
Review: Taking a Shot by Jaci Burton

Wow, this was one steamy book! This was my first book by Jaci Burton and it definitely will not be my last. I loved it and I am definitely running out to pick up her backlist. Yes, this is a pretty hot book, but it still had a great story filled with great characters that I loved getting to know.

Jenna is tired of sports. Every facet of her life is consumed by sports and she's tired of it. She has a firm rule that she won't date jocks, no matter how hot and sexy they may be. So when hockey star Tyler Anderson walks into her bar she ignores her attraction to him. It doesn't matter to her that they have great chemistry, she just won't date jocks.

As soon as Ty sees Jenna working behind the bar at Riley's Sports Bar he is instantly attracted. She's hot and sexy, and he loves her spunky personality. He knows that they would be great together and that they have great chemistry but Jenna isn't ready to accept it. He knows how she feels about dating jocks and knows that if he's able to show her that what she really wants is him and not some random guy that she doesn't spark with then he'll bide his time and wait.

After a very hot one night stand, Jenna finds it hard to deny the passion and chemistry between her and Ty. She isn't sure what to make of her growing attraction to Ty but decides she is willing to give it a try. When she finds herself opening up and revealing things about herself that she has never revealed to anyone else before, Jenna isn't sure what to make of it. But when Ty starts to encourage her to follow her dreams she fears he may be pushing too much.

Oh how I loved these two together. I felt that they were each others perfect match. Ty is hot and sexy but there is just so much more to him than that. Yes, he's a complete stud in the bedroom but also gentleman outside of it. He is kind, charming and considerate. I like that he listens and seems to truly care for Jenna. He wants her to be happy and does everything that he can to see it happen.

Jenna comes off as this cute and spunky chick that is super confident but in reality she is terrified to take any chances on what she wants. She has all of these dreams and ideas but is so afraid to voice them to anyone. Don't get me wrong, she's still smart, funny and very stubborn. Sometimes I just wanted to shake her and make her realize that she was being stupid. She was just too stubborn at times, but otherwise I really enjoyed her.

This book was hot and I definitely found myself fanning my face after reading quite a few of Ty and Jenna's scenes together. They both are sexy and have such great chemistry together. I loved getting to know them and I look forward to hearing more about them in the next book in Jaci's Play-by-Play series.

**Book provided by Publisher**

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The_Book_Queen said...

Great review--I haven't yet read any of Jaci's books, but I look forward to doing so! :) Hot steamy book, hunky and charming heros, great covers...what more could you want?!

TBQ's Book Palace

RFTC Blog said...

This was my first by Jaci Burton and it definitely won't be the last. Loved it. Plus, who can resist those covers?

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