
Guest Post with Author Ella Jade and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Ella Jade. Ella is currently on tour for her book Three's a Crowd and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Ella, lets get to know her a bit.

Ella Jade has been writing for as long as she can remember. As a child, she often had a notebook and pen with her and now as an adult, the laptop is never far. The plots and dialog have always played out in her head, but she never knew what to do with them. That all changed when she discovered the eBooks industry. She started penning novels at a rapid pace and now she can't be stopped.

Ella resides in New Jersey with her husband and two young boys. When she's not chasing after her kids, she's busy writing, attending PTO meetings, kickboxing and scrapbooking. She hope's you'll get lost in her words.

Places to find Ella:

Experience or Imagination?

When I tell friends, family or people who ask what I do for a living that I'm an author of erotic fiction they often seem surprised. They're always like, "Really? You write what?" The biggest question I'm asked about my chosen profession is…

Do I write from personal experience?

I'd love to say YES! My sex life is just as hot as the pages in my books. Lol I'm not saying I'm a prude or my husband is lacking anything. But I will say, I just don't have that much time in my life for that much research.

I'm a stay-at-home mom most days, a full-time writer, V.P. of the PTO and I substitute teach a few times a month. I'm a busy girl, so when it comes time to write those steamy scenes I rely heavily on my imagination. Several of my books contain BDSM themes but I don't participate in that lifestyle so I have no firsthand knowledge. I do as much research as I can but when it comes time for me to develop characters and set up the plot I just write what I define as sexy or appropriate for that particular scene. I want to stimulate the reader and have them get lost in my words. When I'm writing, I want to forget about reality for a few hours and indulge in fantasy.

Obviously, romance plays a huge part in all of my books. I like to create strapping, sexy and dominant heroes but they also have to be flawed. Character growth and redemption are always present in my novels. A good friend once told me, "Not everyone is all good, or all bad." I use those words to develop strong characters that can grow, accept change and be emotionally invested in their partners. Once I develop my characters and establish their emotional connection the rest is easy and steamy and sexy and erotic…

At the end of the day, I guess I can say I write from personal experience. Maybe not in the way most think an erotic author should, but experience none the less. I observe life, people, emotions, relationships and love. And maybe on occasion I might say to my husband, "Wanna try chapter three tonight?" ;)

Thanks so much for joining me today! If I'm a new to you author, you might want to check out my new release. It’s a perfect poolside or beach read, and at just over 3k it's a great way to get to know me ;)

Three's A Crowd is an Amazon exclusive published through Ruby Lioness Press. At $0.99, it's priced just right. Free to Prime Members!

Connor Hughes is a lucky man. Janine and Sierra, the two sexy women who live downstairs from him have invited him to watch their intimate time in the bedroom. Connor is a willing spectator, but can't believe it when Janine asks him to join in on the fun. Connor is drawn to Sierra in ways he'd never imagined. There is something very familiar about the dark-haired beauty that has him wondering why she calls to him.

When fantasy mixes with reality, Connor gives into temptation in more ways than one. Will he figure out who Sierra is to him? Can the feeling last all night?

Places to Purchase:
| Amazon

Want to win an copy of Three's a Crowd1 lucky commenter will win a copy.

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment for Ella.
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


Kerry said...

I am going to pick up Threes A Crowd - tonight!! I am excited to read it - good luck with your work.

Joanne said...

I love that the biggest question you're asked is if you write from personal experience. Like you have the time. Maybe they have the time for that or they're just jealous. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it.

fingershankins said...

Book sounds great Can't wait to read

Harlie Williams said...

You mean you're not at home eating bon bons in your designer clothes. No pool boy? :) Great insight into your writing. I will ask my hubby if he wants to recreate a scene that I have read. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. :)


Natasha said...

Sounds really good! Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!!

Juliana's World said...

Can't imagine for a busy person like you, but still your imagination runs well.Actually, to write erotic romance like BDSM if we never experience it then we have to do the research to know the style or the tools. But, still we can get the idea from some movies.

Texas Book Lover said...

Usually books go the other way and the guy ends up with two instead of one...I like that this one is different. Not that I don't enjoy the other books too!

Filia Oktarina said...

I want to read this book. It look interesting and hot cover book make me want read more!! LOL!!

bn100 said...

Nice post. The book sounds interesting.

Unknown said...

As I LOVE ménage and love triangle stories in my personal opinion Three's never a crowd ;-p LOL

Thank you for the interesting post Ella, I agree that you should write what seems sexy to you, chances are others will share your taste ;-) Three's a Crowd sounds like a wonderful read, thank you for the chance! :-)

Yvette said...

I have added this book to my summer read list! It looks great.

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