
Guest Post with Author Leigh LaValle and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Leigh LaValle. Leigh has just released her debut book The Runaway Countess and has stopped by RFTC to chat. Before I give the floor over to Leigh lets get to know her a bit.

Leigh LaValle was born in a time when ladies shopped at the modiste and rogues sent heated looks across a crowded ballroom. Time slipped forward a few hundred years, and she currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. When she is not writing about said ladies and rogues, mommying, or reading, she is rarely seen cleaning. More often, she is found hiking or, when she is really lucky, in the white powder of the ski slopes. She is also a devoted yoga practitioner and instructor.

Places to find Leigh:

THE RUNAWAY COUNTESS is a Regency retelling of the Robin Hood legend in which the figurative Sherriff of Nottingham captures one of Robin Hood’s Merry Maids.

Trent Carthwick must find the famed highwayman before lawlessness spreads into riot and revolt. However, his prisoner, Mazie Chetwyn, refuses to tell him anything about her masked accomplice. The two spar and cajole and test each other to exhaustion. Sparks of attraction fly between them, igniting into a hungry blaze. Brought close by fate and laid bare by circumstances, they are given a rare glimpse into each other. What they discover is a beauty beyond measure. The two enemies fall in love.

In this letter, Trent has received a solid clue as to the location of the highwayman known as The Midnight Rider. He has ridden out in the dark of the night with a small militia of men. Mazie is waiting at the window, her heart torn in two with worry.

Dearest Trent-

My bed is cold and you are far away. Fear keeps me awake, fear of the darkness. Fear of losing you to the darkness forever.

I watch the slim light of the moon and her impossibly slow journey across the sky. I await your return. Where are you? Are you safe? There were so many guns—too many guns—among the men tonight.

I taste blood with this waiting. I cannot abide the thought I beg of the moon for your life, Trent. I beg that she keep you in her light. You must return home to me. You must not find the Midnight Rider. Neither of you can die. I will not see another loved one locked behind that dark door.

Come home and let me love you.

You were upset with me when you left. Hurt and angry. I ask the impossible, I plead you understand what cannot be understood. I love you but I cannot tell you the truth about the man you seek. It is not a choice I want to make. It is a terrible fate that has befallen us. You have my heart even as you hunt those I love.

The moon is lost behind a cloud. I am fallen into a thousand disjointed pieces. I can no longer hold myself together. I am torn apart by loyalty, and the wound of love will kill me.

I would die a thousand deaths for you. Come home to me, Trent. Come home safe to me. I cannot give to you the Midnight Rider’s life, but I can give you mine.

My heart is forever yours.

Check out Mazie and Trent's love story in The Runaway Countess

Once the darling of high society, Mazie Chetwyn knows firsthand how quickly the rich and powerful turn their backs on the less fortunate. Orphaned, penniless and determined to defy their ruthless whims, she joins forces with a local highwayman who steals from the rich to give to the poor.

Then the pawn broker snitches, and Mazie is captured by the Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire. A man who is far too handsome, far too observant…and surely as corrupt as his father once was.

Sensible, rule-driven Trent Carthwick, twelfth Earl of Radford, is certain the threat of the gallows will prompt the villagers’ beloved Angel of Kindness to reveal the highwayman’s identity. But his bewitching captive volunteers nothing—except a sultry, bewildering kiss.

And so the games begin. Trent feints, Mazie parries. He threatens, she pretends nonchalance. He cajoles, she rebuffs. Thwarted at every turn, Trent probes deep into her one vulnerability—her past. There he finds the leverage he needs and a searing truth that challenges all he believes about right and wrong.

Places to Purchase:


Leigh will be giving away an eBook copy of The Runaway Countess to 1 lucky person. Please make sure to leave a comment for Leigh and to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win.

Good Luck =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


May said...

Oooh... I love Robin Hood stories... :) Sounds like an amazing book!

Joanne said...

I think it's brave that Mazie keeps the Highwayman's secret even though she is in love with Trent. She feels she has to protect him because he helped her when she was orphaned and broke. Can't wait to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.


SharonD said...

Wow... this sounds good. Saw this on my Amazon recommendations and was drawn to the cover. After reading that letter how can this not go on my to be read list :)

*yadkny* said...

A regency retelling of the Robin Hood legend? Now that sounds like a great story! The letter to Trent just makes me want to read the story even more.

B Reading said...

I like agood love story and The Runaway countess looks to be just thst.

Harlie Williams said...

I love the legend of Robin Hood and her letter broke my heart. I really can't wait to read it. Congratulations on the release.

Marika Weber

Leigh LaValle said...

Hi May- I love Robin Hood too :) Thanks for stopping by!

Leigh LaValle said...

Hi Joanna- I love stories of tortured hearts. I really wanted to make the hero and heroine have this huge obstacle between them. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by.

Leigh LaValle said...

