
ARC Review: My Ruthless Prince by Gaelen Foley

I am so glad that I kept going with this series and picked up this book, because I could not put it down. Drake and Emily's story turned out to be everything I was wanting and more.

When Drake, Earl of Westwood is labeled a traitor by his fellow Order brothers Emily doesn't believe it. The Drake that she grew up with is in no way a traitor and she is determined to prove it. She sets off to bring Drake back and remind him of everything he once believed in. She knows that Drake is broken and confused, but she believes her love for him will bring him back to the man he once was.

Drake has vowed to himself he will do everything he can to take down the Promethean's, even if he has to die doing it. When he discovers Emily has followed him in an attempt to save him, he does everything in his power to keep her safe. When the Promethean's find her, Drake leads them to believe that she is his mistress. With them both staying in such close quarters it makes it difficult for them to hide the passion and desire they both feel towards one another. They always tried to abide their parents wishes to stay away from one another, but now they are finding it harder and harder to keep their hands to themselves.

When Drake is ordered by the Promethean's to offer up Emily as a sacrifice, Drake knows he will do anything in his power to get her to safety even if he has to forgo his plan of revenge. Nothing is more important to him than Emily and her safety.

I really enjoyed Drake and Emily's story. It was everything I had been waiting for and more. I was finally able to get to know Drake and the type of man we were led to believe he was in the previous books. I won't lie, if not for Drake and his story I would not have kept going with this series. I really didn't care for the previous books but there was just something about Drake and his story that pulled me in. I am so glad that I kept going and picked up his book because is was phenomenal. Drake is the type of hero all girls dream about. He's noble, heroic, and will do everything for the one he loves. Emily was a great match for Drake. She is sweet, kind and never loses faith in the man that she loves. She's also fearless and is willing to sacrifice herself just to save him.

I loved getting to know both of these characters and I really hope that we get to see more of them in the next book.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**



Melanie said...


Great review, as usual, Chick! I loved all the books, but like you, Drake's story was something I anticipated and so hoped it would be a good one, from the first time they mentioned him.

The only draw back to this series is that it really has to be read in order, otherwise the reader will miss on a lot of Drake's back story, which is woven through every book before this one. Some people don't like that, but I on the other hand love series and to me this is like reading one of those Diana Gabaldoon behemoth books :))))

A Place for All Romance and Book Lovers!

RFTC Blog said...

@Mel-Thanks for the love. =) I'll be honest, I really didn't like this series and the only thing that brought me back to it was Drake's story. From the first moment he stepped on the page I was mesmerized by him and his story. In the previous books I would gobble up all of his parts and then re-read them when I finished the book. I just could not wait for this book to see what was going to happen with him. He was definitely worth the wait and I'm so glad I read this book. It's definitely one of my favorites of the year.

I'm really looking forward to your review to see what your likes and dislikes were and how Drake made an impact on you.

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

Can this one be read a stand-alone? Or do you have to read the rest to get it. If this is the only one I would skip all the rest if it works.

RFTC Blog said...

@Alexis-I really suggest reading the others because then you really get an idea of what is going on with Drake and how he ended up where he did.

Kat ~ Forever Book Lover ♥ said...

I didn't read the other books before reading this and I still was able to get a sense of what was going on, I do regret not learning more about Virgil, I like his character.
I thoroughly enjoyed My Ruthless Prince.

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