
Guest Post with Author Eliza Knight and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Eliza Knight. Eliza is celebrating the release of her newest book A Highlander's Conquest and has stopped by to share some goodies from her new book. Before we get to the goodies, let's get to know Eliza some.

Eliza Knight is the multi-published, award-winning, Amazon best-selling author of sizzling historical romance and erotic romance. While not reading, writing or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing…) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping and visiting with family and friends. She lives atop a small mountain, and enjoys cold winter nights when she can curl up in front of a roaring fire with her own knight in shining armor.

Places to find Eliza:

Thanks so much Danielle for hosting me today!

I am excited to chat with all you readers about the second book in my Stolen Bride series, The Highlander’s Conquest – and if you leave a comment (see my question below!), you’ll be entered for a chance to win an ebook copy that I’m giving away today!

Each book in the Stolen Brides series is packed with adventure, romance, sensuality, a bit of humor and of course a hot, Highland hero who will make you swoon and a heroine we’d all love to trade places with.

I thought for today’s post, I’d give you Blane Sutherland’s and Aliah de Mowbray’s stats! There are a lot of obstacles standing in their way… Let the sparks fly!

Hero: Blane Sutherland
Occupation: Warrior and Master of Disguise
Height: 6’5
Body type: Brawny
Hair: Black
Eyes: Meadow green
Likes: Whisky, women, warring and making love
Dislikes: Traitors, English

Heroine: Aliah de Mowbray
Occupation: Currently a Lady and soon to be Nun
Height: 5’6
Body type: lithe, trim
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Dark blue
Likes: The church, archery, dogs, baths and being in charge
Dislikes: Marriage, being uninformed, Highlanders

What makes you fall in love with a hero?

What is a Highlander to do when he falls for the daughter of his enemy?

Highland warrior, Blane Sutherland, has one mission: disguise himself as an Englishman, cross the border and retrieve Lady Aliah de Mowbray. Always up for a challenge, he agrees, pursuing his conquest with vigor—and trying to deny the powerful desire that eclipses him each time he touches his charge. A rogue of the highest order and a younger son, he has nothing to offer a lady but a broken heart.

And what is a lady to do when she cannot trust her heart?

Aliah is skeptical of the English noble who has come to take her to her father and sister in Scotland, but she pushes her doubts aside. Without word in months, she must make certain her family is safe, then she can return to England to join the convent to which she has sworn to pledge her life. But then her escort reveals his true self—he’s a Highlander and his kisses are more seductive than the sweetest of wines.

Surrender never tasted so sweet…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |
From Chapter One — Copyright 2012 © Eliza Knight

Late Fall
Northern England, 1297

A violent banging at the manor door startled Aliah from her studies and set Frosty, the family’s monstrous Irish wolfhound, to barking ferociously. Aliah jerked backward against the oak chair she sat in, hitting her head against the ancient wood and stifling a harsh word beneath her breath.

Her father, Baron de Mowbray, had left a small contingent of men to protect her while he escorted her older sister Arbella to her bridegroom in Scotland. These men would fight to keep her safe until their very last breaths.

But who was to say they hadn’t already taken that last shuddering inhale?

Aliah glanced around the room, filled with memories, but not with people. Today, her maid Glenda was her only companion. Well, Frosty as well—who in fact was a far superior protector than her maid. Swallowing her fear, she rubbed the ache from the back of her head and squared her shoulders. Strength. That was what she needed, even if the sound of someone knocking made her want to run to the opposite end of the manor and hide.

Her father should have returned a month ago. The only news she’d managed to garner was that a battle took place at Stirling Bridge in Scotland—the very place her sister was to marry.

Had the battle now come to her own door?

Aliah jumped as a strong fist once again slammed the door.

“Glenda, would you answer the door?” Aliah asked.

’Twas Saturday morning and most of the servants had gone to tend family or to enjoy themselves in whatever way they did, leaving Aliah quite alone—and at the mercy of whoever stood outside her door. Could they have dispensed of her father’s guards so quickly?

Glenda, afraid of her own shadow, started to shake her head, but Aliah gave her a stern look. The woman had been driving her mad since she was a babe and ever since Arbella left, Aliah had little patience for the older woman’s nonsense.

Aliah set down the book of Gaelic she’d been studying—she was determined to learn the language because she secretly believed the Scots would soon invade. Understanding their barbaric conversations was crucial. Aliah smoothed her gown and stood tall.

Glenda scurried toward the door, Frosty a foot ahead of her.

Aliah tried to find comfort in the fact that perhaps the guards had allowed whoever came knocking through the manor gates. She’d heard no clanging of metal or yells of pain. Aye, the only conclusion that made sense was, they were not enemies, but friends.

She could use a good friend. The comfort of someone she knew. Aliah frowned. She had few friends, and seldom was it that they dropped by.

So who had the audacity to practically beat down her door?

“Wait!” Aliah shouted just as Glenda touched the wooden plank barring the door.

She hurried to retrieve her bow and an arrow from beneath her chair. As swiftly as possible, she cocked an arrow and aimed it at the door. Taking a deep breath, she nodded for her maid to open it. If her father’s enemies dared to come after her, they were in for a big surprise, she wouldn’t surrender so easily.

An interminable amount of time seemed to pass before the door was fully open. Aliah stepped back, speechless. Standing before her was the most staggeringly handsome man she’d ever seen—and he was quite alone. Frosty growled for only a moment, quickly silenced by a motion the stranger made with his hand. What? How had he done that? Aliah struggled to keep her mouth from falling open at the man’s effortless command of the dog. The animal had favored her sister, but since Arbella had left, Frosty refused to leave Aliah’s side.

