
Romance Book Casting Call with Melissa Schroeder and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the Casting Call Melissa Schroeder. Okay seriously if you have not read any of Melissa's book before you are seriously missing out. Her books are freaking hot and definitely worth the pick up. Seriously!

Born to an Air Force family at an Army hospital Melissa has always been a little bit screwy. She was further warped by her years of watching Monty Python and her strange family. Her love of romance novels developed after accidentally picking up a Linda Howard book. After becoming hooked, she read close to 300 novels in one year, deciding that romance was her true calling instead of the literary short stories and suspenses she had been writing. After many attempts, she realized that romantic comedy, or at least romance with a comedic edge, was where she was destined to be. Influences in her writing come from Nora Roberts, Jenny Cruise, Susan Andersen, Amanda Quick, Jayne Anne Krentz, Julia Quinn, Christina Dodd, and Lori Foster. Since her first release in 2004, Melissa has had close to 20 short stories, novellas and novels released with seven different publishers in a variety of genres and time periods. Those releases included, The Hired Hand, a 2005 Eppie Finalist for Contemporary Romance and Tempting Prudence, a 2005 CAPA finalist for short erotic romance. Her contemporary, A Little Harmless Sex became an international best seller in June of 2005.

Since she was a military brat, she vowed never to marry military. Alas, fate always has her waywith mortals. Her husband is an Air Force major, and together they have their own military brats, two girls, and they live wherever the military sticks them. Which she is sure, will always involve heat and bugs only seen on the Animal Discovery Channel.In her spare time, she reads, complains about bugs, travels, cooks, reads some more, watches her DVD collections of Arrested Development and Seinfeld, and tries to convince her family that she truly is a delicate genius. She has yet to achieve her last goal.

She has always believed that romance and humor go hand in hand. Love can conquer all and as Mark Twain said, “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.” Combining the two, she hopes she gives her readers a thrilling love story, filled with chuckles along the way, and a happily ever after finish.

Places to find Melissa:

My upcoming Harmless release features a former FBI agent and to play him I would like Chris Hemsworth. He would have to have a little darker hair, but he would be perfect in looks IMHO. He has those kind of steely eyes that Conner Dillon has. And, he can be stoic, which Conner is until he starts falling for the heroine Jillian Sawyer, an author. Jillian is kind of a free spirit in more ways than one. To play her I would like actress Leila Arcieri. She looks just like I envisioned Jillian though Jillian has a sleeve of tattoos down both arms and more tattoos on her back. Oh, and she wears her hair in braids and has more than a few piercings.


Wanting her isn't smart, seducing her is inevitable, but falling in love with her could be downright deadly for both of them.

Security expert Conner Dillon isn’t a man who often takes a vacation. So when he is ordered to take a month off, and his sister insists on a trip to Hawaii, he isn’t very happy. But, after seeing his landlady Jillian Sawyer again, he might just find something—or someone—to occupy his time.

For years, Jillian has always had a crush on Conner. Now an erotic romance author with a thing for Doms, she finds herself beyond intrigued by the man. He is good to the core, but there is something else darker in him that calls to her.

After one night in bed, they both find themselves addicted. In Jillian, Conner has found the perfect sub…and in him she finds someone she can trust. Falling in love isn’t what they expected, but walking away is impossible—especially when they realize someone wants Jillian dead.

WARNING this book contains the following: An uptight security expert who prefers schedules, a romance writer who does not, tattoos, a trip to the Aloha Swap Meet, two hunky neighbors who irritate our hero, Hawaiian scenes, whipped cream, and of course this would not be a Harmless book without a trip to Rough 'n Ready. Ice is recommended as any Harmless Addict will tell you, but the author takes no responsibility if a reader should become overheated. Read at your own risk.

Check out the rest of the Harmless series:
Click on the cover for more info.

Want to win some goodies from Melissa? winners (International shipping available) will win a copy of one of Melissa's books.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What do you think of Melissa's picks? Who would you cast?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 
Good Luck =)

**Don't forget to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway**

**Don't forget to stop by Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance and check out who Melissa chose to cast for her book.

A huge thank you to Melissa for stopping by the blog and sharing her casting picks as well as providing the book giveaways and including a book for the grand prize box. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


June M. said...

I must say that I love Chris Helmsworth in anything. He is a gorgeous guy. Don't bother with entering me for either of the giveaways, I already have both books :)

Eli Yanti said...

love it.. really love it your choice : Chris Hemsworth and Leila Arcieri.

Joanne said...

Chris Hemsworth is a doll. I agree with your casting choices.

Savannah said...

I love your choices :)
Oh and I love this in you book description 'but the author takes no responsibility if a reader should become overheated. Read at your own risk." ;) Love it lol!

May said...

Oooh... never heard of the actress before but think that she looks pretty.... Terrific choices!

bc2mc3 said...

Ok Melissa, when does fascination come out. I'm "rough and "ready for a new Harmless book!

Patricia said...

Melissa is my favorite erotic author. Her Harmless series is amazing and I am always waiting patiently for the next book. I love her casting choices. I wouldn't change them.

erin said...

great cast!!! I haven't read this author so I bow to her expertise. This book sounds awesome... gotta go check out the rest of the series ;)

Unknown said...

I think Melissa's casting choices are great!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Betty Hamilton said...

I love her picks! Who better to know a character than the author! ...loved the blog!

Lisa G said...

I love Chris Hemsworth. I'm not sure how many times I've watched Thor so far and I'm looking forward to the Avengers just so I can see him some more! Melissa's books are so hot and fun to read.
lisaguertin at

Filia Oktarina said...

I love your choice, i think the pics was fit with character.

Texas Book Lover said...

These sound like great coices...I'll know more after I read the new book. This is one of those must read series for me! Every time I finish a book I look to see if this one is available!

Carol L. said...

I haven't read the story but I think your picks are exellent. I can picture them. Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Fedora said...

I must admit that one, I'm an awful caster--I don't know any current stars or their names/faces; two, I love seeing who the author envisioned so I love Mel's picks--looking forward to picking up her latests!

April Alvey said...

I must say that I love Chris Helmsworth in anything. Great cast love them all Thanks For This Chance.

Sophia Rose said...

She's beautiful and I had not heard of her before and who could not like Chris Helmsworth in a scene!

bas1chs said...

I love Chris Helmsworth and completely approve of that choice. I have never heard of Leila Arcieri but she looks familiar - just can't place her. But the two together looks like a hot pair!

Lexi said...

Sigh...Chris Helmsworth..I have to pick up your book now because I will picture him as the hero. And I do so love picturing Chris. =)

Jen B. said...

They are too pretty to be real. Wouldn't you hate them on sight if you saw them walking down the street?!! jepebATverizonDOTnet

*yadkny* said...

I am all over using Chris Hemsworth:)

Julianne said...

I love all the covers for these books. I think Melissa made great choices in casting.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Mary Preston said...

I'm loving the casting. They look amazing together.


sienny said...

good cast for this one :)

Melissa Schroeder said...

You will have a lot to read in the coming months. Harmless is going to be rolled out hot and heavy, much like the books, lol, over the next few months. I hope everyone is ready for them!

Melissa Schroeder said...

Thanks, everyone!

Krista said...

I don't know who Chris Hemsworth is, but he is yummy and that's all that matters.

bn100 said...

Really good casting choices.

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