
Guest Post with Author Juliana Stone and Giveaway

Today I happy to welcome back to the blog the super awesome Juliana Stone. Today is the release of Juliana's novella, Wrong Side of Hell which is a prequel for her new series the League of Guardians. Juliana has stopped by to chat and share some info about her novella but before I give the floor to Juliana, let's get to know a bit about her.

Juliana Stone has always believed in the power of a good story. When her first narrative, a futuristic about Santa Claus set in a world that resembled her friend's hamster cage was a hit with her fourth grade teacher, she discovered her calling-writing. Novels, short stories, songs-so long as she was writing she was happy. During a stint on the music end of things, she toured Canada fronting an all female rock band and after meeting her husband fell into married life. Kids, dog and the requisite white picket fence followed and her writing took a bit of a back seat.

But in the fall of 2007 she decided to resurrect her love of writing and inspired by the paranormal works of Christine Feehan, Keri Arthur and Lindsey Sands she set out to write something great. Luckily, a unique world of jaguar shifters was born and the rest is history!
Places to find Juliana:

What’s so cool about paranormal romance?

I’d like to thank Danielle for letting me stop by and talk to you guys today. It’s been a crazy week but things are winding down, though when I sat down last night to write this blog post, I drew a blank. I’ve written a lot of them over the last few years and I’ll be honest, it’s really hard to be fresh and well, both entertaining and interesting.

So I stared at the computer screen, erased whatever jumble of words I’d typed and put it aside. This morning while perusing Goodreads, I saw again the cover for Anne Rice’s latest book, The Wolf Gift.

I can’t lie. I’m a total fan girl of Miss Rice. I read Interview with a Vampire while in high school and was immediately hooked. This got me to thinking about paranormal romance in general and how much it’s changed. Of course, Rice’s vampire books weren’t paranormal romance, but I firmly believe this sub genre that we love so much wouldn’t be what it is today with her books. Without Feehan and Kenyon. Each of these authors wrote books that I loved. Books that I’ve on my keeper shelf.

I have other favourite authors in different genres, but paranormal romance is the one that hooked me huge. It’s why I started writing. I love the world building. I love the idea that I’ve no limitations except where my brain stops me. My fantasies, my dreams, my desires and wants can all be intermingled in a world with endless possibilities.

Worlds filled with fantastical creatures. Vampires. Werewolves. Sorcerers. Angels. Demons. Hellhounds!

When I finished His Darkest Salvation I knew I wanted to write in a world where anything and everything is possible and so I invented League of Guardians. Here is the series blurb:

For millennia the struggle between light and dark, between the upper and lower realms, has been policed by a secret group of warriors culled from every fabric of existence. They are both otherworld and human, male and female. They are light and dark themselves and known to each other as the League of Guardians. Their pledge, to protect the line between dominions and make sure neither side grows too powerful. If they fall, so shall the earth, the heavens and hell. And there will be no more.

Wrong Side of Hell, the first novella in this new series features a hero who is a hellhound. A heroine who’s human. There’s also the odd demon thrown into the mix. In the next few books, we’ve got Angels, sorcerers, witches, gargoyles, demons, vampires…the list goes on. And this my friend is why I love paranormal romance. Anything and everything is available to the reader and for that, I think we can count ourselves incredibly lucky!

I’m curious….what is the thing you like most in paranormal romance? Is there anything you haven’t seen? Anything you’re dying to see?

With battle lines drawn and evil forces gathering in the shadows, the League of Guardians is all that stands between chaos and the human realm…

Logan Winters, an elite hellhound shifter, wants to forget his allegiance to the League and the pain he’s suffered because of it. But when he’s ordered to retrieve Kira Dove from purgatory and bring her back to life, he can’t refuse. Not only will her death affect the balance between the realms, she’s also linked to a past he can’t forget.

Kira Dove, a young woman murdered before her time, wanders the gray realm, alone and vulnerable. The one bright spot in her life is the memory of a mysterious protector who saved her once before. As she makes her way through this terrifying place, she can’t help but wonder…will he come for her again?

