
ARC Review: Ember by Kristen Callihan

This was a super quick read by Kristen Callihan and it introduces us the reader, to Miranda and Archer the hero and heroine of her upcoming novel Firelight. I haven't read Firelight yet, but I assume that this takes place directly before the events of Firelight begin. I thought that this was a nice introduction to both Archer and Miranda. I am now super curious to see how and where things end up with the two of them.

Already I am finding myself completely intrigued by Archer and I want to know more about him then what we were shown in Ember. In Ember we meet a man that is scarred and is attempting to find his way. He is plagued by his longing for Miranda. He wants to find a cure for himself and then return home to claim Miranda as his own.

I felt that in Ember I got a lot more insight into the character of Miranda. We meet a woman who has been dealt a rotten hand of cards in life and she is just trying to make amends for past mistakes. I felt for her and her plight and if I were her I would have already crumpled to the floor in tears and not gotten up.

I can't wait to pick up Firelight to see how things progress between Archer and Miranda and hopefully I'll get some answers as to what is plaguing Archer.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**



Jennie Reese said...

Hi Danielle - Have you read FIRELIGHT yet?? If not, it's on Net Galley...check it out!

RFTC Blog said...

@Jennie-Thanks for the heads-up. I have read Firelight and I just posted my review for it a few days ago...

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