
Feature and Giveaway: Fascinated by Marissa Day

Pleasure was an elusive dream…

Alicia Hartwell has never experienced the pleasure of passion. Despite all her efforts to comprehend the notion of romantic love, it has remained an utterly foreign concept to her. Resigned to the life of a spinster, Alicia is therefore stunned when she receives a marriage proposal from the highly eligible bachelor, Lord Carstairs.

Until she met him…

But Lord Edward Carstairs is not a normal nobleman. He’s a Catalyst—able to draw magical power from the natural world to use in spells by human Sorcerers. He senses that Alicia is a victim of an evil enchantment that has suppressed her heart, and her desire. Powerfully attracted to her, Edward is certain that he’s the one to help her discover and understand her pleasure and her heart for the first time. But as Edward and Alicia’s mutual passion burns hot, their fragile love and trust could be threatened by family secrets, and a new magical intrigue neither imagined.

Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in Marissa's series:
Click on cover for more info. 

Marissa Day writes her steamy historical, paranormal romances for Berkely Heat. Her first romance novel, LOVE’S OWN TIME was written 20 years ago and was, according to the author, “an absolute disaster which thankfully never saw the light of day.” Since then, thanks to her agent, her editors and a very patient critique group, she’s learned some more about writing, and, thanks to her husband, a lot more about happily-ever-after..

Places to find Marissa:

Want to win a copy of this book? 1 lucky commenter (US ONLY) will win themselves a copy.

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What do you think of historicals with a paranormal twist? Love em or hate em? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 
Good Luck =)
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lucy0326 said...

I think it all depends on how well the author mixes both concepts. I love to read new historical romance that add a little twist to it and this book really fits into that :D definitely adding it to my To Read list.

Joanne said...

With historical, certain things happen in certain time periods, but with paranormals, anything can and does happen at any time. It adds a different twist to an already great book. I put this book on my wishlist. It sounds fantastic.


Anonymous said...

Don't usually like paranormal stuff, but this book sounds intriguing, Have never read Marissa before and it's always fun to find a new author! Will have to take a peek at her work.

Sue P.

Di said...

I love historicals & am trying to read more paranormal this year, plus I like variety, so sounds like a good transition for me.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

JenM said...

I like paranormals and I like historicals so it's a good mix for me, but only if it's well-integrated in the plot. Sometimes the paranormal just seems to come out of nowhere and doesn't seem like it belongs there. This book sounds good. I'd be interested to try it.

erin said...

Thanks for the great post and giveaway! I love HR and PNR so when they are combined, more for the win!!! :)

Gale Nelson said...

I love paranormal so I think this would be great. Thanks for the giveaway! Gale

SharonD said...

I haven't read a book that mixed the 2, but it sounds interesting. I love the 2 genres separately, so can't imagine not liking them blended together.
Fascinated sounds great and it's going to have to go on my tbr list for sure.

Unknown said...

I like historicals with a paranormal twist as long as they're not TOO over-the-top outrageous and unbelievable. For example, ghosts and vampires and such are fine. Those are classics. Time machines and robots from the future? Not so much.


Natasha said...

I love paranormals with a historical twist. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

i love them! i do prefer more romance tho with just a bit of paranormal. thank you!

Phoenix Carvelli said...

I love historical fiction and paranormal everything! Both together is a winning combination for me! Love it!
Add romance...awesomeness!!!

Robin said...

I like historical with a paranormal twist - very entertaining!

robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

Helene said...

I like reading historical with and without a paranormal twist. I am new to paranormal so love the way it plays in to the stories.

Maureen said...

I like historicals with a paranormal twist if it fits in the story. I think they can work well in historicals because the past seems a little bit of another world to begin with.

Melody May said...

I actually love paranormals that have a twist, because they tend to be a lot of fun read.


Lexi said...

Oh I love it! I love historical romance, it is my go to fave. But paranormal is a close second, so when the two are combined its pure gold!

bn100 said...

I like them and think it's a good idea.

Ashley said...

I think historicals with a paranormal twist is a super awesome combo! I like both on their own and together they're just as good!

lavendersbluegreen said...

Oh my goodness, LOVE them!

scarlett said...

Love some of the paranormal historical romance books. I sure would love to read your books.

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