She felt a certain amount of betrayal at Frosty’s easy acceptance of this stranger. Who in the name of God was he? And why didn’t one of her father’s men escort him? She’d have to speak with them about that later.

The visitor wore an intriguing cap of deep burgundy, a dark feather jutting from the side, held on by some sort of medallion. A thick black wool cloak lay open to reveal a matching tunic, and leather studded armor. White hose outlined the shape of his legs in a way that drew her eyes from his intense dark green gaze. His boots were made of soft, expensive-looking leather, and the gilded belt at his waist held a gleaming, sharp sword that was hard to miss.

Aliah allowed her gaze to travel over the length and breadth of his solid form, before getting ahold of herself.

“Will you shoot me, my lady?” His voice was deep, raspy, and stroked along the ends of her nerves in a way that made her want to run away and kiss him at the same time.

Click on cover for more info.

1 lucky commenter will win a copy of  The Highlander's Conquest

To Enter:
  • Please answer Eliza's question:  What makes you fall in love with a hero?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Hi Eliza! Let's see... There are so many things that make me fall in love with a hero! Good looks, fiery personality, and passion rank highest. Even if the hero has a bad personality to start with, I can fall in love with him as he changes.

Your books sound amazing. I first fell in love with highlanders reading Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. I'll be adding your name to my TBR list.

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you :) I LOVE the Outlander series... LOVE!

Passion is key, fire and looks/brawn are key!

Sarah said...

Hi Eliza! Wonderful post!

What makes me fall in love with a hero is a man that knows his limits but will push those limits for the good or to save the woman he loves. A man can be hard and tuff but if he can be soft and gentle also, that's even better. Specially if it surprises him when he does it!

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. What makes me fall in love with a hero is his personality, the way he carries himself, his sense of humor, and the way he treats the heroine.

Kira Decker said...

I fall for the hero who struggles through adversity with a fiery personality and a sarcastic outlook to hide his softer side. When that hidden tenderness shines through to protect his love..*swoon

Can't wait to read this.

erin said...

thanks for the great excerpt and congrats to Eliza on the release! I think I fall in love the w/ Hero as he's falling in love w/ the heroine :) The things that he does for her, the realizations that he loves her, the "do whatever it takes to protect her" moves... all makes me sigh happily :)

wanda f said...

I love a hero's honesty ,integrety and loyalty .The passion he has for his beliefs and his woman.Highlanders are one ofm y favorite kinds of hero cause they not only have those attributes but they have the accent and the kilt yum yum yum.

Cassandra said...

I would say his bravery, compassion, love for at least his woman, his knowledge that he will do whatever it takes to either make things right or protect those he loves, and an awesome body is always a plus ;)

Mina said...

Broad shoulders, strong arms, expert hands, a mouth ready to smile and kiss, a lion heart and a compassionate nature.

Lona said...

Sounds like a great book, Loved the blurb and cover, very yummy.

Booklover Sue said...

Congrats on the release!! There are so many qualities that make me fall in love with a hero: honesty, compassion, alpha quality, determination, strength, and protective nature!

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Great post, Eliza! Thanks for the chance to win.


NoraA said...

She'd have to be tall, and built like Xena, or Diana the Goddess of the Hunt. I love strong women.

I love getting these books and surprising my Southern Belle Daughter in Law with them as a gift. It means my son will live at least another day. LOL


Callie said...

Hi Eliza,

As you know, I LOVED The Highlander's Conquest, and Blane was drooling HOT. Best of luck with it. Can't wait for book #3.

Barbara E. said...

I fall in love with a hero through his actions and his personality and of course, it never hurts if he's hot and wearing a kilt. :D

kmannrn said...

I think it is the actions he takes to make the heroine fall in love with him or to watch him try and not fall in love with the heroine that makes me love him.

justpeachy36 said...

I like brooding heroes that have something to prove or to redeem themselves from. I also like a hero who has a lot of responsibility and a good sense of character and Highlanders are simply the best heroes.

Jeanne M said...

Hi Eliza!

I love a hero who challenges the heroine to understand the man hidden inside and see the "real" person not the one he projects to the world.

I want him to be a fighter on the outside for his country and those he protects but on the inside is just waiting for the right woman to let him show the love and compassion he has hidden hidden from others.

Linda said...

I need to have to be able to connect the the hero as well as the heroine. Can't leave the heroine out of it. Their chemistry is what makes it the story. I love best the honorable hero who tries to always do what he thinks it right but who melts when faces with his feelings for the heroine.

Maureen said...

A hero has to show me that he is crazy about the heroine and will do anything for her. Also he has to have a sense of humor.

Cris said...

Congrats on the release!

There are may things about heroes, but I'm primarily a personality kind of girl-- if he's a total wanker, I don't care how perfect he is in other ways! :)

bn100 said...

I'd say his personality.

Filia Oktarina said...

I will say his charateristic and personally.

pc said...

I love a hero who is both courageous and compassionate.

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you :)

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you! Yes, the kilt it key :) lol

Eliza Knight said...

Love a lion heart! Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you! lol on the DIL :)

Eliza Knight said...

Thanks so much!

Eliza Knight said...

lol, thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

oh yes! Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you :)

Eliza Knight said...

Agreed! Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you!

Eliza Knight said...

Thank you!

Lona said...

I like the sarcastic, naughty ones. Thx for giveaway, sounds like a great series. I look forward to reading it.

blinkysthebest at aol dot com

sheryl said...

The thing I love most about a hero is when he is strong and honorable. He also has to be passionate and protective of the heroine.

Queen of Books Sue said...

There are many kinds of heroes like firemen, policeman and teachers. They make the world a better place.

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