
Romance Book Casting Call with Maggie Robinson and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the Casting Call Maggie Robinson. Maggie is definitely not a stranger to RFTC and it just wouldn't feel right having an event and not having Maggie stop by. I love Maggie and her books are so good.

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances.

Places to find Maggie:

I know lots of authors use popular actors and actresses to base their characters on, but my mind has never really worked that way. The people who live in my head are quite emphatic about resembling no one but themselves, LOL. I used to have an inspiration board over my desk where I cut out ads and photos from magazines, but it’s been relegated to the back of my closet.

But I do remember the picture that said “Gemma” to me when I was writing Master of Sin. I saw Shirley Henderson (with the yummy Rufus Sewell) in a modern remake of Taming of the Shrew. She gets pretty disheveled in that, and that was what I was going for when the hero Andrew first meets her. Some of you may know her from her bathroom-haunting role in the Harry Potter movies. She cleans up very nicely. =)

Now for Andrew, I’d found a German male model that stared at me with ice-blue eyes, but Simon Baker is much, much better. He has a very naughty look about him when he smiles, but this brooding picture suits Andrew’s troubled past very well.

Andrew Rossiter has used his gorgeous body and angelic face for all they’re worth—shocking the proper, seducing the willing, and pleasuring the wealthy. But with a young son depending on him for rescue, suddenly discretion is far more important than desire. He’ll have to quench his desires—fast. And he’ll have to find somewhere his scandalous reputation hasn’t yet reached…

Miss Gemma Peartree seems like a plain, virginal governess—or so she hopes. No matter how many sparks fly between them, she has too much to hide to catch Andrew’s eye. But with a stormy Scottish winter driving them together, it will be hard to keep her secrets. Especially when Andrew feels he has found the woman who can restore his soul—one kiss at a time…

Places to Purchase:

Check out the rest of the The Courtesan Court Series:
Click on the cover for more info. 

Want to win some goodies from Maggie? 2 winners (International shipping available) will win each win a copy of one of Maggie's books.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What do you think of Maggie's choices? Who would you cast in the roles of Gemma and Andrew? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 
Good Luck =)

**Don't forget to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway**

**Don't forget to stop by Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance and check out who Maggie chose to cast for her book Mistress by Marriage.

A huge thank you to Maggie for stopping by the blog and sharing her casting picks as well as providing the book giveaways and including a book for the grand prize box.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*yadkny* said...

Simon Baker? I can definitely get behind that pick!

JessS said...

I haven't read the book yet so I'm not sure how accurate the choices are. But it's Moaning Myrtle!! I've actually kind of always liked her despite sometimes annoying roles (she was VERY intense in Taming of the Shrew). And Simon Baker is yummy ;)


Phoenix Carvelli said...

These are great choices! I didn't realize that was Moaning Myrtle! She looks better as a non-ghost! She was great in Harry Potter!
Thank you for another great blog and giveaway!
PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi I wish we can cast gemma arterton as Gemma (^O^). I fill the rafflecopter as Aretha zhen

Andrea said...

I have no idea who these people are, they're attractive enough though :)

Krista said...

Love your choice!

Savannah said...

I do remember her from Harry Potter! :)
This is the first time I've seen Simon Baker but he seems to fit your description of Andrew perfectly :)

Joanne said...

I'm not sure about Shirley Henderson, even though she looks better than she did in Harry Potter. Simon Baker is yummy. Great choice.

Joanne B

May said...

Oooh... I love Simon Baker... think he looks great. Not sure who Shirley is though...

erin said...

OOOOH... awesome picks. I am also a SImon Baker fan and I'm amazed how he can drop the awesome accent so perfectly!

sienny said...

i haven't read the book yet, but it seem like a good cast :)

Unknown said...

Fantastic choices!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Proserpine said...

Hi! Thanks for this chance! Simon Baker, I don't know... I really like the model on the cover, the same model on Lothaire by Kresley Cole, I think is name is Paul....Anyway, I don't know this actress, but I love her face so I think she'll be perfect but since I didn't read the book I'm not sure!


Mary D said...

I think Maggie did a pretty good job on her picks. I love Maggie Robinson's books. One of my favorite authors. I can't wait to read this book.

The_Book_Queen said...

Oh, he does have a bit of a naughty look on this face, doesn't he? :) Great choices, I think picking the...lesser known people works much better than saying every hero should be Brad Pitt or something. *FYI, never been a fan of his. Just saying.*

TBQ's Book Palace

Patricia said...

I love Simon Baker. He looks brooding in the picture above. He would make a good hero.

Filia Oktarina said...

Don't have idea who these people, but cover book and pics seems to fit.

Maggie Robinson said...

Hi, everyone! I'm at the RT Booklovers Convention in Chicago so I'm just popping in quickly. Thanks for all the nice words about my books! I like the cover model too, but Andrew is supposed to have angelic curly hair, LOL.Thank you so much for including my characters in the Casting Call!

Kim said...

I agree with the pick of Simon Baker. He has looks, humor and steely resolve.

miki said...

Simon barker is perfect ^^ even in comparaison with the cover^^ great pick

bas1chs said...

Anything with Simon Baker is a good thing in my book so keep him! As for the heroine, I am not familiar with her, but I could picture her in the role based on the blurb.

SharonD said...

Simon Baker?? What a great choice. As for Shirley when I look at her all I can see and hear is Moaning Myrtle lol Too ingrained in my head

Jeanne M said...

Maggie -
I think that your choices of Simon Baker and Shirley Henderson spot on. I especially like the idea of Shirley because she can come across as soft and vulnerable but with a will of steel hidden behind a fascade!

When you go to cast the movie though in case you need to look for your "second choice" I'd definately suggest Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt - I know they are older and "more seasoned" but think they might work out in a pinch!

April Alvey said...

Simon Baker I can definitely get behind that pick oh yea

Unknown said...

Ooh Shirley Henderson looks beautiful on that photo (and I loved that modern retelling of Taming of the Shrew, and Rufus Sewell wa so cute as well ;-) and I agree Simon Baker managed to portray that haunted vulnerability in The Mentalist, I just wonder if he could play wicked as well ;-)

Carol L. said...

I agree Shirley looks so beautiful. Who would have known. I agree with your picks. Thanks for the chance Maggie.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

catslady said...

They are gorgeous and I'm sure would fit the part.


Lexi said...

Simon, he is oh so inspiring. I could just sit and listen to him talk (stare at his mouth) for hours. Nice pick!!

Monikarw said...

Love Simon Baker!!!!! :D that accent of his melts my knees! ;)

Melissa P said...

I think they both would be good for it.
Thanks. B-)


Sophia Rose said...

I'll got with the choices and Simon Baker can obviously do broody. And I do love Shirley's big brown eyes.

Barbara E. said...

I think Maggie's choices are fantastic. I especially like Simon Baker, he's definitely got a great look.

Tin said...

I haven't read Master of Sin yet -- but I love that you featured Simon Baker. There's also Chord Overstreet (from Glee) -- but I think he would be a younger Andrew Rossiter.

(I can't seem to disassociate the actress choice for Gemma from her role in Harry Potter.) >_<

Eli Yanti said...

love you choice =D)

Texas Book Lover said...

Wow I never thought of Simon Baker but now that you mention him I can see it!

Mary Preston said...

I think the choices are fabulous, especially Simon Baker. I am a fan.

bn100 said...

Those choices look like they fit.

Adria's Musings said...

Based on just the cover alone, I'm going to go waaaaay out there and cast two people that most probably wouldn't know. For Gemma I'd say actress Sarah Shahi and for Andrew, Argentine actor Sebastian Rulli. Seriously Google both of them.

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