As Logan races to save her, he knows he faces a nearly impossible task: How can a hellhound survive in the one place he shouldn’t ever be? The wrong side of hell…

Places to Purchase:


Juliana will be giving away a copy of one her Jaguar Warrior series books (winner's choice) to 1 lucky person (International Shipping available). So make sure to leave comment for Juliana answering her question and to fill out the Rafflecopter form. 

Good Luck =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*yadkny* said...

Great questions! I LOVE everything about paranormal romance because of the fact that it's so out of the normal realm. Not sure if there is anything I am dying to see more of or something I haven't seen at all... I'll have to think on that a bit more.

Unknown said...

wouwww! i love every paranormal romance, and love the creature inside especially demon ^^

thanks for making it international..
congratulation julianne ^^


Anonymous said...

Love paranormal romance because of the story about tortured hero and heroine and it is very cool to imagine there 's something out there that is beyond our imagination :(, arethazhenATrocketmailDOTCOM

Unknown said...

hi juliana..

i really love it all about paranormal (especially vampire and dark hunter) coz both a mysterious and . My Fav paranormal night huntress series by jeaniene frost ^^

thanks for the giveaway...


Astri Nasthasia Videlia said...

Hi Juliana....

Paranormal Romance is something new for Me.. one of My friend introduced to Me One book by Alexandra Ivy, When Darkness Comes.. and You know what? I'm falling in Love with this genre all the time.. Love the Story.. Love Mystery.. and Of course.. I Love the Hero... Soooo... Sexyy.... xD
'till today.. The Guardians of Eternity series by Alexandra Ivy is still My Favourite series for this genre... ^^

Thanx for the Giveaway.. More sucessfull for You..



Unknown said...

What I love about paranormal romance... I like guardian-pupil relationships the most, I think! And any new approach to the very overused themes - like vampires and werewolves!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Agnieszka @ Nook of Books
nashthewitch at gmail dot com

Carrie Clevenger said...

I think what I'd like to see more of, is musicians. No, they aren't paranormal particularly, but they are sexy!

And could Lestat come back one more time? Pretty please?

shadowsinstone (at) gmail dt com

Eli Yanti said...

why i love to read paranormal romance because it is a very good story in which the writer has an imagination of high power of immortal creature being decribed has many advantages that not possessed by human, it's makes us wonder.

i would like to see if any new creature beside vampire, werewolf, shiffer that never been writed by author.

Gail Nichols said...

I love paranormal romance nicholsgail@rocketmailcom

Cassandra Geribo said...

What I like most about paranormal romance is that it's an escape from reality. I like seeing the twists that authors can put on things we've read a million times. A fresh look is always good and a true romance is great.

bluesun1218 said...

I love Paranormal Romance because it's different, more intense, your imagination can just run wild. I love to crawl into a book and live there!

katherine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katherine said...

I love paranormal series but I love most Jeaniene Frost and Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Juliana Stone said...

LOL oh that would so rock, Carrie!

Sue Sattler said...

I love paranormal romances because they are darker, more intense and passionate. Maybe because immortals live forever, their love is all consuming with just the right amount of bite. And I love the alpha males! Yummy!


Joanne said...

I love paranormal romance and the fact that anything can happen out of the norm and usually does. There's different worlds, different creatures, shifters of all sorts; anything the authors imagination can come up with.
This book sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it.


erin said...

Thanks for the great post and giveaway!

I love pretty much everything about PNR. I love how an author can take an idea or mythology and add their own twists. Everything is so original and creative. I also love how mainly in PNR the girls are kick butt and very strong. There's hardly any more hero swooping in to save the heroine... usually it's the other way around :)

Unknown said...

I'm a big UF fan, and I LOVE paranormal romance because I get the world-building AND the HEA!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com

wanda f said...

What I love most about paranormals is that anything is possible the rules of everyday life do not apply there are no limits as to what cn happen.

Filia Oktarina said...

I love paranormal romance because anything can happen in that worls, we can fly, have power, adventure etc etc.

Victoria said...

I like that you generally have these massive, handsome tortured heroes that have to fight with themselves to figure out they are bound to "this" female. They are the toughest SOB's unless said female is involved and then they become putty in her hands. I love the escapism into a different world with special abilities.


Sara In Bookland said...

