
Guest Post with Author Lisa Renee Jones and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lisa Renee Jones. Lisa is the author of many books including the awesome Zodius series and has stopped by the blog today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Lisa lets get to know her some.

In 2003, award winning author Lisa Renee Jones sold her multi-state staffing agency and has since published over thirty novels and novellas across several genres. Her debuts with Blaze and Nocturne hit Bookscan’s Top 100 list and her Blaze Hotzone trilogy made a showing on the list in 2011 also. With a new Blaze trilogy, a short story for Spice, the third book in her Zodius series published with Sourcebooks, as well as an rapidly growing indie following, 2012 will bring many new stories to her readers. Booklist says about Jones’ suspense: “…truly sizzles with an energy similar to FBI tales with a paranormal twist by Julie Garwood or Suzanne Brockmann. Alpha, military, and paranormal romance readers will want Jones’ entire series.”

Places to find Lisa:

Ah Vegas....oh how I love you. Last weekend I went to Vegas to sign THE DANGER THAT IS DAMION from my Zodius Series. The series is based around a group of Super Soldiers created at Area 51. Hot Army men saving the world, and the women who save them:)

Vegas is a crazy place. You see people dressed crazy and acting crazy, and having fun like crazy. I love it. The fact that I rarely drink allows me to just sit back and watch the fun. In fact the one time I broke my rule about gambling and drinking on this trip I spilled the drink on the roulette table. It was a sign. No gambling and drinking.

But the best part of Vegas to me is the food! I love love love the buffets. It took me all of about an hour in the city to find my way to these:

If you go the Vegas, I highly recommend the Cosmopolitan Buffet and the Buffet at Planet Hollywood. We enjoyed them both very much. Mandalay Bay, not so much. Yes. My world revolves around food and I’m proud of it. And if you get a chance to hit Fat Burger -- YUM!

I’ll leave you with a bit about Damion AND I still have a few of the special gift bags from Vegas for sale. You get THE DANGER THAT IS DAMION and THE STORM THAT IS STERLING, a t-shirt, dog tags with trading cards, and a cute military duck for $12!

Details are HERE

And comment today and I’ll give away five copies of Renegade Passion or Wicked Werewolf Night -- winners choice

Lethally passionate, wickedly dangerous...

Renegade warrior Damion Browne is a soldier of soldiers, an enforcer of the code of honor. With ruthless precision, he calculates risks as deliberately as he does his lover's satisfaction. Now it's up to him to defeat a new generation of female Super Soldiers, including the one woman perfectly programmed to be his downfall.

His enemy...or his soul mate?

Lara Martin has never felt powerful, until she's brainwashed to destroy the one man who can help her find the answers she so desperately seeks. Alone and embroiled in lies, Lara must turn to Damion for the key to the truth...

Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in Lisa's Zodius series:
Click on the cover for more info.

Want to some goodies from Lisa? 5 lucky commenters will win themselves an eBook copy of either Renegade Passion or Wicked Werewolf Night. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment for Lisa.
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Melody May said...

Hey Lisa, I'm so glad I got a chance to read some your books, because they are good. I really do like Zodius the one book I read from it and waiting for the cool special gift bag. I hope that you do well.

Joanne said...

I really enjoyed The Legend Of Michael and some of your other books. Reading your books always takes me on an adventure I wouldn't otherwise have. Thanks for that.


Victoria said...

I'd love to win because I have Micheal and would like to continue the series :). Love to post and the yummy photo of the luscious strawberries.
Thank you.


Unknown said...

Lisa is a new to me author and WOW she has a lot of books! The ones I've read into really sound great. My favorite genre is paranormal and would love a great escape into the Wicked Werewolf Secret :)

That picture of strawberries has me drooling over here. Think I know what I'm going to be either making or buying real soon.

Thank you for the chance to win one of your works!

dragonlady 029 @ aol . com

erin said...

Thanks for the great post and giveaway! I would love to read Lisa's books b/c they are at the top of my wishlist and she comes so highly recommended :)

Gale Nelson said...

I love to read and I haven't read anything by this author yet and would love to. Thanks for the giveaway. Gale

Anonymous said...

Great Giveaway by one of my favorite authors:)

Sophia Rose said...

I travel on my stomach too. Food is definitely a highlight of any of my trips.

I have been enjoying the Zodiac series so I would definitely like to read Renegade Passion if I won the giveaway.


