
Romance Book Casting Call with Melanie from Bookworm2Bookworm and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the celebration, blogger Melanie from Bookworm2Bookworm. I haven't known Melanie for all that long, but in the time that I have known her she has become one of my favorite people. She is kind, helpful and always up to talk books so I immediately knew that I would love to have her come by and 'cast' her favorite book.

I am an avid reader I love to talk about books I’ve read, especially romance novels. b2b primarily is a book review blog, but we also have author interviews and guest posts. I've been blessed with two awesome women that accepted my invitation to join me in this adventure, and one of those is Kristal (covering Paranormal novels) and Evelyn (covering romance in real life). As for who I am, personally: I’m in my early fifties, married, working, and have grown kids, son who just married, and a daughter just about to. I love gardening, reading and walking, but my love of the written ward spans five decades, from the age of five, and is on top of my 'love to do' list'.
Places to find Melanie:
Bookworm2Bookworm Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

Hello Dani! Happy Blogoversary, you AWESOME Chick! Thanks so much for inviting me to play! I am so excited to begin and tell you which book I chose and why.

Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy to pick one out of thousands of books I’ve read over the years, but in the end I decided to pick an author I discovered last year and whose series just blew me away, and her name is Maureen Driscoll. Once I read her “Never a Mistress, No Longer a Maid” (Kellington Book One) I was hooked and I know you and your readers will be too.

Ms. Driscoll has created a unique family of five siblings, headed by William, Duke of Lynwood (Liam); Edward, (Ned) was second born; Arthur and Henry (Hal) were followed by Elizabeth. All five were named after the kings and a queen of England, and all were very young when they lost their loving parents to a carriage accident. You can find my thoughts on it on b2b here.

The first book is Ned’s HEA, but all the siblings have a significant role in it, and I thought it would be fun to cast them all.

So, are you guys ready? Here we go…

This man is a perfect Liam! Liam was seventeen when he inherited the dukedom and he had no choice but to grow up very fast and be a parent to his siblings. I know he’s tall, handsome and with his dark hair and piercing blue eyes, no wonder women are throwing themselves at him!

I think this man is one perfect Ned! He’s a soldier and a lover, and before he met his heroine he melted the hearts of the women of the ton, young and old alike and his smile was known to open many a bedchambers!

Book two “Never Miss a Chance” (Kellington Book Two) is Elizabeth’s (Lizzie) story and she’s one firecracker and with four brothers who adore her, she knows she can get away with everything, but poking her nose into politics of the day. This actress is perfect as Lizzie! My review of the book is here.
And now we come to Arthur who at six feet and three inches is the tallest of the four brothers and this actor is perfect for the role of a man that’s determined never to fall in love because once long ago a Gypsy foretold a future for him that to this day is keeping our hero’s heart hostage! His story will be out soon, and watch out for his HEA!

Hal is still a mystery to me, but then I have a feeling he is to his siblings as well. He’s tall, with gorgeous brown hair that’s a bit too long, but I think what attracts those ladies in the ton is his brooding nature. I’m really looking forward to his HEA because I’m a sucker for a tortured hero story and can’t wait to meet the woman who’ll steel his heart.

And there you have it. Four men and a woman of Kellington series. I highly recommend the two I’ve read, and I hope you’ll give this new author a try. To learn more about Maureen Driscoll check out her Facebook page.

Thank you Melanie so much for coming by and sharing your character choices with us.

Caught behind enemy lines at the Battle of Waterloo, nurse Jane Wetherby is forced to seek shelter with British operative Lord Edward Kellington. After a night of passion, the two are separated. With nothing but the alias Jane used to protect her family, Lord Edward is unable to find the woman he cannot forget.

Seven years later, Jane courts scandal by serving as the unofficial surgeon in the village of Marston Vale. When Edward arrives to formalize his betrothal to a viscount's daughter in accordance with his late father's wishes, Jane has no choice but to watch the match proceed. When a threat from the past emerges, Jane must join forces with Edward to safeguard her loved ones. But at what risk to her heart?

Places to Purchase:

Want to win some goodies from Melanie? 2 winners (US Kindle copies ONLY) will win some goodies from Melanie.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: Name the actors Melanie chose to play the Kellingtons (two out of five to qualify).
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 
Good Luck =)

**Don't forget to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway**

**Don't forget to stop by Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance and check out who Melanie chose to cast for the book A Lily Among Thorns by Rose Lerner.