Hi!:) Thank you for the international giveaway!
I love Paranormal romances because I think that my life is kind of ordinary and I absolutely hate monotony! So, what do I need? A good deal of fantasy and particular events!! :D With paranormal romances you can let yourself get out of this ordinary world and bring yourself into a fantasy world where everything can happen!

The_Book_Queen said...

Great interview, I am anxious to read your books, Juliana--I love the covers for them as well! :)

I love paranormal because anything can happen--I've always been a fantasy girl, and paranormal romance is another way for me to escape the "real world". Plus, who wouldn't love sexy shifters and vampires (BDB--that's all I'm saying!)? Me me me! LOL.

TBQ's Book Palace

Chrisbails said...

I love paranormal stories. I love werewolves and vampires the most. I love reading the different authors takes on their type of paranormal creature. I love the fantasy part of it and wondering if readlly read. I love that it makes you have a great imagination. Great interview and would love to win and read this book, so please choose me for the giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

B Reading said...

I haven't read much in the Paranormal Romance line. I would like to see the impossible, fantastical and mystical.

Barb P said...

Hi Julianna! I love PNR basically because anything can happen in the stories. A Vamp falls in love with a Shifter, a human gets turned into a werewolf and then finds love. Of course in my mind it doesn't hurt that the main characters/heroes are tall, dark, handsome, yummy etc. and the women kick ass. I love your Jaguar series and can't wait to read more. Thanks for the giveaway!

June M. said...

I guess what I love most PNR is that they are all unique. Each author can write the world and characters any way she (or he) wishes. Nothing is impossible, the only limits those of the author's imagination. There is a great variety of characters to choose from: Vampires, shifters, demons, angels, fae, witches, etc.

bn100 said...

I like the stories and reading about the author's imagination and creativity. I haven't seen a lot of books with jaguars or panthers.

Juliana Stone said...

OH Jane, there are a lot of great authors who write PNR. If you like something more might want to try Cheryl Wilson. She's fab!

Juliana Stone said...

Sara, I think that is the key to paranormal romance because usually it's like nothing we'd ever encounter in our every day lives!

kiki w said...

Love books that have this theme. I read her book called His Darkest Embrace. So Good.

lindsey hutchison @ United By Books said...

i love everything about paranormal romances im not sure if there is something i want to see more so then others. i try just about everything to see if it vibes with me or not.


Mary Preston said...

Paranormal Romance virtually knows no bounds, except the writer's imagination & I love that.


donnas said...

What I like is that you really get to experience a different world that doesnt exist in RL. And the authors have such a free reign on the characters and places they can create. It really makes the stories a great way to practice suspension of disbelief and relax and take a break from RL problems and issues for a time.

Na said...

I like for the characters to be able to live and experience a unique world that will see them develop.

Juliana Stone said...

I think I'd like to see more paranormal/futuristics......maybe I'll write one! LOL

Wren B. said...

I think the reason why I like paranormal romance is that the men are just so unbelievable amazing and they are that way because they are mythical creatures. They do things a real man can't do like magic or shifting or drink your blood and they do it soooooo well ;). But they are like a man in that they can be powerful but gentle at the same time which is sexy. I love the stuff I am reading from authors now so I am not sure what else they could write that would surprise me. I read some greek myth stuff, to vampires, to werewolves, to demons lol.

Julianne said...

I guess I like reading about vampires and shape shifters with the possibility of what if they really existed. I'm drawn to the bad boy aspect of the heroes, the women who can love them, and their journeys to happiness. I just find it fascinating. There are some things I wouldn't mind reading, but, it's in the banned category.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

sweety said...

The thing that i like most in paranormal romance is...well...everything about super hot male lead,chemistry between hero and heroine,twists n turns in the paranormal world,getting to know different paranormal creatures.
Is there anything i haven’t seen?maybe not. Anything i'm dying to see?no clear idea.

The ParaNormal Romance Party said...

I love how the author combines the PNR and makes a great story. The back story for the supernatural and the characters themselves. Since its based of creativity, the suthor need to really tell a good story and I have found some great authors in this genre!! Can't wait to read you series!!!

Samantha Dacier

Juliana Stone said...

I agree! Love the bad boys.... :-)

Ileana A. said...

I like paranormal novels because they're like more darker, with a lot of mystery, the characters are more unique. And it's nice to read about this genre too! Thanks for the giveaway!

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