enough to experience such intimacy as this. Not even with Mary, who had feigned such devotion. He had obeyed the proprieties when he had courted Mary and, fearing her reaction when she found out what he was, had never left himself so vulnerable. 

But Sarah didn't know what he was and he had no intention of telling her. He didn't want to see the same loathing in her eyes that had darkened Beatrice's or the fear that had widened Mary's. 

To Sarah, he was just a man. 

His body hardened even more when he remembered the way her heartbeat had sped up at his touch.

Her pulse was slow and steady now, the blood in her veins calling him to come and satiate his hunger. As he listened to the steady thrum of it, his own heart began to pound. 

Roland slid one hand up her back, tunneling through soft, thick curls, and rested his fingers upon the satiny skin of her neck just over her pulse. 

What would she taste like? Sweet like her smiles? Or spicy like her daring spirit?

Would drinking from her merely dull the pain? Or would it set him aflame? 

His body was struggling to heal itself. The need for blood clawed at him.

Roland felt his fangs descend and lengthen. 

Just one taste. Sarah is sleeping. She need never know. 

**Make sure to stop by Novermber 30th when Dianne stops by to talk about her upcoming release of Night Reigns.**

**Author Info**

Dianne Duvall earned a BA in English from the University of St. Thomas and has won multiple awards as a romance writer.  Her debut paranormal romance novel Darkness Dawns was awarded 4 1/2 stars by RT Book Reviews, received 5-star reviews and was declared a Top Pick by The Romance Reviews and a Best Book by Long and Short Reviews, and received 5-star reviews from Bitten by Paranormal Romance, Reading Between the Wines, Books and Things and Paranormal Romance Addict.  It also won first place in the Romance Writers of America Indiana Golden Opportunity contest, then was chosen as Best of the Best.  It is the first book in her Immortal Guardians series.

When she isn't writing, Dianne is very active in the independent film industry and once even appeared onscreen as a machete-wielding maniac not unlike the vampires she so loves to create in her novels.

Places to find Dianne:
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Dianne has been nice enough to offer up a signed copy of Darkness Dawns along with some Immortal Guardians Swag to one lucky commenter. So make sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win. International shipping available. 

Good Luck =)


mnjcarter said...

Sounds like a wonderful read!! The excerpt makes me feel kind os sorry for him,(the fear of rejection). Another must read for me!

Thanks for the giveaway!!

loves to dive said...

Wow, this book sounds like something right up my alley, would love to read it.
lvs2dv (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

SOunds like a great read! Definately going on my TBR list(which keeps getting bigger and bigger!)

Thanks so much!


Victoria said...

I love the excerpt. Such a wonderful sounding read :).

tammy ramey said...

love the cover it's gorgeous and the excerpt was wonderful. i can't wait to read the rest of the book and see what happens next.

amanda said...

Love the cover of this book. The excerpt definitely makes me want to read this book as well as the wonderful description. Thanks for the giveaway and for taking the time to do this.


Mary Kirkland said...

I would love to win this, this is a new author for me so I am really looking forward to reading this now.

Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

Sounds like a great read--Thanks for the chance to win!!

Na said...

Thank you for sharing an excerpt. This sounds like a great paranormal read.

Dianne Duvall said...

Danielle: Thanks so much for featuring Darkness Dawns! I can't wait to return in November!

mnjcarter, loves to dive, Kristina, Victoria, Mary, and Melissa: Thanks for dropping by! I'm glad you liked the excerpt! Good luck with the contest! I hope you'll enjoy Darkness Dawns!

tammy ramey and amanda: Thanks for joining us! I'm so glad you liked the cover! The excerpt, too. :-) I hope you enjoy Darkness Dawns. Good luck with the contest!

Dianne Duvall said...

Na: Thank you for dropping by! I'm glad you liked it! Good luck with the contest!

JenniferK said...

I love the cover of the book, it looks like a great read. Thanks so much for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Dianne you know I love your book and I can't wait for the next one!
Sherrie Swilley Stroup

Dianne Duvall said...

Jennifer: Thanks, Jennifer! Good luck with the contest! I hope you enjoy Darkness Dawns!

Sherrie: *big wave* Hi, Sherrie! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you'll like Night Reigns!

Maureen said...

It looks like a great story.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com

Barbara E. said...

I enjoyed the excerpt and I'm looking forward to reading Darkness Dawns.

alainala said...

ohhh i loved book 1!! would love the chance to win it.. cant wait for book 2.. (and i would LOVE swag!) thanks for making the contest international!

alainala AT hotmail DOT ca

Kara said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I ♥ this book! I can't wait to read the upcoming book. :)

Mary Preston said...

This is fabulous thank you!!


Dani said...

This book sounds fantastic! Loved the excerpt. This is definitely going on my list to buy. :o)

Irishwolf @ embarqmail .com

Dianne Duvall said...

Maureen and Barbara E.: Thanks! I hope you enjoy it! Good luck with the contest!

alainala: I'm so glad you liked it! I hope you'll enjoy Night Reigns, too! Thank you for joining us!

Kara: Thanks for dropping by! Good luck!

Kari: Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy Night Reigns!

marybelle and Dani: Thanks so much! Good luck with the contest!

tetewa said...

I enjoyed the first book, count me in!

Dianne Duvall said...

tetewa: I'm so glad you liked it! Good luck with the contest!

bettycd said...

Happy Halloween - waiting for more trick or treaters

JessS said...

Darkness Dawns sounds really good and I loved the excerpt! Thanks for the giveaway and having it international.


Unknown said...

Loved the excerpt, but I'm curious, could Sarah really sleep right on top of Roland & not know he wasn't mortal?

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

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