
Guest Post with Authors Clark Hays and Kathleen McFall and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome authors Clark Hays and Kathleen McFall. Both are writers of the book Blood and Whiskey and currently are on tour celebrating its recent release. Both are here today to chat about their book. Before I give the floor over, lets get to know them a bit.

Clark Hays grew up in Montana in the shadow of the Tobacco Root Mountains. In addition to his fiction work, he is a cowboy, a published poet and occasional food critic. Recently, he was nominated for Pushcart Prize for short fiction and not so recently for a Rhysling award for poetry. Clark brings a deep knowledge about the modern west, weaponry, country music and existentialism to his writing.

Kathleen McFall grew up in the heart of Washington, D.C. She worked as a petroleum geologist and, later, as a journalist, and has published hundreds of articles about scientific research, energy and natural resources. An interest in the overlap of science and mysticism are an essential aspect of her fiction writing. She received an Oregon Literary Arts Fellowship for fiction writing.

Places to find Clark and Kathleen:

Self-Inflicted Research
My one and (hopefully) only experience getting shot
By Clark Hays (with a lot of help from Kathleen)

In Blood and Whiskey, the second book in The Cowboy and Vampire Thriller Series, there’s plenty of action. Since cowboys are involved, some of that action involves guns (along with romance and cowboy-on-vampire lust, of course).

But back to the guns. When we write about gunfights, I draw from my past. A former Montana cowboy, I did my share of shooting: targets, fence posts, pop cans, gophers (sorry gophers); I burned through a lot of ammo in those days. And while that’s probably not unique in cowboy country, I can draw from a less common experience for our writing: I’ve been on the receiving end of a six shooter.

A funny thing happened on the way to the prom

I was a junior in high school, Mom and Dad were gone for the weekend and I had a date for the prom. I’d rented a lovely sky blue tuxedo (it was the last one in the store that fit me, size doofus) and I had reservations at the nicest (only) steak house in nearby Butte, Montana.

Before all the festivities began, I took a walk in my 2,000-acre backyard and of course, strapped on a pistol first — a Ruger Blackhawk .44 mag. This was Montana, after all.

I was running down a canyon looking for coyotes to shoot at (not that I could have hit one) when I heard a terrible roar and felt an ugly tug on my leg. I looked down to see a gleaming flash of bone winking out of a gash along my knee, and my calf was scorched and blackened with powder burns. The bone wasn’t visible for long because blood began gushing down my leg, plus my vision got blurry.

The holster I was wearing broke and the gun tumbled out, landed hammer down on a rock and — it was an older model without a hammer guard — ignited the primer and sent a .44 caliber slug slicing alongside my leg. Another quarter of an inch and the bullet would have punched through my knee and I would have bled to death alone in the mountains. And missed the prom.

After the initial shock of just how close I’d come to a terminal mistake, I wrapped a bandana around my leg and hobbled home (after first unloading the stupid gun). I bandaged the wound, disposed of all the evidence and went to the prom.

I don’t remember much about the dance — pretty sure they played Stairway to Heaven — but I remember those sky blue pants had a bloodstain all down one leg by the end of the night. I dropped them off the next morning at the menswear store and never said a word.

Seriously: Do NOT try this at home, or anywhere

I am a big fan of authentic writing, but I cannot recommend taking research to this extreme. Guns are serious business and we treat them like that in our books. Tucker and his friends, like most folks in the west, see guns as tools and don’t invest them with any glorified movie fantasies. Of course, most folks aren’t dealing with bloodthirsty vampires. The undead are almost as scary as a sky blue tuxedo!

Wanted: Lizzie Vaughan, Dead or Alive

Relationships are always hard, but for a broke cowboy and a newly turned Vampire, true love may be lethal.

After barely surviving an undead apocalypse in The Cowboy and the Vampire, Tucker and Lizzie hightail it back to quirky LonePine, Wyoming (population 438), to start a family. But she’s got a growing thirst for blood and he’s realizing that mortality ain’t all it’s cracked up to be when your girlfriend may live forever. With a scheming Vampire nation hot on their boot heels and a price on her head, how far will Lizzie and Tucker go to protect their unlikely love?

Blending evolution, religion and an overly sensitive cow dog named Rex, Blood and Whiskey drags the Vampire myth into the modern west, delivering double-barreled action, heart-pounding passion and wicked humor.
Places to Purchase:
| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Check out the other book in the The Cowboy and Vampire Thriller Series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win some goodies from Clark and Kathleen? Check out what's up for grab.

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Good Luck =)
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JOYE said...

Enjoyed reading your comments today...your gun experience reminded me that my dad , who was an avid hunter, insisted on my sister and I learning proper gun handling so when we were in high school we had to take an NRA gun shooting course....we were the only girls on the line..the only times we put the learnings to use was in some skeet shooting....haven't held a gun since...but I sure know how to use one. Your book sounds interesitng...who knew...vampires and cowboys together.

JOYE said...

I forgot my addy is

The Cowboy and Vampire said...

Thanks so much for having us on your site today. I hope your readers don't find this story too terrifying ... the thought of young Clark in a sky-blue tux is pretty grim.

Natasha said...

Sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!

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