Lisa Renee Jones said...

Hi ladies! So great to see you here this Saturday and though I loved Vegas I'm so glad to be writing this from my favorite comfy chair at home. And so glad to hear some of you have enjoyed the Zodius series! It makes my day:)

Unknown said...

Jealous of your trip to Vegas and of those delish-looking strawberries! I just love the title Wicked Werewolf Night!


Natasha said...

Sounds like a really good series! Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

DANIELA said...

Because I haven't read any book from this series, but they sounds pretty interesting and I'd love to read one of them.

Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm said...

Would love a chance to win "Renegade Passion". I loved Damion's story and would love a chance to win the novella to see where he was introduced. Thank you.


Chrisbails said...

I love Lisa's books. I loved Sterlings and Michaels stories. Now just waiting to read Damion's story. Love the covers and her books. Thanks for the great giveaway. The strawberries look delicious. You look and sound like you had fun in Vegas, too bad about the signing and not a lot of people showing up. Thanks for the great giveaway.

books4me said...

20 years ago we took a family trip to Las Vegas and I recall the food buffets being AUCE and VERY inexpensive! Is it still cheap?

Robin said...

I haven't read any of your books but your series looks great!

robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

Julianne said...

Hi Lisa. I have not read any of your books. But I've been reading a lot about the Zodius series. I love the book covers. How did you get the idea for this series? Thanks for the chance to win.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Lisa is a new to me author that I would love read more from. I am jealous of your trip to Vegas. I love going. My husband and I hope to go again for our 20th anniversary. By then the kids should be out of the house.

donnas said...

They sound like really great stories and I am always on the lookout for new authors.

Lisa Renee Jones said...

Julianne -I use to go to Vegas several times a year and my ex was Army and most of his family (dad and 3 uncles) were Special Forces. The combination sparked the idea.

Books4me-- the buffets are expensive. $40 a person for dinner. The good ones that is. There are cheaper but you get what you pay for there. That is the one negative. They cost an arm and a leg.

Lisa Renee Jones said...

Waving Christine! Thank you:)

sienny said...

hi Lisa!!

i wish i'll be able to visit US someday. i'd love to do a culinary vacation across US, trying genuine american cuisine.

Texas Book Lover said...

I haven't read anything by this author yet...this series sounds great! Very different then anything else I have heard of. The covers are also hot!

*yadkny* said...

Can't wait to dive into your Zodius Series... they sound fantastic! Sounds like you had a great time in Vegas... never been there myself, but would like to go one day. Thanks for the giveaway!

bn100 said...

This sounds like a good series. The hero sounds very strong.

Cheryl S. said...

I have not read one of your books yet but now I definitely must do exactly that! Thank you for a great giveaway :) Have to run...going to Amazon to check them out now...Bye!

Evan Blanc said...

I can not wait to start reading your stories Lisa. I am so excited to finally get to experience your writing!!

lavendersbluegreen said...

I just love discovering a new author. That first read... sigh, I look forward to reading you!

Filia Oktarina said...

I want read this series. I have ebook #1 about Michael and want read other to. Still waiting this series and looking forward to reading you writing :)
Thanks for sharing^^
filiafantasy at gmail dot com

ChrisS said...

This is such a great series. My first read by Lisa Renee Jones was Renegade Passion and I loved it!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your release Lisa! And wow those treats yum I would love some :-D I have had my eyes on your series ever since I saw their gorgeous covers :-)

Modokker said...

Love your books. Never been to Vegas yet but i have a friend who lives there and is always saying i need to come. She's crazy busy though so it's not happening anytime soon.

Lisa B

wyndwhisper said...

Hi Lisa,
Congratulations on the release. i love the cover and the book sounds wonderful.
i lived in Vegas for a few years before 9-11 working as a travel agent. all i can say is it is a great place to visit but a tough place to live if you aren't into gambling,or tourist traps. they have lots of shows and things but the town itself is very expensive to live in. So now i just visit friends and get the fun stuff our of it. :D Every year my brother goes for NASCAR and this year i'm going with him and then of course there is the PBR, wouldn't miss out on all those cowboy's wrapped in wranglers for the world.

Tammy Ramey

ELF said...

Sorry that I didn't get a chance to drive over to Vegas and see you. I, too, plan my trips around food...I drag my hubby to all kinds of places in search of crepes! Thank you for the giveaway.

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