
Sealed With a Kiss: Heather Snow and Giveaway

Heather Snow is a historical romance writer with a degree in Chemistry who found she much preferred creating chemistry on the page, rather than in the lab! She is forever trying to wrangle her left and right brain to work together (some days with more success than others!), but if her two sides had to duke it out, left would win every time--which can be a creative challenge. Luckily, she loves challenges...she just goes about solving them analytically.

She lives with her husband and two sons in the Midwest and truly hopes you find her stories have just the right chemistry...
Places to find Heather:

Written by Geoffrey Wentworth, Earl of Stratford, to his wife—upon the birth of their daughter, some seven and one half months after the Epilogue…

My love,

How amazing you are. I’ve always thought so, from the moment you stepped into my drawing room and changed my life irrevocably. Even in our darkest days, when the breaking of our hearts was a palpable thing that could be felt and heard like a rending, my awe and appreciation for you never waned. Indeed, it was the very fear of losing such a woman as yourself that made the torment that much more acute.

You’ve taught me how to love, and how to be loved. I’d never have known it without you. All I knew then was that if I lost you, I would never love again, and I would be miserable for the rest of my days.

Thank God that didn’t happen.

For today, my beautiful wife, you introduced me to an entirely new and all-encompassing love. Our daughter. I can admit now that when you told me you were increasing, my heart prayed for a little girl. My mother would be appalled, of course—fixated as she is upon heirs. But it was a daughter I wanted, one who would have your intellect, your heart and your passion for discovery. I look forward to watching her grow and become as incredible of a young woman as you are.

Besides, I have no worries than an heir won’t be forthcoming, and soon...not with my curious lady chemist wife. There is so much more to share on that front, you know. I look forward to our future “experiments” with great relish.


Check out Geoffrey and Liliana's love story in SWEET ENEMY.

Geoffrey Wentworth, a war hero and rising political star, never wanted to be the Earl, but when his brother dies, he knows his duty—take up the responsibility for his family’s estates. His mother’s definition of duty differs from his, however, and can be summed up in one word—heirs. When Geoffrey rushes home to answer her urgent summons, he finds himself host to a house full of women, all vying to become the next Countess of Stratford. But his love is Parliament, where he wields his influence and reputation to better the lives of ex-soldiers, until a tempting houseguest and a secret from his past threaten his freedom…and his heart.

Liliana Claremont, a brilliant chemist, doesn’t want to be any man’s wife, much less a Countess. If she had tuppence for every time she’d been told her place was filling the nursery, not experimenting in the laboratory, she could buy the Tower Bridge. However, when she receives a coveted invitation to the Earl’s house party, she trades in her beakers for ball gowns and gladly takes on the guise of husband hunter—for the chance to uncover what the Earl had to do with the murder of her father.

Liliana believes the best way to get the answers she needs is to keep her enemy close, though romance is not part of her formula. But it only takes one kiss to start a reaction she can't control...

Places to Purchase:


Heather will be giving away a copy of Sweet Enemy to 1 lucky person (International Shipping Available). Make sure to leave a comment and to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win. 

Don't forget to head over to Not Another Romance Blog and check out Liliana's letter to Geoffrey.

**Don't forget to enter the Big Grand Prize Giveaway. Enter here.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Em said...

I think this sounds like a wonderful story, great giveaway

AquarianDancer said...

I've been looking at this book for a while now. I hope I get to read it soon!

mrsshukra said...

Saw all the excellent reviews and really look forward to reading Sweet Enemy!

Jane said...

Congrats on your debut release, Heather. Can't wait to read "Sweet Enemy."

Beebs said...

Awww! That's such a sweet letter. can't wait to read the book.

Joanne said...

That letter brought tears to my eyes. Geoffrey so loves Liliana. Sounds like a great book. Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.


SharonD said...

I am loving all these love letters... this book is on my definite to be read pile

May said...

How sweet! :)

erin said...

Thanks for the fantastic post series! I'm loving these "love letters". My book budget for this month is going to be shot! You've given me all these "must reads"!!!!!!

Barbara E. said...

