
Feature and Giveaway: Mine To Hold by Shayla Black

A friend’s duty.

Tyler Murphy was an LAPD detective, single and happy—until a near-fatal tragedy crippled his friend, fellow detective Eric Catalano. While he supported Eric, he also became a shoulder for Eric’s wife, Delaney, to lean on. But with one naughty suggestion from Eric, a drunken night with Delaney spilled into erotic abandon. Before it was over Tyler saw his best friend’s wife as a woman and yearned for more. When Eric struggled to deal with the aftermath, Delaney begged Tyler to leave. Crushed, he fled to Louisiana, hoping to escape his longing for the one woman he could never have again…and unaware of what he’d left behind.

A lover’s desire.

After two years of living with regret, Tyler finds Delaney on his doorstep, her husband having abandoned her long ago. She’s protecting a shocking secret and desperately needs refuge from a killer determined to see her dead. As they fight to stay alive and catch the stalker, they struggle to resolve the guilt of their past pleasures. But they can’t deny that what was once a spark is now a flame burning out of control. To possess Delaney—body and soul—Tyler must heal her pain and thwart the evil that’s a mere breath behind her…

Places to Purchase:
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Check out the other books in Shayla's Wicked Lover's series:
Click on cover for more info.

Shayla Black (aka Shelley Bradley) is the New York Times bestselling author of over 30 sizzling contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances for multiple print and electronic publishers. She lives in Texas with her husband, munchkin, and one very spoiled cat. In her "free" time, she enjoys reality TV, reading and listening to an eclectic blend of music.

Shayla has won or placed in over a dozen writing contests, including Passionate Ink's Passionate Plume, Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, and the National Reader's Choice Awards. Romantic Times has awarded her Top Picks, a KISS Hero Award and a nomination for Best Erotic Romance.

A writing risk-taker, Shayla enjoys tackling writing challenges with every book.
Places to find Shayla:
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Want to win a copy of this book? 1 lucky commenter (US ONLY) will win themselves a copy. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What is it that you love about Romantic Suspense? If you are new to the genre, please tell me why you want to read this book.
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Cindy W said...

Is something wrong with the contest??? It says it ended!

scarlett said...

The Title and cover really caught my attention. Yes, I am new to this genre and this book will provide me with countless hours of entertainment

Kerry said...

So far I have loved everything in this series, but Wicked Ties is still my most favorite :) Although your earlier work of Dangerous Boys and their Toy was a huge hit too !!

StacieD said...

Romantic Suspense is one of my favorite romance sub-genres. I love the danger element. The heroes are protective which I love. The danger and constant threats speed up the relationship of the couple.

Geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

RFTC Blog said...

Sorry about that guys, the form should be working now.

fingershankins said...

Love your books and can't wait to read! When just starting to read this genre - you were one of the authors I decided to try. Glad that I did.

Harlie Williams said...

Best series out there...Wicked Lovers. Or as I call it..Wicked Ties. *pun intended* Thanks for the giveaway.


Harlie Williams said...

Romantic suspense has always been my first love in romance. I started off with Linda Howard, Elizabeth Lovell, Jayne Ann Krantz, Karen Rose, Andrea Kane and Cherry Adair. I've expanded to more to include Debra Webb, BJ Daniels, Elle James, Julie Miller and the entire Harlequin Intrigue roster of writers. :)


Cindy W said...

I usually read this in the summer, but i want sizzle in my romantic suspense with a perfect balance of romance and suspense. I havent read your books yet but it seems like you can pull it off! I love the thought of a total tough guy protecting his woman! Kevin.cindy.w at

Chrisbails said...

I love romantic suspence. I love trying to figure out as I am reading who did it. I love being surprised when I find out. I love when I am right. Most of the time I am not right, but love when I am. I have read only one of shayla's books and loved it. Would love to win and read this one. Thanks for the giveaway.

heather said...

I'm a hopeless romantic so 90% of my books are romance but I love my suspense too. I started reading in high school, mostly Karin Slaughter. Her books were so much fun to read because it felt like you were also looking for the suspect and putting all the evidence together and the crimes were so descriptive it made me cringe. Know I make a comprimize by reading romantic suspense.

Unknown said...

I have recently discovered romantic suspense when I started beta reading. I love it. I love the plot twists, the romance elements, and the character developments.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

The Brunette Librarian said...

I love not knowing what will happen next- the idea that the bad guys lose and the good guys win. I love that! :)

brunettelibrarian AT gmail *d8t* c-m

erin said...

Thanks for the fun post and giveaway! I wasn't able to use the rafflecopter cuz it says that it's ended.

I love everything about romantic suspense. I feel like I get more invested w/ the characters b/c of the danger and the romance is deeper.

I desperately want to read Shayla's books! They come soo highly recommended!


*yadkny* said...

I am not new to Romantic Suspense, but for some reason I don't read a whole lot of it. I definitely have had my eye on Shayla's stories and would love to see what her Romantic Suspense stories are like since so many readers rave about her books... thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I like Romantic Suspense because I get rather bored with "just" romance. I like the mystery/thriller angle, and I think it really helps bring the characters together as well as test their relationship.


molly.frenzel said...