Hi SaronD- I lucked out with the cover! I was so nervous about it, being my first book and my first experience going through the whole editing/marketing process. In the end, there was nothing to worry about. Isn't that so often the way? Hope you enjoy the book!

Leigh LaValle said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the letter! I had fun writing it. It makes me want to write more!

Leigh LaValle said...

Thanks Jane! I had fun writing the love story between Mazie and Trent. I love writing romance! And reading it too :)

Leigh LaValle said...

Harlie- I'm glad you enjoyed Mazie's letter. It broke my heart as I wrote it! I hope you enjoy the book!

erin said...

OOOOH... great letter! Congrats on the new release!!!

Love the cover and I love the premise! Definitely adding to my wishlist!

Anonymous said...

I would die a thousand deaths for you. *sigh* I love that line and I love the story of Robinhood. Can't wait to read this version of the story.


Leigh LaValle said...

Erin- I'm glad you enjoyed the letter! Thanks for stopping by.

Leigh LaValle said...

Tina- I love that line too. I have to be careful, though. I can tend toward the melodramatic. Romance is a fun genre to explore intensity.

Jeanne M said...

Leigh -
When I read about The Runaway Countess I felt the same excitemnt I had when I was a child in the 1950's and watched Robin Hood on our black and white TV! Of course at that age I was always waiting for the end and for the "good guys" to save the day!

I loved Mazie's letter and how it showed part of the deeper story where Mazie is contemplating their futures, learning the truths about her own wants and needs and realizing the true depth of her feelings for Trent. I know that their path will be a hard one to travel but I can't wait to read the rest of their story and find out they reconcile their former beliefs.

Leigh LaValle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leigh LaValle said...

Hi Jeanne- What a thoughtful comment! You talked about the "good guy". One of the things about this book is that I tried to blur the lines between who was good and who was bad. There are some 'bad guys' but overall I think everyone has the right intentions, even if their actions are misguided. I hope you enjoy reading the story!

Leigh LaValle said...

Thanks for having me here at Ramblings From this Chick, Danielle! I love your idea of writing letters between the characters.

Patti P said...

Oh lordy. I love that letter. I have to get my hands on this book!
Thanks for the hook now I have to find a way to get the money together to get my hands on a copy! LOL
musicalfrog at

bn100 said...

Beautiful letter. The book sounds very good.

Barbara E. said...

The more I see The Runaway Countess around the internet, the more eager I am to read it. It sounds like a fantastic story. That letter was fabulous - "I would die a thousand deaths for you. Come home to me, Trent. Come home safe to me. I cannot give to you the Midnight Rider’s life, but I can give you mine." **Swoon**

Leigh LaValle said...

Thanks Patti! Keep your eye out, there are lots of giveaways this week! :)

Leigh LaValle said...


Leigh LaValle said...

Aww, thanks, Barbara. It's so exciting to connect with readers! So far, it's been me and my computer :) I hope you enjoy the book.

June M. said...

This does sound like a wonderful Robin Hood type story. I would love to read this, and the cover is beautiful. Congrats on the release!

Leigh LaValle said...

Hi June- Thanks for finding me on fb :) I hope you get a chance to read The Runaway Countess!

Arlene Hittle said...

Hi, my Starcatcher sister. Congrats on the release. It sounds like a great book.

Filia Oktarina said...

This book sounds good. I love the legend of Robin Hood and i can't wait to read this book, love cover book to. Congrats on the new release!!

Leigh LaValle said...

Hi Arlene- Thanks for stopping by! It's fun to watch at the Golden Heart manuscripts turn into published works!

Leigh LaValle said...

Thanks Filia! I hope you enjoy the book.

Heatherc said...

Thats too cute. I love all my childhood fairy tales retold. I'm definitely looking forward to this, Leigh!

Unknown said...

hi leigh

Congrats on the new release!! i love this cover,,and nice review,,i cant wait to read..

thanks for the giveaway

Astri Nasthasia Videlia said...

Wuaahh...What a lovely Cover.. xD

Great Review..
Thank's for the Giveaway..


Agustina_K said...

wow...Robin Hood, one of my favorite hero..loved it, can't wait to read the book ^^
Thanks for the giveaway

Leigh LaValle said...

Hi Heather- I also like fairy tales retold. Cinderella is a favorite.

Leigh LaValle said...

Hi Dian- I also love my cover! Many thanks to my cover artist!

Leigh LaValle said...

Hey Miss Videl- More cover love! :) Thanks!

Leigh LaValle said...

Agustina- I hope you enjoy the book!

sweety said...

The cover is amazing!!i really love it.

Thanks for the international giveaway!!

The ParaNormal Romance Party said...

I've been looking for a good regency and I can't wait for this!! I love the excerpt and wanted to read more! I always am amazed at historical romance authors because you the research that goes into the story to make it more you research before writing a novel Leigh or not so much??

Samantha Dacier

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