What a beautiful letter and so romantic to receive after the birth of a child. I can't wait to read Sweet Enemy and really get to know these characters.

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I love that love letter!! Haha. So sweet!! Aww, haha. Thanks for this giveaway!

Chrisbails said...

What a great letter. This book looks awesome and would love to win and read. Thanks for the chance to win. What a great cover.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this book! I have been following Heather Snow on Facebook for a few weeks now, and I have loved everything she has posted!
Looks like it will be great!

Imel Cullen said...

great blogpost and love letter so romantic...^^

thank's for amazing giveaway

purpleonion said...

I put this on my list of books to read. Sounds like a great story.

Di said...

I'm really interested in reading this book, I'm fascinated by the chemist aspect.

sheila said...

Looking forward to reading a smart woman.

cholub1968 said...

Love the lady chemist Idea! Would Love to win!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to read this soon!!

Kim said...

Congratulations on your new release.

LadyRed said...

That was such a beautifully sweet letter! Thank you for participating and congrats on the release!

JessS said...

I'd really like to read this, and the letter gave away little hints about the story. Thanks for the giveway!

Shelley B said...

Ah that letter is precious! Can't wait to read the book! Thanks for the chance!

Heather Snow said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying Geoffrey's letter to of the things I loved about him as a hero is how much he respected and admired Liliana, even when he was heartbroken. He is the perfect partner for her, and I tell you, I just adore him. Plus, he is a pretty smart man himself--he realized when he decided he wanted her that her curious nature would be her downfall, her desire to experiment (if you know what I mean ;) and knew just how to bind her to him... Fun stuff!

Modokker said...

So sweet! What a cool way to do a giveaway! Love both the letters.

Nice Heather!

Lisa B

kmannrn said...

Book sounds really good. I am looking forward to reading it.

kiki w said...

Sounds cute.

June M. said...

That was a sweet letter! I love that he was wanting a girl to grow up to be like her mother.

Lexi said...

That was even better than her letter to him! As a mother of young children these letters really hit home. Wonderfully written!

Johanna J said...

This book sounds amazing and can't wait to read it. Thanks for sharing with us! I'm loving these letters!

Tina B said...

I LOVED this letter!! It was so sweet and his love for her shines through! Thanks. ;)

gamistress66 said...

enjoyed the letter, I'm sure any lady would appreciate receiving it :)

Patti P said...

What a wonderful letter. Oh I love to read about love!
musicalfrog at

bn100 said...

I enjoyed reading the letter. It was very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

love the letter , it's so cute:D. THx for the giveaway:D,

Mary Preston said...

Thank you for the beautiful letter. I already have SWEET ENEMY on my wish list. It does look wonderful.


Eli Yanti said...

reading the love letter make me feel more curious ;)

anme said...

I'm really looking forward to this book because i love that the heroine is a chemist and I am curious to see what the earl had to do with her father's death.

Unknown said...

A beautiful love letter. I wish someone would write the kind of letter for me. Can't wait to read the book, the story sounds great.

Thank u for this amazing giveaway :)

Jeanne M said...

Hi Heather -
To say that I can't wait to read Sweet Enemy is an understatement!

I must admit that the one line in the letter that was my favorite was "Even in our darkest days, when the breaking of our hearts was a palpable thing that could be felt and heard like a rending, my awe and appreciation for you never waned."

My husband and I celebrated our 42nd Anniversary this week and it has been our love and respect for each other that has kept us going thru the good times but even more importantly the bad times. Today more than ever with all the financial turmoil in the country it's more important than ever for us all to remember why we need to remember not only the good times but the bad as well and to support of each other with love, patience and understanding.

TxDee said...

The previous post tied in so perfectly with your letter(s). Thanks for the chance to win this book. I look forward to reading about a woman who goes beyond the norm for her time and the man who loves her the more for it.

Carol L. said...

I love all these love letters so filled with love. Geoffrey's letter to his wife is beautiful.Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Mary @SweepingMe said...

I am so upset I didn't know it was on both blogs. I have been going almost daily to notaromanceblog to tweet and just today I realized I had to be here to...I am gonna cry...


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