What I love about romance/suspense is both the romance and the suspense. I love to be kept on the edge of my seat, biting my nails, not able to put a book down because I'm enthralled and have to know what happens next. Romance is just an added benefit that I think makes a book well-rounded.

molly dot frenzel at gmail dot com

Melissa said...

I love Romantic Suspense! This was the genre that I started reading as a teenager ans I have been reading since. I love how you get both the romance element in parts of the book then a few chapters later you are trying to figure out the who, what, when, and why someone is doing the crime against the hero/heroine. Even though I now read other genres, I will always be a fan of Romantic Suspense.


Victoria said...

I love the art of figuring out how they're going to make it through whatever predicament they're in. Thank you so much for the great giveaway.


June M. said...

I am a romance junkie...whether contemporary, historical, suspense, paranormal, mainstream, more erotic, etc I love the stories. I guess what it is about the Romantic Suspense books that I like is the mystery, the conflict, and not knowing exactly what is going to happen. I have always loved mystery/suspense and even horror movies so I like the books too.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Natasha said...

I love that it keeps you guessing until the end and the mystery of finding out everything. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

I love them because they're two of my favorite genres combined.

Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm said...

What I love about Romantic Suspense is I get my romance fix and then I get a story that keeps me guessing and on the edge of my seat for most of the story. Plus most times our hero is an alpha male. Love my Shayla Black books. Thank you for a great giveaway.


Maria Malaveci said...

Plain and simply -- the romance!

Phoenix Carvelli said...

I was pegged a romantic by my 9th English teacher because of response on an exam. I didn't think it was a bad thing. I love romances and a good suspense, so romantic suspense Is the best of both!
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! Ms. Black's books are great!

Julianne said...

I like that an author is able to write a great romance story and keep me on the edge of my seat at the same time in wondering what is going to happen next. I love Shayla's books.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Lexi said...

How could you not want to read this book, it's by Shayla!!!
Romantic suspense, you get the tense sometimes scarry fun of a suspense made complete with some romance. And it is written by Shayla!

wyndwhisper said...

Hi Shayla,
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the cover of the book, it's gorgeous and the excerpts/blurbs i've read sound wonderful. i can hardly wait to see what happens next for these 2. :D

i think the thing i like best about romantic suspense is that it has you on the edge from the moment you pick up the book to the last page. (i've never been able to stop reading once i start one. ) LOL!

tammy ramey

lavendersbluegreen said...

Mmm Romance and Suspense together, of course I love it. Granted the hallmark of many romances is the suspenseful nature of the romance.... but with romantic suspense novels, the story becomes so thrilling! Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

Joanne said...

It's the perfect blend of romance and mystery that keeps you guessing until the end. Thanks for the giveaway.


Patricia said...

I love romantic suspense. I found Karen Rose in college and went from there. I like the romance, but there needs to be some action and suspense does that. I like Shayla's series and can't wait to read the new one.

Texas Book Lover said...

I love that romantic suspense books keep you on the edge of your seats while giving you all the hot romance at the same time!

Shadow said...

I adore this womans books. There so good! I love her romantic suspense books. She knows how to draw me in and drooling for more! Thanks for the chance to win!

Mina said...

I have been an historical romance reader for the most part...I needed a breath of fresh air to begin with. I got hooked on romantic suspence because there is more adrenaline running through the pages. Dangerous situations help h/h create a special bond between them and that promote a romantic attachment and emotional connection. Mine to will be mine, pne way or the other!

bn100 said...

I like the action and the happy ending.

Shan said...

I love romance, but sometimes the stories are a little predictable. That's where romantic suspense comes in, I get all the things I love about romance with a little edge of the seat unpredictability. Plus with Shayla you get very hot and steamy love scenes. Yum!!

Maureen said...

I like the fast pace and the tension of wondering what will happen next.

Kerry said...

I like that there is more to the story than sex :) but the sex is good!!! I love Shayla Black - and will read anything she writes!!

Anonymous said...

I've heard really great things about Shayla Blacks books. Unfortunately I haven't read any so I would LOVE to win this

Romancing the Book said...

I'll admit that romantic suspense is not my favorite. But there are some within the genre that I like. With Shyla's books, it's more the erotic elements and not so much the suspense that pull me and want me to read more.

Thanks for the contest!

YWLiang said...

I just love the romance + the action/thrill! :) Sometimes the romance just doesn't do it for me and I need something else to keep me interested, like a good mystery :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

i never read any shayla's books,,but iam interest for reading,,put it in my TBR...
but i ever read in death series by jdrobb it is romance suspence i think..i love it

ELF said...

I love romance and adding a hint of danger and a mystery always enhance the read for me. Thanks for the giveaway.

Yvette said...

I like romance suspense and am still searching for great authors.

Sebrina said...

First I have to say that I've not read any of Shayla's books yet. I guess I'm way behind the 8 ball here! lol
Romantic suspense: that says it right there yes? I will equate this w/ action movies....ask me if I'd rather watch a chick flick or action, it's action every single time! I like stuff that keeps me on my toes, even if I'm reading!
Thank you very much for the chance sweetie!!

Alex said...

For me, I love the combination of the two genres. It's something different than the regular romance book with an added element of intrigue. You never know what's going to happen next and to me, those are the best kind of books and plots.

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