
Sealed With a Kiss: Jenna Petersen and Giveaway

Jenna Petersen knew she wanted to be a writer at a very young age and had a very specific image of what that meant. In her mind, she would live in Los Angeles (why not New York… who knows?), attend book signings, drive a very expensive car and date endlessly (and apparently, unsuccessfully). There was little actual writing involved in the fantasy.

Instead, she got a degree in Psychology from the University of Washington, married her high school sweetheart and moved to Central Illinois. There was much actual writing involved in the reality and she learned a lot in the years she waited to hear she sold a book. 

Jenna enjoys travel, history, live baseball, Bears and Eagles football, and of course, all things related to reading and writing. She runs a website for aspiring authors called The Passionate Pen, which has become a popular resource in the romance writing community. She also writes erotic romance under the pseudonym Jess Michaels and zombie comedy under the pseudonym Jesse Petersen
Places to find Jenna:

My 2008 release, LESSONS FROM A COURTESAN was one of my very favorite books to write, so revisiting the main characters after several years of marriage and the birth of a baby they both longed for was a lot of fun. I pictured them being separated by a poorly timed storm and each writing a letter on the same day, like ships passing in the night. I hope you enjoy this revisit of Victoria and Justin as much as I did.

February 14, 1819

My Dearest Justin,

I am writing this letter and I must laugh as it is meant to be the sweetest day, but we are apart thanks to, of all things, the weather. Of course, I feel that every day we are together is the sweetest day, so I do not lament the parting too much. Especially when I think of our reunion in a few days. I do miss you, my dearest, and I hope your work with Caleb and his half-brothers on the building projects in London is going well, despite the rain and gales.

As I write this, our son is sleeping in the room adjoining mine. Landon misses you, as well. Today at tea, he continually repeated “Dada, Dada”, pointing to your empty chair with a forlorn expression that I’m certain matched my own. His tiny grief at your absence put me to mind, once again, of how lucky we are to have him.

But it is more than that, I suppose. His desire to see you made me think about how lucky I am to have a man such as you for his father. Your love for him is so plain, so tangible, that it fills me a swell of joy every time I see the two of you together. There is nothing better than seeing you clutching him to your chest when he’s warm and sweet from a bath, or rolling around on the floor with him in our parlor, as if you are no longer my very serious Marquis, but simply a loving, generous man who is more concerned with his child than his dignity.

If I have not made it clear with my gushing praise, I am trying to tell you that you are the love of my life. My Valentine on every day of the year, not just this one. I love you with all my heart and I cannot wait until you are back in my arms. Travel safely, my love. I count the days to your return.

With much love,

Check out Victoria and Justin's love story in LESSONS FROM A COURTESAN.

Blackmailed into a marriage five years ago, and forced by their overbearing families to consummate that union so it could never be legally questioned, Victoria and Justin Talbot have been more than happy to live apart ever since, although neither one has quite forgotten the one night they shared.

But now Victoria has been forced to come to London in the disguise of London’s most talented and sought after courtesan. Invading Justin’s world, she is on a desperate search to find a missing friend and stay clear of her very angry, suddenly possessive husband. Only this time, one taste is not going to be enough for Justin. He is determined not only to uncover Victoria’s secrets, but to claim her, body and soul.

Places to Purchase:


Jenna will be giving away a copy of Lessons From A Courtesan to 1 lucky person (US Shipping Only). Make sure to leave a comment and to fill out the Rafflecopter form to be entered in to win.

Don't forget to head over to Not Another Romance Blog to check out Justin's letter to Victoria.

**Don't forget to enter the Big Grand Prize Giveaway. Enter here.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway


chilosa2004 said...

Already read this book and Iloved it

Tin Ong said...

It was a great story and this is a great follow-up. Ria's letter was very sweet. ^_^

Joanne said...

From this letter, you can see how in love Victoria is with her husband. Can't wait to read this book.


erin said...

WOW, what a sweet letter! Definitely caught my interest!!! Really want to read this book now :)

Unknown said...

Love the letter! Will be reading this soon :)

Kim said...

Thanks for the sneak peek into your book.

LadyRed said...

Very sweet letter!

Jeanne M said...

Jenna/Jess - I love your books whatever name you write under! I've been a fan of Jenna since I read Scandalous and joined the ranks of Jess fan's with Everything Forbidden!

I loved the entire letter over on Not Another Romance Blog but I must admit that my favorite line was "Perhaps if our history was different, I wouldn’t appreciate those things as the gift they are." My husband and I just celebrated our 42nd Anniversary on February 2nd and I know that holds true with our marraige!

Thanks for giving all of a chance to win a copy of Lessons Fom A Courtesan!

Shelley B said...

I love ooks with this kind of a set up!

June M. said...

I loved this book. I read a library copy years ago but would love to read this again and have a copy for my library :)
It is a wonderful story and whoever wins it will have a great book!

Jane said...

Landon sounds so adorable.

Lexi said...

I love that their love letters give a view into their marriage and how much they appreciate each other.

Mariee said...

Lovely letter!
And the book sounds great.

kiki w said...

Sounds Great.

bn100 said...

What a beautiful letter!

*yadkny* said...

The book sounds fantastic and the letter was beautiful!!! Can't wait to read about their journey!!!

Di said...

I'm lovin' these letters!

Diane D - Florida said...

What a beautiful letter. It really touched my heart to know that love really does exist (in books) like this. I'd love to read the Victoria and Justin's story. *sigh*

TxDee said...

These letters are charming. I'm sure I will enjoy your book as well.

Carol L. said...

just love both the letter and the excerpt. It's on my TRL for sure. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Tina B said...

I love this letter! It is so sweet! I can't wait to read this story! :)

Mary @SweepingMe said...

I think this might be one of my favorites of all the letters!


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