A huge thank you to Melanie for stopping by the blog and sharing her casting picks as well as providing a copy of Never a Mistress, No Longer a Maid for the giveaway. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*yadkny* said...

Chris Hemsworth (love that guy!) and Rachel Weisz!

Rita said...

*sigh* Just call me Mrs Hemsworth!

And uhhg, ever since she's married my other baby daddy, Daniel Craig, I haven't liked Rachel Weisz on principle ! lol

Great post Mel <3 <3

(not entering the giveaway, I already have the book and will def discuss with you once I finish! Huzzah!)

Beebs said...

I'll have to go with Chris Hemsworth and Rachel Weiss too. But I'd really appreciate names for number 1 and 5 so I can google for more pics. Thanks :)

Joanne said...

We all know the same people. Chris Hemsworth and Rachel Weisz. I also would like to the names of numbers 1 and 5. These book sound interesting. Can't wait to read them.


May said...

Love Rachel Weisz... Think she's so pretty... :)

sienny said...

well, in this case.. i think i must read the book first, so i think i'll trust your judgement for this.

Savannah said...

Okay I wont lie I didn't know any of them besides Rachel Weisz and I can't find them either so I have to copy the people above me and say Christ Hemsworth :( I do think her Ned looks some what like Owen from Greys anatomy though :)

Krista said...

I don't have a eReader, so please don't enter me in this giveaway.

I am definitely adding A Lily Among Thorns to my never ending list. Thanks for the recommendation!

erin said...

Thanks for the great post and giveaway!

I love these actors. I haven't read these books so I'm going to defer to your expertise, but if the casting is any indication, the characters in these books are hawt! :)

Lexi said...

I don't know who you picked as Liam but he is super sexy! Well so is Chris Helmsworth, he can star in any book!
This book sounds tragic and sad, Does Edward actually marry someone else!?!?!

bas1chs said...

Ok, #1 is hot and you are right, no one should have a problem throwing themselves at him! And of course there is nothing wrong with Rachel Weisz and Chris Hemsworth - he is just dreaming and I ency Rachel. And those two together - nice!

Sophia Rose said...

Oh my! I'm terrible at guessing names. I recognize three, but only know the names of the sames ones as everyone else: Chris Helmsworth and Rachel Weisz. The last guy is familiar, but I don't know his name.

Patricia said...

Chris Hemsworth and Rachel Weisz. I would love to know who that last guy is though

chey said...

Chris Hemsworth and Rachel Weisz.

chey127 at hotmail dot com

Melanie said...

HELLO!!!! [waiving to all who have stopped by and asking to be forgiven for not coming over sooner]

I'm so glad y'all stopped by to celebrate with me Dani's blogoversary :D

I'm at this year's RT's and having too much fun and just stopped by to say thanks and we'll have a winner soon :D

I'm changing my clothes and heading out to Hyatt again for a Harlequin's Dance tonite!!!

Wish me luck!


Jen B. said...

I was so excited when I recognized Rachel Weisz and remembered her name because I looked at Chris Hemsworth and went "THOR"! I am terrible at remembering names!

bn100 said...

Chris Hemsworth and Rachel weisz

Anonymous said...

Okay, you wouldn't believe how loud I squealed when I read this. I wrote the books, which Mel has so kindly cast. Some of them were only vague shapes in my head. But now they are living, breathing, HOT guys (and girl). So now it'll give me extra incentive to write.

Thank you SO much for doing this. You made me so happy!

Maureen Driscoll

Carol L. said...

I too only know Chris Hemsworth and Rachel Weisz. But I'd sure like to know who you have as Liam. He's gorgeous. The fifth one I've seen on a lot of book covers but don't know the name.
Thanks for bringing a new Author to my attention. I'll go check out her site and this series.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

I too only know Chris Hemsworth and Rachel Weisz. But I'd sure like to know who you have as Liam. He's gorgeous. The fifth one I've seen on a lot of book covers but don't know the name.
Thanks for bringing a new Author to my attention. I'll go check out her site and this series.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

I too only know Chris Hemsworth and Rachel Weisz. But I'd sure like to know who you have as Liam. He's gorgeous. The fifth one I've seen on a lot of book covers but don't know the name.
Thanks for bringing a new Author to my attention. I'll go check out her site and this series.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

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