
The Sunshine Award=Totally Awesome!

Thank you so very much to Melanie of bookworm2bookworm blog for nominating RFTC for this award. That was completely unexpected and I am beyond flattered. This blog would be nothing without the support from all you bloggers and authors out there. Thanks for making my day. =)

Here’s what we’re supposed to do:
  • Include the award’s logo in a post on your blog 
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself
  • Nominate other bloggers 
  • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you

My Q & A:

My favorite color: Blue
My favorite animal: anything cute and cuddly
My favorite number: 3
My favorite drink: Iced Tea
Facebook or Twitter: Both, though I am on Facebook more.
My passion: Books
Prefer giving or getting presents: I won't lie, I love presents but it's just so satisfying to give someone else something. To see the joy on their face when they open their gift is the best.
My favorite pattern: I love polka dots, does that count?
My favorite day of the week: Any day that I get to spend with my boyfriend.
My favorite flower: I don't have one. Maybe orchids or lily's?

Here are some of the awesome chicks that I think deserve this award too!

Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance - What can I say about these chicks? I <3 them, they make me laugh, I can talk to them for hours about absolutely nothing and whenever I need a favor they are there no questions asked. It also doesn't hurt that they are always sharing NSFW man candy pics! For reals though, Kati and Jamie rock my socks and their blog rules!

Smexy Books - I love this blog. My day would not be complete without my daily visit. I love that they review all types of romance books and seem to have a blast doing it. The girls at Smexy Books have a great sense of humor and Smexy's Top Ten is one of favorite things about Fridays.

Hanging with Bells - Oh Bells! Bells is one of the best bloggers I know. She's kind, hilarious and she will tell you like it is. There is no beating around the bush with her and I love that. Her blog is a mash-up of great reviews, guest posts, and interviews. One thing that I love most about her blog is that she doesn't discriminate.  She shows the love to all romance books.

SOS Aloha - There aren't enough words to describe my love for Kim. Kim is the sweetest, most giving person I have ever met. Kim's reviews are always honest and kind and her guest posts always have a throw back to some sort of military or Hawaiian fact.

Thanks again for all of the support everyone! =)


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