
Interview with Author Tamaria Soana and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Tamaria Soana. Tamaria is currently on tour for her book Tropical Cougar and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before we chat with Tamaria, lets get to know her a bit.

Tamaria Soana is middle aged, but just feels like her life has begun. She resides in Western New York. Cuddling up with a good book under an electric throw has always been her way to escape the cold Buffalo nights. Growing up she always loved to write, mainly short stories and poetry. She's married with two beautiful young girls and one very spoiled lab mix.

Places to find Tamaria:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you? 
I’m 40 years old, married, and have two girls 7 and 3.

Did you always want to be a writer? 
No. I always loved to read. The writing just kind of happened. I have an overactive imagination.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter? 

Where do your ideas come from? 
Everywhere. Tropical Cougar came from wanting to write an older woman, younger man fling.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less. 
Seth escapes to Jamaica in hopes to leave his past behind and start fresh. What he didn't expect was to fall for an enchanting older woman.

Out of any of your books, which one would you like to be a character in? And why?
LOL. Maybe Sylvia in Tropical Cougar, she is 45 and I’m 40 and who wouldn’t want a hot steamy affair with a younger hot man.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read? 
Erotica, lately I’m reading a lot of paranormal.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Oh my. I have many. To many to list.

Have you ever fallen for another author's hero? 
If so, who and why? Not really. I’m in love with all of mine.

Describe the characteristics that make up your perfect hero. 
Hot, loyal, honorable, with a naughty edge. ;)

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write? 
The sex scenes.

If you could have dinner with any three book characters, who would you choose and why? 
Christian Grey, Carlisle Cullen, and ?. There are so many I’ll leave the space open because it changes daily.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why? 
Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts, and Ella Jade.

What do you like to do in your free time?
LOL! What is free time? I’m a mom of two young girls.

Favorite movie? 

Favorite song? 
I LOVE all 80’s music, so picking a favorite would be hard.

Favorite color? 

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Yes. Sweet Dreams. The inspiration for this short sext story came from the song Sweet Dream by Beyoncé.

Will one night with an older woman change everything?

After finding the love of his life in bed with someone else, twenty-six-year-old Seth Reynolds wanted a fresh start and found it in Jamaica. Being a bartender at one of the island's exclusive resorts has its perks...not the least of them being a very sexy, older woman: Sylvia Radcliff. While she's determined to celebrate her forty-fifth birthday, Seth is equally determined to seduce the most enchanting woman he’s ever met.

Places to Purchase:
| Amazon

Seth woke to the smell of eggs and coffee. Sylvia had ordered them breakfast.

"Get up, sleepyhead, breakfast is here," she said, crawling up his naked body.

"I would rather have you for breakfast, but you have a robe on."

"I couldn't answer the door naked, could I?"

"No, I guess not," he whispered, reaching to tug on the belt of her robe.

"The food will get cold," she replied as she playfully pushed him away.

Seth let out a laugh. "I don't care. I just need a taste. I'll make it quick; just trust me," he said as he hovered over her. He looked into her blue eyes and smiled when she nodded, giving him all the incentive he needed. He leaned down and kissed her lips before traveling down her body.

He took each nipple in his mouth and sucked hard before he pushed her legs apart, and his tongue found heaven "Mmmm, you taste so sweet." He moaned into her warm flesh.

Want to win a copy of this book? 1 lucky commenter will win a copy. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Tamaria.
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. Is this book a stand-alone or will it be a series? Tropical Cougar sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it.


Tamaria Soana said...

Thanks! I'm currently writing the sequel Big City Cougar!

ella jade said...

Congrats on the release. It's such a steamy read;) Thanks for putting me in such high company... Nora AND Danielle. lol I'm flattered. We'll figure out a way to have that dinner;)

Krystal Shannan said...

Great interview! I'm right there with you on not having any free time. I have a two-year-old daughter. Wow! Time flies and I only have one.

Carin said...

Tamaria being 40 myself (shutter) I am getting into the cougar novels, What do you think is the youngest "older woman" you would write? I don't feel old at 40 lol but I know at 20 I thought 40 was ancient.

erin said...

Thanks for a fun post and giveaway! Congrats on the new release! This is the first I've heard about this book and I'm definitely going to be adding it to my wishlist :)

Tamaria Soana said...

Thanks Krystal for stopping by!

Tamaria Soana said...

I have a short story called At Sunset coming out on Saturday. Kim is 20! I loved writing that one. I'm also writing a teen series that I'll be penning under Tara Len Walker.

Tamaria Soana said...

Thanks for stopping by Erin! I hope you enjoy it. I'm writing a sequel called Big City Cougar.

Tamaria Soana said...

Thanks for stopping by Ella! We do need to get together!

wyndwhisper said...

Hi Tamaria,
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the cover, it's gorgeous and the book sounds wonderful.
did you design the cover yourself?

tammy ramey

Tamaria Soana said...

No the publisher did. I'm self-Pubbing the Sequel Big City Cougar and that cover I did Design! BCC should be available the end of September.

Natasha said...

Sounds really good! Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!

ParanormalRomanceFan said...

Hello Tamaria,

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to stop at this Great Blog, Ramblings From This Chick,along your new release Book Tour at Tamaria for "Tropical Cougar". Thank you for the sneak peak, the excerpt was great & your Cover Art LQQk so Eye-Catching & Sensual.

I would very much appreciate the opportunity to be considered in your very generous giveaway.

Take Care & Stay Naughty,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

Tamaria Soana said...

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.

Julianne said...

Congrats on the release of your book Tamaria. What a great interview, thanks for sharing. What do you like to do to relax?
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Kerry said...

Love the excerpt and certainly want to read it! Great interview!

kerryjcj AT verizon DOT net

Tamaria Soana said...

To relax... I read! It's my always been my escape!

Tamaria Soana said...

Thank you so much Kerry for stopping by!

bn100 said...

Very fun interview. This sounds like an intriguing book.

Tamaria Soana said...

Congrats Joanne B. I just gifted you a copy through Amazon!

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