
ARC Review: Melt Into You by Roni Loren

A book has to be really special to keep me up all night, and this book my friends is it. I was actually mad when I had to go to work(after staying up all night with no sleep) because I wanted to know what was going to happen. I loved this book but I will be honest I did have a few issues with it but the book was just so good I honestly don't care.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Jace and Evan. It was deep and emotional and at times painful. These two have been through hell and back and I enjoyed seeing them finally forget everything and everyone else and come together. These two were explosive and the love and lust between the two is electric. Now throw in Andre and it's damn near explosive. The scenes with the three of them are hot!

My issue is with the book is the love relationship between Andre, Jace and Evan. While I understand that all parties love each other and I do believe that they do, it's just hard for me to believe that everyone loves one another equally and want to be in a relationship permanently. It's just hard for me to believe that at some point someone won't feel left out. Also, the whole book flip flops between Evan and Jace's pov with the exception of one scene. Maybe if I would have been shown more from Andre's point of view I would have believed in the love and the relationship between everyone more. Instead, I'm left rooting for Evan and Jace to get the HEA that they so deserve. 

Don't get me wrong, this book was sooo good and I am definitely adding Roni Loren to my must read list. I just would have liked a different outcome. 



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