
Feature and Giveaway: Tell It To The Marine by Heather Long

PFC James Westwood wasn't a typical Marine. A clinical psychologist who devotes time to his brothers by working at Mike’s Place, James recognizes that his band of brothers need a helping hand on their journey home. When Captain Dexter encouraged everyone to sign up for the 1Night Stand dating service, Westwood committed himself, what did he have to lose?

The last thing he expected was screen goddess Lauren Kincaid.

Movie star Lauren Kincaid grew up splitting her time between the cold reality of the Hollywood scene and her family home in Plano, Texas After two decades of artificial friendships and inflated egos, her greatest desire is to meet a real man, not a Hollywood talking head. Her agent suggested the 1Night Stand service for its discretion and exclusivity. When she arranged to meet her date at Dallas' famed Sybarite Club, she wasn't sure what she was expecting, but the gorgeous psychologist with rapier wit blew her expectations away.

Everyone needs someone to hear them.

James and Lauren share an unmistakable connection, but when one of James’ patients suffers a crisis, Lauren more than proves her mettle. Can one night turn into happily ever after for this Marine and his movie star?

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“Your party is this way, sir.” She beckoned him down the red-carpeted steps into the lounge proper and he followed her path through the club to a booth in the back. Acclimating to the low lighting, he saw a slender feminine arm extend from the right side of the booth until a red-nailed hand cradled a wine glass.

A curl of excitement twisted in his gut. He'd planned to keep this low key, but the club, the music and the atmosphere teased his anticipation. The waitress halted with a sweep of her arm to allow him to precede her.

“Can I get you anything, Mr. Westwood?”

“Soda water with lime, please.” He preferred to keep his wits about him. “And bottle of whatever the lady is having.” If they were going to have a dinner, the least he could do was provide her with her preferred wine.

“Of course.”

Free of the waitress' distraction he turned back to the booth. His fingertips rested against the table as the golden-haired goddess looked up at him. Sea-blue eyes seemed to catch every drop of light in the room and reflect it in shimmering azure as she rose to offer him her hand.

“James?” Milk and honey flowed through her voice and his spine straightened, his cock already jerking into a salute. “I'm…”

“Lauren Kincaid.” He could only hope he wasn't drooling like a lovesick fool. Lauren Kincaid, a goddess of the silver screen, was his one night stand?

Her laughter, low and throaty, dragged his open mouth into a smile. Shaking off his shock, he took her extended hand and shook it carefully. Her slender fingers seemed totally engulfed by his and he didn't want to squeeze her with excitement.

“It's a pleasure to meet you.”

“Ma'am, you have no idea.” His date was Lauren Kincaid. The only chick flick star he would pay money to see with or without a date.

Check out the other books in Heather's Always a Marine series:
Click on cover for more info.

Heather Long lives in Texas with her family and their menagerie of animals. As a child, Heather skipped picture books and enjoyed the Harlequin romance novels by Penny Jordan and Nora Roberts that her grandmother read to her. Heather believes that laughter is as important to life as breathing and that the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus are very real. In the meanwhile, she is hard at work on her next novel.
Places to find Heather:
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Want to win some goodies from Heather? Check out what's up for grab.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What do you love about Military heroes?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Joanne said...

This book, this series sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it.


Anonymous said...

The Uniform:)

Unknown said...

I love their sense of loyalty, duty, that they are responsible, reliable and their integrity makes them so powerful. Irresistible heroes :-)

Thank you for the chance, I would love to read and review Heather's books! :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Betty Hamilton said...

I think militay men are very morale. They have a sense of loyalty and responsibility to those around them. Its awesome.

heather said...

You can always expect some action, there will most likely be a damsel in distress and military men are built and sexy!

erin said...

Thanks for the great excerpt and giveaway!

I like military heroes b/c they are more focused and serious. They have purpose and integrity. And since they are military guys, it's a lot more believable that they are so buff!

Cathy M said...

They are all alpha heroes, which I love, they are physically and mentally strong, show honor and committment, are part of a brotherhood that transends friendship, and in a sexy romance story, are always good for some sparkage and fireworks.

Unknown said...

LOL..I'm not sure there isn't anything to love about military heroes!!! ;) Brave, strong, sexy, committed, intense, loyal, protective and they wear a uniform!!! ;)
Thanks for the chance to win. Love these covers!!

StacieD said...

I love their honor code and bravery. They are great protective heroes. Thanks for the giveaway!

geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

Cathy P said...

I love everything about them: honor, integrity, loyalty, compassion, the way they look in uniform, and the fact that they are putting their lives on the line for us at home and putting their lives on hold. I always love a good romance story involving a military hero.

Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Natasha said...

I love that they are brave, strong, and have honor. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sophia Rose said...

I love how they are already heroes just for serving and then there is that fit body and looking handsome in uniform. ;D

I'd love to read any of the books in your series. Thanks for sharing the excerpt and for the giveaway opportunity.

April Alvey said...

Wow I Havent read the Series Yet and I Would Love This One. Great Giveaway.

Mary Preston said...

Military heroes are intelligent, loyal & you have to love a man in uniform.

Unknown said...

Military heroes are the best. I love their swagger and ultra male attitude. I love the uniform.

books4me said...

Military heroes are strong, serious, moody, hard-to-read, controlling, well-built men who love hard...what's not to love?!

Julianne said...

What's not to love? I love their devotion to country and others, confidence, a sense of duty, honesty, loyalty, hard working, and they wear a uniform. Gotta love a man in uniform.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

coz they are strong, inteligent, loyalti and care,,and i love the uniform..

icha09 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I fill the rafflecopter as Aretha zhen please count me in! I love them because they are strong and tough, ArethazhenATrocketmailDOTCOM

JackieW said...

I"m sure Marines are great guys....I have dated Air Force guys since I grew up near an air base and they were in uniforms just have a sexiness unlike other guys. Who doesn't love the scene of Denzel walking down the stairs in his white uniform at the end of Crimson Tide? ummm
JFWisherd at aol dot com

Amber said...

Wow, this sounds great!

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