
Feature and Giveaway: No Matter What by Nancy Adams

Standing on the battlements of a 16th century Keep was the last place Gabriel Sutherland should be. Then again, being ‘shifted’ to 1503 seconds before a rocket blew his ass to bits wasn’t something he had envisioned either. Still, he was surviving the only way he knew how, as a soldier. Then Lilly arrived. Sweet, innocent Lilly. For a genetically superior soldier whose life had entailed of nothing but serving King and country, the arrival of Lilly proves too much for Gabe to ignore. For the first time in his life, Gabe can have a woman of his own and Lilly is the one.

Lilly Marten lives alone, her quiet life the result of a highly sensitive photographic memory. That changed when she arrived in the year 1503 seconds before Toronto’s popular C.N Tower came crashing down on top of her. Now she was never alone. Gabe was always near. With his unbelievably perfect features and intense green eyes, he is not a man easily ignored. Yet, uncertainty about her new life leaves Lilly with no choice but to put faith in a man she fears and whose strong physical presence causes her to desire more than just his trust.

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When McGill had walked into her room, she had convinced herself that the clues had been fake, planted to give the impression of being in the past.

She inhaled deeply, feeling her eyes burn again. It wasn’t fake. It was real—everything Gabe had told her was real. He had told her the truth, and she felt an odd sense of relief about that. But what was she going to do? She was trapped in the sixteenth century.

Tears welled up and slipped over her lids as she covered her face with her hands. A low sob escaped before she could stop it, then thick arms wrapped around her, holding her securely.


He had followed her. Again he had known she was going to bolt. He probably could have stopped her, like the other times, but he hadn’t. When he had stopped her before, had he been protecting her from the truth?

Grateful he’d followed her, even though she wasn’t used to having someone to lean on, she relaxed against him. “You let me go,” she mumbled into her hands. “You knew I was going to run, but this time you let me go.”

“Yes.” His deep voice was smooth and comforting. “I had to let you run this time. You needed to see with your own eyes that what we said was the truth.”

“You didn’t lie,” she said quietly.

“No, I didn’t lie. There would be no point. The sooner you accept the truth, the sooner you can move on.”

“Gabe?” she whispered as a sob shook her body. “I don’t know if I can…move on.”

Nancy’s addiction for a good trash novel began in her late-teens when her grandmother gave her a bag of Harlequin Romance books. She was hooked and spent the next few years lurking in the dark corners of used bookstores searching for her next fix. Until, one marriage and two kids later, her own ideas had her jumping up at 3 am (much to her husband’s annoyance) and typing them into her laptop. Beside her husband and children, Nancy has three passions, rearranging furniture, buying bed linens and, of course, writing. Nancy lives in Eastern Ontario with her family and two over sized lap dogs.

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Want to win some goodies from Nancy? Check out what's up for grabs.

Up for grabs:
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win a $20 Amazon or Total-e-Bound Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment for Nancy. 
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends June 29th.

Good Luck =)


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting Nancy today.

Nancy said...

Thanks for having me today.
Just a heads-up that I'll be on the road today but I will check in every chance I get. :-)

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. This book sounds like a winner. Can't wait to read it to see why Gabe and Lilly were "shifted" back in time. Hope they get their HEA.


books4me said...

What a great book! Time travel books are so far and few in between. Do you plan on writing more time travel books? Can't wait to read this book!

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Mina said...

Nancy, I love the characters combinatipn you chose for NMW, him strong alpha, her sweet and innocent. Simply my favorite! Congratulations on your new release and thank you for the giveaway!

Alex said...

This seems like such a fun giveaway! Can't wait to see what other people's comments will look like. I've never read any of her books but for me, that's the purpose of these giveaways.

sherri said...

Nancy - I laughed when I read how your grandmother gave you a bag of Harlequin Romance books when you were a teenager. My grandmother gave me a stack of Agatha Christie novels when I was around 15. I loved the archaeological aspect of some of her novels. Probably one of my favorite books was, Death on the Nile. It's amazing how much our grandmothers influenced us. :)

I can't wait to read your book, No Matter What. I'm wishing you the best on your book tour. I have a feeling it will be a huge success!


Rebecca Hipworth said...

Thanks for the giveaway. :)
I'm looking forward to reading this.

April Alvey said...

What A Great Book I Cant Wait To read It. Looking Forward To It.

MomJane said...

I love time travel stories. It makes me want to be able to do it too. This story sounds really good.

Nancy said...

Thanx Joanne! I would love to hear what you think.

Nancy said...

My fave is historial but I enjoy time travel. As a matter of fact I have two more books in the works. :-)

Nancy said...

Thanx Mina. Good luck!

Nancy said...

I can't wait either. This is all new to me, but I sure am enjoying my self!

Nancy said...

Oh you're lucky. I was never allowed to touch Aggie! Guess that meant I got the casts off. Lol!
Thanks Sherri!

Nancy said...

Good luck Rebecca!

Nancy said...


Nancy said...

Ha! Me too! Man, I love that I'm not the only one with an active imagination.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the release...the excerpt looks lovely!


Nancy said...

Thanks so much!

bn100 said...

Congratulations on the book! I enjoyed the excerpt.


Mary Preston said...

I'm very excited about NO MATTER WHEN. Loved the excerpt.


Cayce said...

I like books set in Canada, and No Matter What sounds like a great read.

cayce006 at yahoo dot com

Chelsea B. said...

This book sounds so great! Thank you for sharing! :-)


Liss Martz said...

Wow that was a great excerpt! I just need mooore!!

Lissette_125 at hotmail dot com

Erin said...

I love this book cover and the excerpt was wonderful - quite a teaser! Would love to read this book!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

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