
ARC Review: Reflected in You by Sylvia Day

Wow. I am completely wrecked and at such a loss for words. Sylvia Day has rocked my world with Reflected in You and I honestly don't know where to go from here. My heart is beating fast as I wipe the tears from my eyes. Words just can't express how I feel. When I say that this book is amazing, I mean it. It was a roller coaster ride and is definitely not for the feint of heart.

If you have read the previous book in the Crossfire trilogy, Bared to You, you know that the relationship between Gideon and Eva is tumultuous and intense. The both love each other so fiercely, yet both have so much damage and insecurities that they have to wade through. Reflections in You picks up directly where Bared to You left off and with it we are still on the emotional roller coaster that is Eva and Gideon. Both are still working towards being together despite their dark and damaged pasts.

There are so many ups and downs with the two that sometimes it might feel a bit much but it makes complete sense for these two characters. When I say they are effed up, they are seriously effed up. Both are just trying the best they can. They are constantly being thrown one obstacle after another and and you as the reader are waiting to see if this is the thing that will finally break them. 

The way these two feel for each other as well as the way the react to one another is electrifying. It jumps off the page and slaps you in the face. It makes you root for them and as a reader you wish desperately for them to get their well deserved HEA. I found myself gripping the edge of my seat with worry for these two. I believe in their love for each other and I find that I will follow these two anywhere their relationship takes me.

Sylvia Day has another winner with Reflected in You. She just has a way of implanting you into this story and making it feel so raw and real. Not only does it feel real, but I'm left with such an intense desire for more. January can't come soon enough for me. I am desperate for more Gideon and Eva and I can't wait for what I am sure will be an exciting conclusion to the Crossfire series.

**ARC copy provided by Edelweiss and NetGalley**

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redzsm said...

Ahhhh! You're killing me! It sounds so fantastic! Only a few more days....i can wait...i can do this. Ahhh!!

Great review! I bet it was hard not to give away spoilers. After i read BTY, I wanted to tell everyone about it. Ah, I love them :)

Only a few more days,
-Selena Mc

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